Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 57 - Owner Of The Royal Group

Chapter 57 - Owner Of The Royal Group

Joshua and Ian stared at the old man, sitting leisurely on the bed. He looked as energetic as ever. It was the day of his discharge and he was waiting for his son, Samuel, to pick him up. Joshua had come to meet Ian to discuss about Ivy. But he had been dragged to Jonathan's room before he could speak a word.

"So, has my grandson succeeded in getting the girl?" Jonathan asked, grinning.

"What girl?" Joshua faked an innocent expression. He did not know that the old man knew everything about Aria and how Noah had plans of pursuing her.

"Don't act in front of me, young man. I know that you know about the doctor. What's her name again?" Jonathan turned to look at Ian, waiting for his response.

"Dr. Aria West."

Joshua's jaw dropped. He did not expect Noah's grandfather to have found out about Aria.

'He sure has good connections.' He thought inwardly.

What nobody knew was that Jonathan had threatened Ronnie to join forces with him. It was Ronnie who was being the spy in Noah's team. It was his duty every day to give an update of his Boss to his Master.

"So, tell me. How far has my grandson gone? Have they done the deed?" The grandfather asked shamelessly. His spunk dumbfounded the two young men in the ward.

"What are you talking about grandpa? What deed?" This time it was Ian who feigned ignorance.

"Don't act all naive in front of me. I know you guys know what I am talking about. There is no need to hide." He spoke seriously.

"Now tell me. Have they done the deed?" His seriousness vanished in an instant and the grin on his face returned.

"What deed grandpa?" A woman's confident voice was heard from the door, making all the three look in that direction.

Rachel was standing along with her parents.

'Did they hear everything? Do they know about Aria now? No. No. No. Noah will kill us.' Ian was scared. Joshua too was in a similar state. They had been warned by Noah to keep the matter concerning Aria a secret from his family until he settles the matter first. Now, not only his grandfather, his entire family had found out about it.

While Joshua and Ian were sweating profoundly, Jonathan was grinning like a fool without any care. In fact he was happy that the others had heard him. Now, he would not need to keep any secrets from them.josei

"Yes, Dad. What deed are you talking about?" Hailey intervened.

Looking at the confused faces, it became clear that they had not heard them completely. Ian and Joshua heaved a sigh of relief. Before the old man could speak, Ian took his chance and spoke up.

"It is about the discharge papers. Grandpa was talking about the discharge papers. He was asking if everything was ready?"

Taking the hint, Joshua continued. "Yes. Yes. Grandpa was bored lying in the ward, within these white walls. He wanted to leave as soon as possible."

Samuel furrowed his eyebrows looking at the two men acting weird. He had a feeling that there was something going on. But he could not put a word as to what it was.

"So, Grandpa. Are we ready to go?" Rachel asked, holding her grandfather's hand.

"Yes. Yes. Let's go." Jonathan looked like a small child who was happy because finally his exams had ended.

The group of six walked till the entrance of the hospital.

"Take care grandpa. I'll come to visit you." Ian said politely, while he nodded at Mr. and Mrs. Carter.

"Take care gramps. Don't be hyperactive. Wait till Noah returns." Joshua said, hinting the old man to stay put until there was any update from Noah. However, his words of advice fell on deaf ears. The old man had ignored him completely.

The Carter family left the hospital, leaving Ian and Joshua behind.

"The old fellow has gone crazy." Joshua chuckled, while Ian nodded in agreement.

"How does he even get all those ideas?" Ian asked.

"Yeah. He was wondering if Noah and Aria had done the deed, while I am doubtful if they have even had their first kiss yet." Joshua grinned and Ian laughed out loud.

"So, what are you doing here?" Ian changed the topic.

"I have something important to tell you."

"Okay. Let's go to my cabin."

Ian and Joshua went inside the cabin and took their seats.

"What is it about?" Ian started.

"It's about Oliver West."

"What happened to him again?"

"Nothing happened to him. It's his daughter."

"What daughter?" Ian leaned forward on the desk.

"His daughter somehow got my contact information. She wants me to find out more about the incident that happened three years ago."


"Yes. Not only that. She has also found out that out of all the hospitals which were involved in the scandal, only the Royal Health Care Hospital is still operating. So, she wants to know more about it."

"How did she find out all of these? That's insane." Ian was perplexed.

"She is a journalist. She has resources."

"Did you talked to Noah? What did he say?"

"Noah asked to me never reveal a thing about her father or about you. He told me that nobody should find out that you are the owner of the Royal Group."

Ian nodded. It was expected of Noah and it was the best. The secret had to remain a secret for everybody's good.

"So, what are you going to do?" Ian asked, staring at Joshua.

"I am going to stall time somehow. But I will not give her any results. Anyway, she is one interesting hell of a woman. It will be fun knowing her." Joshua smiled thinking about Ivy.

"By the way, what is her name?"


The name sounded familiar to Ian. But he could not remember where he had heard it.

"How is Oliver now? Have you seen him recently?" Joshua enquired after a few moments of silence.

"Yes, I did a thorough check on him three days back. He is fine as of now. If he had not had the concussion a few days back, his recovery would have been better."

"Hmm. Let's wait for Noah to return. Only then we can decide on the next step."


"I'll get going then." Joshua stood up and took his leave.

Ian sighed. 'When will all of this end? How long are we going to keep this secret? Hope everything returns to normal.'

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