Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 616

Chapter 616: Questioning Maggie


"Aria, we are heading towards the ports. Are you sure this is the right direction?" Ivy queried, suddenly worried about seeing the darkness around her. Though the headlights from her car illuminated their path, they could still not brush off the creepiness that was slowly settling in on them.     

"Yes, Ivy. This is what the map shows. We are almost close to them." Aria mumbled but soon, a frown marred her beautiful face as she stared at her phone.      

"Why is Jared's car not moving? What....." She had barely spoken her question when the signal on her phone disconnected and she lost Jared's car completely.     

"Dammit." She gritted her teeth and looked around her. "My phone signal stopped working here. We will have to rely on ourselves to track them down." Aria muttered and Ivy sighed lightly.     

Though all the windows had been and the heater was turned on, they could still feel the cold and Ivy was only glad that she had worn a jacket before leaving the mansion.     

"Aria, do you think that's Jared's car?" Ivy pointed her chin at the car she could see in the front. Though the car was too far away from them, they could still see the tail lights from where they were.     

"It has been. This is a deserted area and we are entering private property. Either it is Jared or it might someone who works for Jared." Without wasting any time, she held her gun and prepared herself to shoot if necessary.     

"Ivy, can you pick up speed? It is the only car on this road now. It is better that we stop it before we reach the port in case Maggie were to be in that car. Otherwise, once we reach the port, we do not know how many people we will have to deal with before we get any help from Joshua.     

Ivy nodded at her and she changed gears before pressing on the accelerator hard while Aria covered her face with a black mask and wore a hat. Other than her eyes, her entire face was covered and now, it was impossible for anyone to point out who she was if they were now familiar with her. She did not bother about Ivy for she was already in disguise.     

Ivy picked up speed and they dashed on the road as she tried to catch up with the car in the front while Aria held onto the seat, hoping for Maggie to be in that car to save any more trouble.      

Meanwhile, Jared gazed at Maggie who had her eyes fixed on the road and he smiled softly.      

"You know, Maggie, after today, you will never be able to leave me. And I will make sure that you will not even think about leaving me." He held her hand but Maggie pulled it out of his grasp immediately.     

But Jared did not complain about it. Instead, he was only thrilled and delighted to see her fight him. "Don't worry, dear. Once I deal with you tonight, you will never fight me in the future. I am yet to punish you for betraying me in the first place."     

Chills went down Maggie's spine and she stiffened slightly in her seat. Yet, she did not give away her preposition to the cruel man beside her for it would only excite him all the more. Jared was a monster who relished on people's fear and showing her true emotions in front of him was the last thing Maggie wanted to do right now. She did not wish to give him that joy, the joy of seeing her being affected by his words.     josei

"After today, nobody will be able to catch me. Not you, not your Deputy and definitely not Noah."     

As soon as Maggie heard Noah's name, her heart thumped madly in fear and her serious expression cracked for a moment.     

'Does he know about Noah and me? Does he know that it was Joshua and Noah who saved me?' She wondered, not once glancing at him.     

"You know," He spoke to her and scooted closer to Maggie only for the girl to move away from him until she was sticking to the door. "I have a lot of people I am yet to take revenge on. Do you want me to give you a list?" He mused and Maggie clenched her fists, for once, waiting for him to continue speaking. She had to find out what Jared knew and what he intended to do.     

"First, there is your Deputy. She tortured me a lot when I was in the interrogation cell. But not to worry. She will get her retribution soon."     

Again, all he received was silence. But Jared was not disheartened by it. His smile only widened and his gaze on her deepened.      

"Since I am dealing with your Deputy, I should deal with the two men who work for her too. Shouldn't I?"     

Maggie's head snapped to him the moment she heard his wicked intentions and she glared at him, forcing out all the fury in her on him.     

"Ah, I am finally able to see your beautiful face." He exclaimed in happiness. "Is it because of the men that you reacted this way? Or more specifically one man?" He continued and raised an eyebrow at her and Maggie had the sudden urge to smash his head against the window.      

"May I know what relationship you have with that officer?" He questioned, his smile vanishing immediately and an intense rage replacing his calm face. "Do you like him?"     

Maggie just glowered at him, not speaking a word to him. But Jared was having none of it and he held her jaw, pulling her face close to him. He did not even care that he was hurting her. He did not even care that his nails were digging into her smooth skin. All he had in mind was the scene when the man had hugged Maggie, his Maggie and that was all it took for him to lose his rationality completely.         


"Answer me, Maggie." He threatened and Maggie gulped on seeing the dreadful expression on his face. Though this was the first time she was seeing his sinister side, she had never been on the receiving end until then. So, she had no idea how to deal with him.     

"How does it matter to you?" She spat, forcing her words out of her mouth, only to elicit a low, cold chuckle from the man beside her.     

"Oh it does not matter to me. No. But I am sure it will matter to you once you find what I will do to him."     

"What do you mean?" Maggie interrupted him, terror filling her entire form and she panicked at once.     

"What do you think what I mean, darling?" Jared shot back.     

"Don't you dare, Jared. I am warning you."     

"Do you think I will back off?" He raised an eyebrow at her, challenging her to continue with this banter and Maggie realized at once that she had lost the game.     

"Fine. I will ask you a few questions. If you give me answers that satisfy me, I will not do anything against your wishes. Okay, dear?"     

Jared relented. But Maggie knew that this was his ploy to trap her. He had nothing but his own interests in mind and he would not stop until he get what he wanted.     

"Let's start off with a simple question. What is that man's name?" He turned his body until he was facing her completely.     

When he did not get any response from her, he grinned to himself. "Your silence will only push him closer to his death. I will ask you for the last time. Next time, I will not repeat my questions. What is his name?"     

This time, Maggie could not stay silent even if she wanted to. Every action of hers would only push the man she loved to danger and she had tread carefully in front of the demon.     

"Ryder." She replied honestly. She did not take any chances with him for she already understood that Jared would investigate the people around her, in case he has not done so already.     

"Ryder. That was not hard, was it?" Jared spat and nodded lightly. "Fine. How long have you known him?"     

"Since the time I started working at the Intelligence."     

"Good girl. Does he love you?"     

Maggie hesitated to answer this question, fearing for her beloved life and Jared received the answer he was looking for. Yet, he wanted Maggie to answer him.     

"Maggie, do you..."     

"I do not know." Maggie answered him before he could finish his threat.     

"What do you mean?"     

"I do not know if he loves me or not."     

'So, that puny man has not confessed his feelings for her. Great.' He chirped in his mind. 'This only eases my work.'     

"What about you, Maggie? Do you love him?" His voice dropped an octave and Maggie sensed the danger in the air. "Choose well before you answer, dear. We do not want your friend to lose his life due to your inappropriate actions. Isn't it?"     

Though he had spoken blatantly, Maggie understood the meaning behind his words. Jared wanted her to deny his claims. Otherwise, it would not be her but Ryder who would be facing consequences.     

"Please forgive me for interrupting, Master." The driver lowered the partition and interrupted their conversation much to Maggie's relief and Jared's dismay. "I am afraid to say that we are bing followed, Master."         


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