Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 679

Chapter 679: Finally relieved


Silently thanking Ivy for bringing this wonderful change in him and for giving him the life he had once lost, he sat in front of Amber. At the same time, the two officers in charge stood behind him as protection lest the crazy woman lose her cool and did irreparable things in the end.     

The man before them was the Joshua Martin and if something were to happen to them in their presence, then it would be them in deep shit. It was best they stayed vigilant and in charge.     

"Joshua, you are finally here. You have no idea how much I have suffered." Amber cried, her tears leaking like a river flooding through a broken dam. It did not stop at all and all the three spectators felt a headache coming seeing her marvelous act. She sure was a brilliant actor. Too bad, there was no one to buy her act.     

Joshua narrowed his brows as he scrutinized the woman in front of him. The Amber he had once loved and the Amber in front of him was poles apart and only then did he realize that she was a chameleon. It was easy for her to change colors as it was to change her clothes.      

"I was told you wanted to meet me. May I know the reason behind your request, Miss?" Joshua spoke in a distant manner, showing the woman what her place in his life was. She was nothing but a stranger to him and he intended to keep it that way. There were only a few women he loved and treasured in his life and Amber was not one of them. Never was she, and never will be.     

"Joshua, why are you being so distant with me? Have you forgotten me? I am your Amber." Amber exclaimed and Joshua rubbed his forehead, not liking the predicament he was in. Instead of staying at him with his beloved and his friends, he was here dealing with a delusional woman, a lunatic. How troublesome!     

"Correction, please." Joshua stopped her before she could get carried away with her dreams. "You are not mine, Amber and neither am I yours and I prefer you remember it for life. It will stay like this forever."     

A dangerous threat lay behind his tone. While the two officers noticed it, Amber remained oblivious to it. She just moved closer to the man who held the power to save her and tried to hold his hand only for Joshua to move his hands away from her immediately.     

"I would suggest you stay far away from me. I have a severe case of OCD and I do not wish to touch dirty and disgusting things."     josei

"Joshua." Amber cried in disbelief, her eyes pouring out all the tears they had accumulated. "How can you do to me? You love me..."     

"Again, correction. I don't think I ever loved you, Amber and I understand it now. What we had, what we shared in the past was never love and I suggest you get out of your illusion. We are over and I am happy in my life. Do not try to interfere or the consequences will be dire. I am warning you."     

Joshua did not care if he was in the presence of two police officers. He had to make sure that Amber stayed far, far away from him and Ivy. Considering how much of a lunatic she was and her involvement with Jared, he did not want her anywhere near Ivy or anybody else he loved. He had to keep them safe from all dangers and Amber was one among the many dangers.     

Amber was not happy with Joshua's words and she lowered her head trying to appear as pitiful as possible to evoke his sympathy. But in vain. Joshua was unhindered by her act and he raised his brows, unamused by her antics.     

"Joshua, how could you do this to me? Do you have any idea what I have gone through?" She cried and now, not only Joshua even the two officers who were suffering her torturous acts felt nauseous seeing her put up a horrible act.     

"I do not care what you have gone through and what you will be going through next. We are mere strangers and it will remain that way forever. However, I do advise you to get speaking if you wish to get out of here quickly. Otherwise, forget about leaving this place ever."     

Joshua stood up and buttoned his jacket. "Jared is not going to save your ass. You are responsible for yourself and for once, use your brain and try to think rationally. You were a mere pawn in Jared's game of chess and I am sure you have realized it by now."     

Not wanting to spend another moment in Amber's presence, he turned around and walked away with the two officers following him. An unknown burden that he did not even realize he had ever carried was released off his shoulders and he felt oddly light and happy. A smile made its way on his lips and a face he loved the most flashed in his mind.     

'Ivy, thank you so much for coming into my life. Thank you. I finally know that I never loved Amber. It must have been just a passing cloud. It was. You are my one and only and I realized it only today.' His eyes sparkled in delight and he let out a sigh of relief.     

After greeting the two officers in charge, Joshua departed from the place, not knowing that his behavior with Amber that day would one day be the cause of his misery.     

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