Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 347 - Cooperation

Chapter 347 - Cooperation

"Frederick Clarke, you are under arrest," Ryder announced with a smile that was cold and bone chilling. He did not give the scoundrel any opportunity to speak anything and dragged him out of the room by his collar. The President had given the power to deal with the man however they wanted and he would do things his way now.

Handing over Frederick to the police was the last thing he had in mind. Although there was enough evidence against him, there were still chances of him coming out on bail. So, the three friends and the President had discussed the issue and had decided to keep in one of the interrogation cells in the Intelligence. They would find all possible proofs and evidences against the man and file a case directly in the court. This way, Frederick would not have any chance to escape from his long due punishments.

Ryder and Preston forced Frederick to cooperate with them and pulled him out of the room, while Luis and Valarie followed behind. They knew that once they left the room, the issue would blow up and everybody in the building would find out about it. They had no intentions of hiding it either and why would they when the man was guilty of so many people's deaths?

As soon as Ryder and Preston came outside, dragging Frederick Clarke behind them, the entire office stopped what they were doing and stared at the scene in horror. They could not believe their eyes and what was more, it was their Chief who was being handcuffed and dragged along. They could not help but wonder what had happened. This was especially so after they saw the President walking behind with an expression they could not decipher. 

Ryder and Preston pulled the man who was struggling hard to escape and took him to one of the most isolated interrogation cells. Meanwhile, Valarie and Luis stayed behind as they had to give answers to the confused people.

"All of you must be wondering why we have detained your Chief. Am I right?" Luis spoke loud and clear making everyone face him. There was complete silence on the floor. Those who had not witnessed the scene had heard it from their colleagues and now the entire floor was filled with employees. More or less, everybody was here and their eyes and ears were fixed at the President.

"I think the video I want to show you will give you the answers you have in mind." Luis nodded at Valarie and the next moment, she arranged for a projector, a screen and speakers. Her actions only confused the people even more. But neither the President nor Valarie tried to ease them of their confusion. When the apparatus was set up, she connected her phone and played the video. Sometimes, it was best to stay silent and let the proofs speak itself.

Everybody's gazes were fixed on the screen and as soon as the video started to play, their expressions turned into horror. They now realized why the man had been detained. He was a murderer, a criminal, n scoundrel and he deserved it. Some of the people here were more furious than others as their family members had fallen prey to his schemes and had ended being affected by the poison. Anger surged through their veins and if given a chance, they would have ripped him off to pieces.

"I think now everybody has got their answers. But I hope that nobody will reveal this fact to anybody outside, especially to the media. We do not want the people who are also involved in this to find out about Frederick being caught. I do not want anybody to escape. Until I give out orders, nobody is supposed to reveal a thing." The President ordered. There was clear warning in his voice and everybody understood him immediately.

 "Sir, do you think there are other people involved in this issue?" One of the employees put forth the question when the murmurs died down.

"Definitely. There is no way Frederick would have done this alone. There must be somebody else with him. Getting access to the poison they used this time is not easy. He must have sought some help." His words cleared some of the confusion and the people nodded. 

"I know everybody here is shocked to find out the truth. But what we should be more worried about is how to stop the next attack. We only have Frederick with us and we do not know how many people are working under him. So, I have decided to hand over this issue to Miss Evans and her team to take over the case. I hope everybody here will cooperate with them and help them."

Nobody had an issue with helping Valarie out as they too wanted to catch all the culprits who were playing with innocent people's lives. Also, Valarie and her team were efficient and they trusted her to do a good job. So, nobody had issues with the arrangement and agreed to assist her in case she needed their help.

Everybody returned to the work, but they could not stop thinking about the terrifying crimes their own Chief had committed. When the area cleared, Luis turned to face Valarie. By then, Preston and Ryder had returned too after making sure that the bastard was safely locked in the cell. "I will have to leave now. I will leave the matter for you to handle. In case you find out anything, just tell me. Also, you can ask for my help any time, anywhere."

The man said and Valarie nodded at him with a faint smile on her face. Luis left immediately after and Valarie sighed. They had arrested the man for now. They still had to follow up the case and find everybody behind it. "Thank God, Ivy did not come here when the President was here," Ryder exclaimed and as soon as he said that, Valarie's phone rang.

"It's Ivy. I think she is here. Let's go and meet her." The three members left together to meet Ivy and what they saw made them halt in their place for a second. Ivy was not alone. There were two other men with her. From the looks of it, they seemed to be her friends.

Ivy saw Valarie and went to her immediately. "I just saw the President here. What happened?"

"Let's go to my cabin," Valarie said and held her hand. "Meanwhile, who are they?" She pointed at Ronnie and Kaito.

"They are my guards for today," Ivy said in all honesty, not trying to lie.

Her answer shocked the three people. The two men beside Ivy were not her friends, but her guards? They wondered why Ivy had such fragile looking guards. While one of them could pass off as a guard somehow, they seriously doubted the other guy who was short and thin. He seemed weak himself. How would he fight off other people?

Kaito had no idea what the three people were thinking. However, even if he knew, he would not care about it. He was not here to impress anyone anyway. Valarie did not dwell into this matter more and led the three guests to her cabin. Since she was a Deputy Chief, her cabin was quite huge and all the six people could fit in easily.

They had barely stepped inside when Valarie spoke up first, "We have detained Frederick."

"Who is Frederick?" Ivy queried, her eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

"The man in the video. Ivy, don't you know him?"

"Do I have to? The man did seem familiar to me. But who is he by the way?" Ivy's question rendered the three people from the Intelligence speechless. They could not help but gape at her in surprise.josei

"Ivy, he is Frederick Clarke. He was the Chief of the Intelligence."

"Oh," That was all Ivy said and after a few minutes of thinking, she continued. "That explains why I found him familiar. I must have seen him somewhere or on the television. To think that the Chief of Intelligence is such a big criminal. How ironic!!!" Ivy said straight forwardly. But nobody took any offence to it. It was true that it was the biggest black mark for their team. 

"Anyway, why did you call me here?" Ivy changed the topic when she realized that she might have crossed her lines. 

"Ivy, the man was also behind the organ trafficking case. Do you think our fathers were caught by him and he was the one who killed my Dad?" Valarie asked slowly. She was not scared of the answer. Her father was gone and she could do nothing about it. What she was more interested in was to find out who killed him. She wanted to torture him the same way her father had been tortured.

"That, I am not sure. I just found out about this man only today. So, I have no idea how far along he was involved in your father's death. You have the man with you. You can find out yourself." Ivy suggested. She then went into deep thought when she realized that she still had something else to say.

"Valarie, I have something else to say. I apologize that I did not inform you about this before. It completely flew out of my head."

Her words made Valarie to lean closer to Ivy while Ryder and Preston just watched from the sides. They did not want to involve in the two women's conversation, although their ears were fixed on what they were speaking. Unlike the two guards who stood in the room as wall hangings.

"Valarie, my father is alive and I found him a few weeks ago."

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