Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 375 - Puny Attempt

Chapter 375 - Puny Attempt


"Who wants to go next?" Jared's eyes wandered around the room and for a split second, they remained on Maggie before they moved away. And that one moment was enough for the girl's soul to fly away from her body. Her face had gone pale in fear and she clenched her fists tight, trying to stay strong.

"Any volunteers?" Jared asked the question and tilted his head innocently. "No? I guess I will have to choose our next player." He started moving around once again. "Who shall we choose?" Jared stopped suddenly and he pushed the man in front of him. "You, I choose you." And immediately after, the man closed his eyes, cursing his luck. 

Seeing the man, Maggie frowned. 'As far as I know, he has not betrayed Jared. Why is he selected? What is Jared playing at?' She got her answer when Jared spoke up.

"I hate people who think they are smarter than me and can outwit me. Too bad that you can never win me. Go and press the trigger." Jared ordered and the man, unwillingly, dragged his body towards his awaiting death. Maggie could see the fear on his face. He looked at all of the people in front of him begging for help. But nobody had the courage to even take a step forward and why would they when helping him would only make them lose their lives?

"Who are you waiting for?" Jared barked, his expression turning solemn all of a sudden. "Nobody is going to take your place. I hope you will finish this fast so that I can catch my next target."

The man picked up the gun on the table while Jared came to stand right in front of him. He pressed the gun towards the right of his head and closed his eyes. 

"Do you know why I have chosen you?" Jared's voice startled the man and he opened the eyes at once. Unable to come up with any coherent words, the man just shook his, and Jared smiled evilly at him. "Then, I'll tell you if you make it out alive. Now, come on press the trigger." Jared ordered and the man's hand shook as he attempted to follow the orders. But he could not press the trigger and Jared sighed donning a bored expression.

"I think the game is becoming boring and we are prolonging this way too much. The other players are waiting for their turn eagerly." Everybody cried in their minds hearing the words. "Make it fast or I can help you." Jared lifted his hand and pointed his gun at the man right between the eyes and at once, the man pressed the trigger. The next moment, his head exploded and Jared clicked his tongue.

"What a bore? And you saved me from the trouble of telling the reason for choosing you." Jared wiped the drops of blood that had splattered on his face and turned to his men. "I was not the one to kill him. He chose the option himself." Jared cleared his stance making Maggie grit her teeth. "Don't blame me for his death. Who will go next?" Jared loaded the gun once again and placed it on the table.

In a span of five minutes, three more heads had exploded in the room and by now, all the men had understood what was happening. The gun did not have just one bullet, it was loaded and whoever was asked to play the game, surely would end up killing himself. There was no way out for anybody in the group. It was a sure shot and their delusion and wish to escape from the room unscathed and alive vanished just like that.

The entire time, the man called Godfather had not spoken a word. 'Is he mute?' Maggie wondered. 'Why isn't he reacting for anything? What is wrong with that man?' She thought in her mind and narrowed her eyes trying to a good look at him when nobody was looking. However, to her horror, she met Jared's eyes right at that moment.

 "Okay, five down. More to go." Jared commented and immediately after, he gazed at Maggie, terrifying her. A smile made its way on his face. "Let me call the next person. You," He lifted his gun and pointed at Maggie and the girl's heart thumped in trepidation. Just when she was about to react, Jared moved his hand and pointed at the man standing right beside her. "You will go next."

'I am saved. I was not his next target. I was not the one.' Maggie heaved a sigh of relief silently. But immediately later, started to pity the man who was being called out.

The man stepped forward. However, unlike other people who seemed visibly petrified, the man held an unfathomable expression. Even Maggie was confused and wondered what was going through his mind. Unexpectedly, the man who was watching everything silently, leaned forward in his chair to take a good look as though he found the situation to be oddly interesting.

Jared raised his eyebrow at the man's unbelievable confidence. "I guess this will be fun." He muttered and waited for the man to start begging to let him go. However, contrary to his expectations, the man picked up the gun, and instead of pointing it at himself, he pointed it at Jared. Nonetheless, even before the man could fire the bullet, his head blew up, with blood splattering everywhere. 

"What a puny attempt to kill me!! Do you people seriously think it's easy to kill me or trick me?" Jared kissed the gun in his hand lightly and shook his head. "If you think so, then you will have to be faster than me. But I doubt anybody here is that good. So, I suggest you to give upon on the thought."

Jared sighed lightly. "At least, this dead man made the game a little exciting. Don't you think so?"

Maggie noticed the man on the chair lean back as though the show he was waiting for had ended and there was nothing more for him to watch.

'How many more is this man going to kill? I hope I am not on his list. I do not want to die young, not when I am yet to confess how I feel to Ryder. I haven't even had my kiss with him yet and for damn sake, I am a virgin and I do not wish to die one. Jared, don't you dare call out my name. I am serious." Maggie spoke in her mind. But she knew that it was all an illusion she was trying to hide behind. Nothing she wanted or wished for was happening with her recently and that was what happened next.

All her hopes and illusions shattered when she heard Jared's voice crisp and clear. "I am done playing with the men for now. Let's call the only girl in our gang. Maggie, darling, you are next."

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