Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 640

Chapter 640: In between life and death


Even Ian, who had had his fair share of gory scenes in his life was horrified to see the formidable lady lying unresponsive in a pool of her own blood. He had no idea which part of her body was injured. Her face was covered with blood, her entire light blue shirt was now dyed red and worst of all, he could barely feel her pulse. It was there and it was not there at the same time.     

He squatted beside her. Shifting her from the place was quite impossible without finding out where exactly she was hurt. Even a small mistake could cost them her life and that was not a risk Ian wanted to take at this point in time. However, the place was a disaster and the more the injured woman stayed there, the more the chances of her getting infected.     josei

All the displeasure he had felt for the Deputy for her blunder at the hospital vanished when he saw the woman in such a miserable and terrifying state. Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to keep her away from the dust and dirt as he slowly and carefully cleaned her face.      

Heaps and heaps of absorbent cotton were used and finally, they could see Valerie's face. Albeit still red due to the bloodstains, they could make out that her face was not disfigured. She still looked the same she was, without any injuries or scars on her face.     

But instead of being glad, Ian was only petrified. If she had not injured her face, then the blood....He stared at his stained surgical gloves, his eyes blinking heavily in worry. This was bad. This was definitely bad and in such a situation, he could not allow Valerie to stay there anymore. If she had really injured the back part of her head, then they had to shift her to a clean place.     

Fortunately for him, his men were waiting with a folding stretcher beside him. With utmost care and concern, he lifted her head, making sure to be as careful as possible, while he stared at the two men for help. His silent orders were crystal clear and the men stepped forward to help him immediately.     

While one supported Valerie's waist, the other held her legs and the three men moved her to the stretcher while Maggie looked on with tears in her eyes. She could do nothing in this situation other than praying for her Deputy's well-being. She neither had the medical skills to treat her nor did she have the power of magic to heal the woman with just a spell. All her hopes were now on Ian and only he could help her save Valerie.     

"Keep her head up. She has lost a lot of blood already. We do not want her bleeding to death." Ian ordered and the two men made sure to maintain the stretcher inclined with her head, slightly at a higher angle. Valerie had already lost a lot of blood and he did not wish for her health to deteriorate all the more.     

The three men and Maggie rushed as fast as they could towards the emergency tent. Ian did not know how much time Valerie had and he could not wait anymore. The moment they shifted her to a clean bed, he turned her around, making sure to be as gentle as possible. If she had really hurt her hindbrain, then it would a serious problem if she did not receive treatment in time.     

Valerie was the only patient in the tent they were in. So, it became easy for Ian to attend to her. There were no other disturbances except for Maggie. When he remembered her presence, he turned to her immediately and licked his lips lightly as he thought about it.     

Although he did not mind her presence, he could see the distress Maggie was in. If she were to see Valerie's wounds, she would only lose it completely and that...Ian shook his head at once.     

"Maggie, please go and find the other injured people." His words came out more of a command than a request. But Maggie was in no condition to see the difference. Her eyes were fixed on the woman lying unconscious on the make-do bed and the blood that had stained the white bedsheet underneath her.     

An unbelievable fear morphed over her when she a notion hit her and it was greater than what she had felt when Ryder had called her. Although she loved Ryder, she idolized Valerie and admired her with all her soul. Valerie was the woman who had given her new life after Aria and to her, the two women mattered the most, even more than Ryder.     

Now that Valerie was in such a grave state, she was in no way willing to leave her alone. Maggie shook her head immediately and Ian narrowed his eyes on seeing her being adamant at such a critical time.     

"Maggie, please leave." His voice turned harsh and this time, Maggie's eyes finally moved away from her Deputy to the man who was almost glaring at her.     

Maggie was stunned to see such an expression on Ian. Since the time she had entered Noah's mansion and met Ian, she had found him to be a gentle and amicable man. Although he was not as jovial as Joshua, he was not as taciturn as Noah either. His character lay somewhere in between the two extremities, balancing his friends in the group.     

This was the first time ever she was seeing such an expression on the man's face and she was stunned speechless. He looked nothing less scary than Noah when he was irked and Maggie felt cold sweat trickling down her spine as she met the man's frigid gaze.     

"Maggie," Ian controlled himself from lashing out at her. Though he understood her concerns, he could not and would not allow her to stay back and watch him treat Valerie. She might be strong enough to see blood and gore. But definitely, she would not be able to take it in the fragile condition she was in. If this continued, she would only be a hindrance to him, instead of providing a helping hand.     

"You will not be able to do anything here. So, please help the men to find the other injured people so that they can get treatment in time. Please." Ian beseeched and his gaze softened considerably. "Please."     

Maggie, now, had no reasons to refute his request. It was the truth though. So what if she stayed back here? She could do nothing to help Ian or Valerie.      

Maggie hesitated and looked at Ian, her eyes pleading with him and the man just shook his head at her while his eyes assured her silently. Having no other choice, she glanced at Valerie before she reluctantly left the tent, letting her Deputy's fate in Ian's hands. Only he could save her, that is if her condition was curable.     

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