Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 359 - Contact Details

Chapter 359 - Contact Details

"Who is your father?" Frederick asked, trying to recollect who her father was. However, he could not remember a thing about him. "What are you talking about?"

"Let me refresh your memory, Frederick Clarke. Do you remember journalist Evans? He, along with Oliver West, had performed a number of sting operations on some of the hospitals and its doctors. This issue had created a lot of commotion three years ago."

Her words hit the nail now and Frederick remembered who she was talking about. How could he not remember the two men who had given him and his gang a nightmare? The two men had exposed everything about the hospitals working for them making it impossible for them to continue with their illegal activity for a while. He recollected everything he had long forgotten and he smiled suddenly.

"Ah, journalist Evans. That man sabotaged all my plans one by one along with his good friend Oliver. I should have taken care of him before he even released the footage when I had the opportunity. To bad that he had a few more days to live. Otherwise, he would have died earlier." Although Frederick was shocked by the revelation, he still maintained a smile. Who knew that Valarie was his enemy's daughter?

Now, Valarie's blood was boiling and she wanted to kill the man who had murdered her father. But she stayed calm and collected. The man would get his retribution soon. She did not have to get her hands dipped in blood. She had other pressing matters to attend to.

"So, you killed Journalist Evans and poisoned Oliver West. In short, you were the mastermind behind the organ trafficking issue three years ago, killed my father, poisoned Oliver West, planned the virus attack which ended up becoming unsuccessful, and then decided to poison the people. Am I right?"

"More or less," Frederick answered, giving it a second thought.

"Okay. Now I will come back to the question I had asked you before. Who else is working with you?"

His question made Fredrick to chuckle. "My answer would be that I am working alone. Nobody is with me."

"Are you sure about it?" Valarie narrowed her eyes trying to penetrate his mind and see what else he had kept hidden.

"Definitely." The man said confidently. 

"Okay. I'll take that as your answer for now. My next question is not related to the crimes I have already mentioned before. It is about something else."

"Go ahead. I'll answer everything you ask."

"I wonder why. Is it because you are trying to save someone?" Once again, Valarie had hit the bull's eye and Frederick was spooked by the way the woman was deducing everything accurately. He now realized why she was one of the top investigators of Intelligence. Her deduction skills were no joke.

"Who would I try to save?" Frederick made a poor attempt to laugh it off. But it did not work.

"I'll answer that question later. Now, tell me why were you in contact with the enemy government?"

This question was something which Frederick had not expected. It was beyond his imagination that the woman had accumulated so much information in such a short interval. How long had it been since he was caught and she already had everything about him with her? However, this time he refused to agree to her accusations.

"What nonsense are you blabbering? I was never in contact with any enemy." Frederick argued right away.

"Denial will not change the facts, Frederick Clarke. Now, tell me why were you in contact with our enemy country?"

"As I told you, I was not. I am not in contact with anybody from that country." Frederick raised his voice to prove his point. But it clearly fell on deaf ears as neither Valarie nor the two men listened to him. They already knew the truth and they had the proof with them.

"In that case, why does your private call records show a number that belongs to that country?"

"You must have got the wrong number. I have never been in touch with anybody from our enemy country." The man refuted immediately and he clenched his hands tightly. Ryder noticed this small action of his. But he did not comment about it. It was Valarie who was in charge of the questioning and she was doing a great job at it. 

"I see. I will check with the phone number and get back to you later about it. But if my hunch is not wrong, you and your team were the ones who instigated them against us to wage a war on our country right?" Valarie leaned in, carefully observing the man. However, unlike before, the man did not show any change in his emotions.

"Your imagination runs wild, Valarie. You can quit your job and start writing crime thrillers." The man sassed, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Oh, I sure will. Not a crime thriller though. A crime report about you and your deeds. You can keep denying your involvement in this matter. But we will surely go into the depth of this issue and find out everything." Valarie promised with a sweet smile that terrified Frederick.

The woman then leaned back and folded her hands. "We found some interesting things when we went through your call records." Frederick was having a bad premonition now and he wondered what more Valarie had found out. "There were some contact details that intrigued us. Care to elaborate on who this Godfather is?"

Frederick released a small breath when he heard her question. 'Looks like they had not found out much. I'm not in deep trouble then.' "What Godfather?" Frederick queried feigning ignorance. He blinked innocently at Valarie and Preston, trying to make it that he was not faking it.josei

"I don't know. You tell me. That was what you had stored as the contact name. You tell us who he is."

"As I told you before, I have no idea what you are talking about. And the number you are talking about must be somebody else's. I do not have anybody's contact details stored under such name."

Although Valarie wanted to tell him that she knew everything about him and this Godfather, she did speak a word about it. She did not have any proof about Frederick and the man named Godfather knowing each other. And she could not use the phone number details here. Also, she could not disclose about Maggie right now. The girl had been fortunate enough to have evaded the meeting with Frederick and this man called Godfather. Or else, she would have been busted immediately and by now, she would have been dead.

"Frederick Clarke, thank you very much for your cooperation. That is all for now. We will come back to you later when we have more questions. Until then, you can enjoy your stay here." Frederick glared at Valarie for her audacity. Who knew that under a span of a few hours, he would turn from a respected Chief to a criminal? But his expression changed into horror on hearing her next words. "In the meanwhile, we will take your son, Jared Augustus under custody."


Hey guys,

I am sorry I could not update in the last two weeks as I had some urgent issues to deal with. From now on, there will be daily updates and I hope you will continue to vote for this book.

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