Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 632

Chapter 632: Not the end yet - Part 3


"Preston," Valerie kept looking at the man behind her. He was injured due to her carelessness and the guilt started to consume her. She had no idea what happened to her. Since the time she had met Jared, she had lost her mind.     josei

The man who killed her father and had made her lose her only family was right in front of her and she could not even kill him. She was bound by her duty and she could not do anything to let out the anger in her.      

For years, she had searched for him and thought of ways to torture him for what he did to her father. But when she actually met him, she could not carry out her plans and do anything. She was helpless. Every time she entered the interrogation cell where Jared had been kept, she had to use a lot of energy to keep herself in check lest she should lose her calm and shoot him right away.     

The constant torture of being helpless in this matter when her prey was right in front of her kept gnawing her mind and this made her lose her rationality completely. Slowly, she lost her ability to think coherently and it was only when Preston had been shot by the enemy that she snapped out of her daze and came out of her muddled-headed state.     

The events from the day came back to her and she sighed in relief when she realized that she had not done anything foolish. The man she had met for the first time had somehow stopped her from acting recklessly. Somewhere in her mind, she had an inkling that if not for Ian's help, she would have brought a bigger disaster. Now that, she was sober and sane, she thanked the man for being with her at her most vulnerable time.      

"I am fine, Deputy. I can manage." Preston assured. Though not convinced, she still believed him for the time being. Thye had serious matters to deal with first. And since Preston was not that severely wounded, he could hold on. The man had extreme tolerance to pain. She had witnessed it herself.     

Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and pushed back the hatred she had for Jared to the farthest part of her mind. It was not time for her personal vengeance, not yet.      

Slowly, the group reached the fourth and last floor. By then, they had already dealt with all the people from the enemy's men. The ones who were left behind were being taken care of by the other men in her group.     

With Ryder in the front and Preston at the back, Valerie entered the fourth floor. The entire floor was divided into small rooms and almost all the rooms were empty. Other than bunker beds and a few necessary items that made the rooms look habitable, there was nothing inside that could help them.     

Not giving up hope, the trio and a few others from their team continued exploring the place and eventually, they reached the biggest room on the floor. It occupied more than half the floor and even from afar, they could feel something to be odd about the room. The door was locked and it was only when Ryder shot the lock that the door opened.      

When they entered the room, they stopped suddenly. It was more like an office instead of a room. But that was not what stunned them. Instead, it was the picture frame that was lying on the table that spooked the hell out of them.     

Maggie's face was crossed with a marker and Ryder, who was the first one to see the picture, almost lost the strength in his legs. If not for him hearing from Maggie herself and her assuring him about her safety, he would have surely assumed Jared to have killed her somehow and disposed off her body for what she had done to him.     

Valerie too was startled to see Maggie's picture. But she calmed herself immediately and entered the room with Preston right behind her. The entire port could be seen just by glancing out of the window from where they were.      

However, no one in the team was interested in basking in the mesmerizing sight of the port at night. They had other important matters to deal with rather than to enjoy the night at sea.     

Not letting their guards down, they started to search the room, making sure to not leave anything unchecked. At first, they found nothing. It was only when Preston lifted Maggie's picture frame that a letter slipped down and fell at his feet.     

Darting a look at his friends, he picked it up, making sure to not exert force on his wounded hand and the moment he finished reading the letter, his eyes widened immediately. He was already sweating due to his wounded arm and the contents of the letter only made cold sweat trickle down his back in fear.     

"Deputy, we are in danger." He barely had any strength to speak and he looked at the woman, who was searching the other drawers and cupboards.     

Valerie stopped when she heard his unusual tone and hurried to him in worry. She did not even have to ask him about the matter for the man himself handed her the letter in his hand and she took it skeptically.     

When she was done reading it, Valerie's eyes too widened and she looked at Preston in horror.      

"Bomb." That was all she could manage to say before the reality settled in. "Get out here right now." She shouted and the men who were searching for clues stopped suddenly, startled by her scream.      

"Jared has fixed bombs here. We need to get out of here right now. Everyone, leave the place right now." She shouted and the men hurried out of the room immediately. They did not know where Jared had planted the explosive. But this was not the time to think about it. They had to get out of the place before it exploded.     

They ran down the stairs as quickly as they could, now scared for their lives. They did not even have time to think about the wounded men from the enemy's team. They had to get out of the place and they had to get out soon. What was the use of helping the enemy when they would end up dying with them if they stayed in the place any longer?     

"Let the enemy be where they are. They will only hold us down if we try to save them." Valerie shouted from behind. "I will take full responsibility if the higher-ups question us." Moreover, they were nothing but traitors. It did not matter if they survived or not. They chose this path. So, they had to bear the consequences themselves.     

One by one, the men made out of the building. Valerie and all the people around her ran away from the building as fast as they could. They had barely reached crossed a few meters when the building exploded and the entire building collapsed.     

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