Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 699  More secrets?

Chapter 699  More secrets?

The news about Charles' death was still fresh, and Oliver, too found out about it in no time.

It was impossible to miss it, considering how the media was covering every second of it and his suspicion was raised all the more. It was too much of a coincidence that the old Carter was admitted to the hospital and Charles was murdered right after.

'What the fuck is happening?' He mused and tapped the table as he held the cup of coffee in his other hand. 'Something is wrong here. Is Jonathan Carter somehow responsible for Charles' death? Was this all a ploy of his and he is...'

Oliver shook his head immediately, denying his thoughts directly. "It can't be. Jonathan could not have faked a heart attack. Otherwise, Ian and Aria would have found out about it. But..."

Oliver's face scrunched up thoughtfully and he pursed his lips as he tried to perceive the situation. However, he came up with nothing. His mind was blank and he could not think of anything to justify his suspicions. "What am I missing? What am I missing?" He kept tapping the table as he sipped his coffee, only to find his cup empty.

With a sigh, he stood up and after dropping the cup in the sink, he left for the hospital. "I need to find out what is happening. This is utterly twisted."

The hospital entrance was crowded and Oliver had to push through the crowd to make it in and even then, the guards who had formed a barricade to stop the reporters from rushing in stopped him immediately.

"Sir, I need to get inside. I am here to visit a patient." Oliver stated the purpose of his visit. But the man remained adamant and did not allow him to move even an inch.

"Sir, please. I am..."

"Let him go. What are you doing?" Before Oliver could finish, one of the other guards rushed towards them and rebuked the man harshly. "Don't you know who he is? He is Boss' father-in-law?" He spoke in a hushed voice. Yet, Oliver could hear him and he almost rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I did not know who you were. Please forgive me." The man apologized genuinely and Oliver did not mind his previous behavior. He understood the reason for his actions and did not blame him whatsoever. The media could be a nuisance at times and to get the news, they could go to any extent. He was the same and had done it in the past and would do it in the future if required.

"It's not a problem, young man. You are just doing your job. Keep up the good work." He patted the guard's back and entered the hospital, which was relatively quieter inside. Yet, there was an odd tension in the air, one which Oliver did not miss.

People kept speaking to themselves and pointing towards something and Oliver shook his head. This is not good, he thought. And overcoming the mess and removing the negative publicity would take a long time. josei

He kept an eye around him and entered the elevator and dialed Ivy, who picked up his call on the second ring.

"Hello, Dad?"

"I'm here. Where are you guys?"

"Dad, come to VIP ward number 3. It's on the seventh floor."

"I'll be there in a moment." Oliver smiled impatiently at the other people in the elevator and tapped his right foot. All the way, his mind was conjuring all possible scenarios about who could have murdered Charles. But nothing. Nada.

The elevator dinged, bringing Oliver out of his disturbing thoughts and he stepped out, searching for the ward Jonathan was in.

"Dad, here." Ivy waved at him as soon as she saw him and Oliver smiled immediately when he saw the couple.

But his smile slipped when he noticed Ivy and Joshua's tensed expressions. It was impossible to ignore and he raised his brows in wonder.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why do you two look so worried?" He queried and looked in the direction of the ward Jonathan was in.

"We are just worried for Ian. He has a lot to handle." Ivy signaled with her eyes that she would speak to him in secret, and Oliver immediately understood his daughter. But something in him told him they had much to say later. So, he did not probe further into it.

"How is Mr. Carter? Has he gained his consciousness?" He diverted the topic instead and looked at the ward again.

"Not yet. But his condition is stable and he will eventually gain consciousness."

"That's good to hear." Oliver sighed in relief and Ivy nodded lightly. "By the way, didn't you say you'd be leaving soon? Are Mr. and Mrs. Carter not here yet?"

"They are here, Dad. We are just...you know..." Ivy scratched her head and Oliver smiled in understanding.

At that moment, Samuel and Hailey exited the ward. While Hailey had a small, relieved smile on her face, Samuel was visibly stunned to see Oliver and he halted in his place immediately.

Oliver was not surprised by his reaction, it was expected. But Ivy was astonished and she looked back and forth between the two older men, trying to decipher what she was missing.

"Samuel." Oliver greeted, flashing a warm smile at Hailey, who, too, had sensed the strange atmosphere.

"Oliver...." Samuel finally snapped out of his shock. Even though he had heard about Oliver's return, he was still stunned to see the man standing before him. It was not a secret to him what had happened in the past and how much Oliver had suffered. Also, he was not oblivious to the truth that Aria and Ivy were his daughters.

Although he did not interact much with Oliver in the past, the man still left a significant impression in his mind.

"How are you, Oliver? It's been a long time."

"Three years, to be precise." Oliver did not stop smiling and Ivy did not miss the unconcealed frustration in his eyes.

'What the fuck!! Now, what is this? Why is Dad looking at Mr. Carter this way? What more secrets is he hiding?'

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