Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 664

Chapter 664: Suffer together


Ivy patted her chest and panted lightly. 'While helping Noah, I might end up in deep shit myself.' She cursed under her breath and pulled out her phone.     

"Noah, you are going to put me into a fix someday." She berated. Yet the man did not say a word. He was in a good mood and was even smiling widely like a fool.     

"Thank you, Ivy. Thanks a lot. I owe you this." He expressed seriously, stunning Ivy into silence.     

"Well, not a problem." She did not know what to say and brushed it off casually.     

"No, seriously Ivy. Thank you very much. You do not know what a huge favor you have done to me and the burden that was weighing down on my mind is finally removed." Noah did not let go of the matter and let out a sigh of relief. "I thought Dad would be adamant and refuse to accept my relationship with Aria. You have no idea how scared I was."     

"I understand, Noah. I saw the fear in your eyes when you were here. You do not have to explain it. Instead," Ivy picked up a biscuit packet she had bought on the way and ripped it open. "You should think of ways to appease your lady. She is furious and an enraged Aria is arduous to appease."     

"I know, Ivy. I know. Don't you recall how long it had taken me to pacify her previously when the truth about Dad was disclosed to you two?"      

Noah closed his eyes in defeat and shook his head lightly.     

"So, young man, I suggest you start making plans and think of ways to appease your wife." Ivy teased and Noah smiled faintly. "And if Joshua is anywhere around you, tell him I won't be returning home with him today. Wait, I won't be returning for a few days, not until Noah manages to get his wife back."     

"What? Why are you not returning?" Joshua butted in the conversation immediately and even snatched the phone from Noah, which Noah did not mind. Anyway, it was a matter between the couple and he had no desire to eavesdrop on their conversation.     

Moreover, he now had a mission. Mission to pacify Aria and he had to plan his next step carefully.     

"Why are you abandoning me out of nowhere?" Joshua cried and Ian let out a chuckle seeing his unhappy expression.     

"I want to accompany my sister. Do you need any more reasons?" She spat and Joshua shut his mouth immediately.     

"Why are you punishing me for Noah's deeds?" He whined and glared at Noah, who turned a blind eye to it. "This is not fair. I will go to court."     

"Go wherever you want. I have work to do now. Will talk to you later. Bye." Ivy heartlessly ended the call, leaving Joshua stranded.  He stared blankly at the phone, unable to believe that Ivy had rejected him coldly and even more so when he was not at all at fault.      

Ian let out a laugh again when he saw Joshua's stunned expression. Although he looked pitiful, it was still hilarious and he complimented Ivy in his mind for keeping to usual hyperactive and irritating man in check.     

Joshua's head snapped to his friends when he heard the snicker. While Ian did not hide his laughter, even Noah seemed to be smiling at him and Joshua was aggrieved all the more.     

"Noah..." He seethed and glared at the man who just raised his brows at him innocently. It was as though he had no idea what had happened and was in no way responsible for Ivy brushing Joshua off coldly. "Look what you did. Now, even I am forced to stay away from my sweetheart. Does your heart not ache to see me suffer?"     

Noah's smile faltered but it was only for a moment. He felt bad for his friend, he really did. If not for him, Ivy would not have been forced to stay away from Joshua. It was all his doings and somewhere, he was at fault completely.      

Yet, he did not show his emotions and put on a poker face. Anyway, it was fun teasing his friend and in his situation where his heart was in total turmoil, he needed something to distract himself.     

"No." Noah answered brazenly and gave Joshua a look, one that had the man fuming in return. "Also, it's only fair that you suffer with me. I am in a problem and it is only right that as a true friend, you support me and share my sufferings." He stated as a matter of fact and Joshua's lips twitched in annoyance.     josei

"What friend? Who is a true friend? Ohh, please. Spare me. I don't have such cold-hearted friends." He huffed, opened the car that was already unlocked and sat inside. He did not glance at Noah nor even Ian, who had not spoken a word since the beginning.      

Noah let out a sigh and pressed his forehead while Ian just shook his head. Even though Joshua's actions were childish, he had managed to divert Noah's attention from his problem, at least for the time being. They had to make sure that he did not lose control and kill anyone else in his fit of anger and the best way to do it was to distract him and keep him occupied.      

"Let's go." Noah took to the wheel again and Ian occupied the passenger seat.      

"What are you going to do now?" Ian brought up the topic when they were on the roads and Noah's eyes darkened in anger for a moment. Joshua, who had been sulking silently, leaned forward and his ears perked up immediately.         


"Don't do anything drastic, Noah. We do not know..."     

"I know, Ian. I know." Noah stopped him as he suppressed his anger. "Don't worry. I won't do anything without consulting you two. I promise. Now, we are not dealing with Jared or Charles. Instead..." His hold on the steering wheel tightened. "It's the old man..." Noah could not even call him his grandfather. His heart felt bitter and betrayed after learning his truth.     

"And without a concrete plan, we will never be able to subdue him. He has managed to stay hidden all these years and if not for Oliver, I would not even have found out about it. The old man is wicked and it would not be easy to tackle him, considering how powerful he is. I need to be as careful as possible if I want to collect evidence and show his true face to the world."     

Noah glanced at Ian who was already looking at him in concern before he focused on the road again. "But before I handle him, I need to apologize to Aria first. I need her by my side to keep myself sane and in check for what I will be doing in the future."     

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