Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 695

Chapter 695: Hospital disaster - Part 2


"What's wrong, Ivy? What did Dad say? Is something the matter?"      

"I'm not sure, Joshua. He sounded weird and he was speaking cryptically." Ivy shrugged in confusion, still unable to decipher what her father was referring to.     

"What did he say?"     

"He asked me to be careful and to always keep an eye around me. It's as if..."     

"He is worried that something might happen if we are not careful." Joshua finished her sentence and Ivy nodded in response.     

"What do you think he is referring to?"     

"He must be worried, considering how critical the situation is. But, I'm sure that was just his concern, nothing significant to worry about." Joshua assured her and Ivy nodded blankly. Although his words made sense to her and that was what she had in her mind, somewhere in her heart, she had an inkling that her father was warning her regarding some danger lurking in the dark.     

"Mr. and Mrs. Carter are here." Joshua stood up, startling Ivy momentarily before she followed suit and followed his gaze to find the couple who would soon be Aria's in-laws approaching them.     

"Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, how are you?" Joshua smiled at them warmly and the couple greeted him with a smile.     

"Well, hello, Joshua. How are you, dear? What are you doing here this early?" Hailey enquired, her gentle voice not hiding her tenacious and robust personality. Her eyes fell on Ivy, who smiled at her before she averted them back to Joshua.     

"We came to enquire about Grandpa's health and are glad we did. Otherwise, Noah and Aria would not have got a break. They needed some rest. Before I forget, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Ivy."     

"Hello, Ivy. It's a pleasure to meet you." Hailey chimed while Samuel nodded. Now that the old Carter was out of danger and recovering slowly, Hailey and Samuel seemed less stressed and worried.     

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Carter," Ivy responded and glanced at Joshua, who was already looking at her. "Also, I am Aria's elder twin. I'm sure you must have met her by now."     

"Ohh, yes, we did. She is lovely." Hailey's smile widened.      

"Thank you, Mrs. Carter." Ivy did not know what else to say. However, after watching the Carter couple, she was sure they had accepted Aria and genuinely welcomed her into the family. This put her in some relief even though her father's words kept repeating in her mind constantly.     

"Let us check on Dad first. We'll talk to you later." Samuel stated and Hailey nodded before they entered the ward while Ivy and Joshua waited outside.     

"Definitely. Ian will be here soon and we might find out when Grandpa will wake up. So we will wait here."     

"Are you still thinking about Dad's words, Ivy?" Joshua did not miss how absent-minded Ivy looked when conversing with the Carter couple. Usually, she would not make the situation awkward and hold a conversation well. But this, she was unable to do so and it was highly unlike her.     

Ivy did not reply, which was enough of an answer for Joshua to confirm his thoughts. "Do not worry, Ivy. Dad is just worried. If you are still not assured, you can ask him when you meet him later."     

"Yeah, will do." Ivy managed a smile and Joshua pecked her forehead. "I am happy that Noah's parents accepted my sister. I worried they would object to their relationship, considering how..."     

"Considering how rich and regal they are?" Joshua questioned. "Ohh, Ivy. You have nothing to worry about. Neither Noah's parents nor my parents have such attitudes. They are excellent people and Aria will face no troubles in the future. In fact," Joshua smirked, his eyes twinkling in mischief. "Noah's parents might even abandon him and accept Aria as their daughter. Wait and watch."     

Ivy could not help but laugh this time and shook her head in denial. "Are you serious?"     

"Did you not see how my parents reacted when they met you? They abandoned me for you. Noah's parents are the same. So, be prepared to see some hilarious scenes in the future."     

"You must be having fun watching your friends suffer. Am I right?"     

"I cannot deny I am having fun watching them in anguish. I'm waiting for Ian to fall head over heels in love with someone. It would be..."         


"It would be what, Joshua?" Ian's voice broke the couple's conversation for a moment. But that did not stop Joshua from running his mouth.     

"It would be amazing to watch. I'll buy some popcorn and coke and watch you being all lovey-dovey. Heck, I'm even willing to eat dog food then. How about it?" Joshua winked and Ian rolled his eyes in dismay.     

"In your dreams."     

"Hey, don't invade my dreams. It is reserved for Ivy and me only. I do not want to see your poker face in my dreams. It would scare the hell out of me."     


Ian did not wait to listen to Joshua and entered Jonathan's ward. But he did not forget to raise his middle finger before doing so.     

"Was that necessary?" Ivy jabbed his stomach and Joshua glared at her in return.     

"Absolutely. Don't deny me of my right to tease the people I love."     

"Whatever." Ivy huffed and sat on the chair again as they waited for the Carter couple to exit the ward before they could take their leave.     

It did not take long and barely a few moments after, Ian followed the Carter couple out of the ward, their smiles more or less showing the situation.     

"Grandpa is showing signs of recovery and he will wake up in the next thirty-six hours," Ian stated and happiness filled them all immediately.     

However, their joy was short-lived when one of the ward boys came sprinting towards Ian, his face pale and sweaty.     

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ian waited for the man to take a breath.     

"Dr. Davis, there is an emergency. We need you right now."     

"What happened?" Ian frowned and looked at the man patiently.     

"The patient, Charles Miller, is dead."     


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