Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 657

Chapter 657: Bloodlust



For the first time, Noah felt betrayed and he could not help but cry out in pain. He did not have any direct evidence to prove his grandfather's crimes. But one look had been enough for him to deduce the truth. Oliver had been right all along and he had been wrong all this time. All his hopes were crushed into smithereens and Noah felt his heart clenching in pain.     

'Why? Just why?' He thought and looked out of the window before he started his car. Glancing towards the building one last time, he stepped hard on the accelerator and the car zoomed out of the place like a rocket.     

Noah did not know where he was going. Heck, he did not even know where he wanted to go at that time. His grandfather's betrayal had hit him hard and his heart was in turmoil. He had never felt this tormented before and he started to question his entire existence.     

Noah was incensed, bewildered, and disappointed and his heart was craving blood. The monster in him was livid and he wanted to kill someone to curb the uneasiness in him.      

Noah wiped his cheeks and with a strong resolve, he drove towards the only place where he could unleash the monster in him. The underworld base.      

The people at the base were stunned to see Noah and even more so when they noticed his dark expression. He looked exactly like the asura from hell, ready to suck their souls out and drink their blood.     

Instinctively, everyone took a step back and made way for him. Who would want to provoke a raging beast and invite their doom themselves?      

"Where are the men we captured yesterday?" Noah barked and when no one responded to him, he darted a glance at them, one that was filled with bloodlust and all the people gulped in fright.      

"Boss, the men are in the basement room one." Seeing that no one was willing to step forward to answer him, Tim took it upon himself to reply.     

"Bring them to the boxing ring." He ordered and entered his office, leaving the people to stare at his back.      

'Looks like people are going to die today.' Tim let out a sigh and shook his head, but he did not pity the men whatsoever. Who told them to be unfortunate enough to have been caught by Noah Allen Carter? 'But what got Noah all pissed?' He wondered while the other people escorted the captured men to the boxing ring.      

They had only managed to capture six men and the remaining had been killed in the crossfire between them and Noah's men.      

Not knowing what was happening, the men entered the room and glanced around, their eyes widening briefly when they saw the boxing ring in the middle.     

Noah tightened his gloves and his eyes twinkled in wickedness when he saw his prey entering the room. "You will fight with me." He declared and the captives stared at him, baffled. "If you win against me, you are free to walk away from here and nobody will stop you."      

His offering was too tempting for them to not accept it. However, they knew there was a catch and Noah surely had dug a pit, waiting for them to jump into it. The men stood in their places, not daring to budge from their places.     

Noah raised his brows after seeing their audacity. "I am not asking you, I am ordering you. You will fight with me and you will give all you can into it. Otherwise, do not blame me if I end up killing you in the process."     

That was clearly what he had in mind and the men too realized it. But did they have any choice? No, they didn't. They had to accept their fate and fight the bout to save their lives.     

"Gear them up, they are going to fight the battle of their lives," Noah instructed and this time, his men did not delay any more. Their Boss was already irked. If they did not do as he wanted, then they too would be joining him in the boxing ring and that was the last thing they wanted.      

When Noah noticed his prey hesitating, his lips arched up and he smiled evilly at them. "I will go easy on the first person I will be fighting."      

The moment the words escaped his lips, the six men rushed to get themselves geared up much to Noah's amusement. As expected, greed and selfishness could make people do anything.     

While Noah waited for the men, his thoughts drifted to Aria and his expression softened considerably. 'Please forgive me for what I put you through, Aria. I am sorry for everything I did and for causing harm to you.' He let out a sigh and his smile slipped. 'Although I want to come to you right now, I am too heartbroken and irked and I cannot show this face of mine to you. I cannot scare you more than you already are.'     

Noah's eyes turned melancholic and he let out a chuckle. 'I'm sorry, Aria. I will not come to meet until I curb my blood lust. Otherwise, I might end up doing something I gravely regret like today. Please forgive me.'     

Noah took a deep breath and looked at his victims. The men were now ready to get assaulted by him and Noah was more than willing to draw blood from them.     

"Who will go first?" He mused and pointed at the man who was standing the farthest away from him. "You.." He tilted his head. "Get inside. I will fight with you first."     

The man trembled when he saw the evil glint in Noah's eyes and he wanted to run away from the place as quickly as possible. Noah was too terrifying, even more than Jared.         


"I do not have all day. I suggest that you make it quick." Noah's face hardened and his jaw ticked when he sensed the man's hesitancy.     

"And before we start, I have one rule for all of you, a rule you must all follow. The rule is..." He darted a glance, making sure to even look at his men. "There are no rules!"     

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