Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 613

Chapter 613: Rescue Mission - Part 2


So, neither Joshua nor his men cared about it and a gunfight ensued between the two groups of people.      

Joshua had not been discreet in his entry, forcing almost all the men in the manor to rush towards him. This way, he could leave a gap for Tim to enter in rescue Rachel. His friend's safety was his priority. Even though Noah had said nothing to him, he clearly knew what was expected of him.     

Not only Joshua had to rescue Rachel, he also had to take care of Daniel while making sure that he stayed careful himself. Otherwise, not only Noah and Ian there would be another person willing to chop him into pieces for his negligence.     

Brushing the thoughts of Ivy from his mind, Joshua took a step inside and watched his men handle their enemies with ease. Though their opponent was anything but weak, it did not take long for them to subdue them.     

But to their shock, more men arrived to stop them and Joshua wondered just how many were here in the manor.      

'Did Jared and Shane already guess that we would come here? Were they waiting for our arrival?' He wondered and waited for his men to take care of them.      

The men did not even need his instructions to carry out the mission. Though Joshua had ordered them to shoot their opponents if required, they understood the meaning behind his words. He wanted them to shoot them and end the people who even dared to touch Rachel.  Even bringing their pathetic selves before her was a sin in his eyes. So, how could they not discern Joshua's intentions?      

Joshua just stayed behind and watched his men take action. Even though he too wanted to jump into the fight, he knew his men would not allow it. Someone among them was keeping an eye on him, reporting his state of health to Noah every moment. So, he just stayed still and enjoyed the battle like a King.     

Meanwhile, Tim led his group towards the backdoor, and fortunately for them, they had Daniel. Since his fingerprint was registered with the locking system, he opened it with ease and the group entered the manor with ease.     

With Joshua's grand entry near the front door, the back part of the manor was almost empty and they did not face any troubles in venturing inside further. It was only when they reached one of the rooms that they found two men and even before they could attack them, Tim had shot them right near their heart, rendering them incapacitated.     

They then moved to another room and this time, it was completely. It was only when they reached the study that they found a group waiting for them and an intense battle erupted between them.     

Tim and Daniel exchanged looks with each other and a silent conversation ensued between them for a moment. Following the plan they had come up right at the instant, Tim and the other men lured their opponents away from the study while Daniel stayed behind.     

However, he had underestimated his enemy and the moment he opened the door, he froze in fear. Rachel was unconscious and was tied to a chair. But that was not what terrified him. It was the man behind her who had his gun pointed to his head that scared the shit out of him.     

Daniel did not know what to do and just stood still watching the man smile at him wickedly.     

"You sure were quick to reach here." He commented and looked at his watch. "But you were not smart enough. Tch, tch, tch. I wonder what will happen to this poor girl due to your dumbass decisions." He clicked his tongue and tapped Rachel's forehead with the gun's nozzle.     

His actions only served to ignite the fury in Daniel and he took a step forward only to stop short when the man removed the safety.     

"Don't you dare," Daniel warned only for the man to chuckle at him in return.     

"Oh, I love challenges. You know whoever you are, I was not interested to take this mission. But who knew I would be meeting such a beautiful woman." He ran a finger over Rachel's cheeks and Daniel took a step forward only to stop on hearing the man warn him.     

"Uh, uh, uh, stay right there if you want this lady to stay alive. Otherwise, I will not guarantee what will happen next." He cautioned him and Daniel swallowed his anger and stood still, hoping to find a way to save Rachel.     

"But who knew not only will I get to meet such a sexy woman, I would also be facing some challenges here. How thrilling!!" He continued and Daniel at once realized that the man had some serious problems in his head. Every action, every word of his just like how a psychopath would behave and he was now tremendously scared for Rachel. One mistake and she would be the one to bear the consequences.     josei

Daniel could not stay still either. Rising the gun to shoot him was not a good idea for the man seemed to be keeping an eye on him and he had quicker reflexes than him. He would only be incurring his wrath sooner than necessary. He was at his wit's ends when Joshua too joined him and he too was rendered speechless by what he was seeing.     

Just like Daniel, he too did not know what to do and he just stayed silent, observing the man for any weakness.     

"Ohh, we have another man here. How convenient!!" The man chortled and his hand nudged Rachel's head only for her loll to the other side.     

"You know I am suddenly having another brilliant idea. How amazing it would be if I were fuck her right now right in front of you for you to watch?"     

As soon as Daniel heard him, he could not stop the fury surging through and before the man could even comprehend his moves, he raised his gun and shot him right in the head.         


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