Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 7 - New Mission

Chapter 7 - New Mission

"What?" Aria stared at him stupefied. "Did you just say you threw my phone out of the window?"

Noah nodded.

"Why would you do that? And you are on the fourth floor for god's sake. Now my phone is gone." Aria wailed.

"My hand slipped." He lied shrugging his shoulders. How could he say he got jealous of a person he didn't even know? He also knew nothing about Aria's relationship with Danny.

"That was quite a long slip, I must say. The window is way across the room."

"Look. I apologize. I'll get you a new phone."

"I had important contacts in the phone. There were some crucial files and photographs. What do I do now?" Aria held her head in between her hands.

"I'll get the data restored, alright? Now calm down."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need your help." Aria glowered at him.

The door opened and a bodyguard walked in with a cleaner.

"I'll take your leave. If I stay here any longer, I might go insane." Aria picked up the sandwich and the bottle of juice. She then pointed to the guard. "Make sure he eats finishes the soup and the omelet. I'll send in a nurse with the medicines.

"Wait," Noah called, only to fall on deaf ears.

The bodyguard stood beside Noah in fear. The cleaner had finished his work and exited the room long back. At that moment, he was all alone with the demon.


"Get out."

"But Dr. West.."

"I said get out."

The guard ran away trembling.

Noah took the bowl of soup and started to drink, while reminiscing Aria's angry face.


Meanwhile in Uron City josei

A man was following a group of people silently. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt and black trousers. He had put on his goggles and a blue cap and held a camera in his hand. He was occasionally taking pictures while maintaining his focus on the four men.

Uron City was a famous tourist attraction. Many people visited the city over the year.

The people around the man were also taking photographs, so nobody noticed anything different about him.

The man followed the group into a narrow alley. It reeked of cigarettes and booze. No tourists were present in that area. He had a pen camera in his pocket shirt and it was recording all the actions of the men in the front. They walked towards the coffee shop and took a left. There was a library at the end of the road. It was completely abandoned, not a single person was visible. The man waited for a few minutes at the coffee shop and then slowly approached the secluded library. He tried twisting the door handle, it didn't budge. It was locked from within. He looked around for a way to get inside. He walked behind the library and found a staircase. It was connected to the library on the second floor. The man climbed the rusty stairs, while looking out for any danger.

There was a door at the end of the stairs. He tried opening it, but it was jammed. After some struggle, it opened with a creak. He walked inside scrutinizing his surroundings. Though it was dark, he could see things clearly. He removed his goggles and stepped forward. There was only one hallway with stairs on either side. The stairs on the left led to the next floor.

The man took the stairs on the right and walked down cautiously. He could hear hushed voices from below. Noticing a dark spot behind a bookcase, he jumped off the railing and hid himself.

They were the same people he had followed. One of the men was puffing a cigarette. He was tall and had short blond hair. The man sitting beside him looked nervous. He was wearing baggy clothes and was adjusting his glasses every time it slid down his nose.

"How long do we have to wait?" A man with a shoulder-length hair spoke. His face was not visible and he kept tapping his hands on the armrest, impatiently.

"He'll be here shortly." The last guy answered with a gruff voice. He was pacing back and forth.

At that moment, low footsteps echoed through the room. All the men's eyes turned towards the direction of the sound.

A well built, middle-aged man walked in; everything about him screamed danger. He sat down on the only unoccupied chair in the room. The man, who was hiding, immediately recognized him to be David Peters, the Finance Minister of the country.

"This is gonna be interesting." He adjusted the pen camera and silently watched the scene in front of him.

"What is the status?", David asked looking at all four of them.

"We have successfully obtained the virus and the antidote from the scientists. We are waiting for your orders." The blonde guy spoke.

"Have you killed the scientists?" All four men nodded.

"I'll inform you of the place and the time and then you'll release the virus. Until then keep it intact. Oh, we are going to wreak havoc in the country and the President will be forced to step down." David stated with a wicked glint.

"Also I have another mission. The President's secretary is suspicious of me. I want you to finish him before the matter goes out of hand."

"Not again." The man with the shoulder-length hair stood up. "How long are you going to use us to do your dirty work? You know what? I am going to quit. Don't involve me in your plans from now on."

"Are you sure?" David questioned while everyone else pitied the man for his stupidity.


David took out a pistol and shot him in the head.

"I don't need useless people."

"The man, who was hiding, gasped looking at the dead body. In spite of the sound being inaudible, everybody had heard it because of the echo.

"Who's there?" The guy with the spectacles raised his eyes, scanning the hallway. His eyes look so deadly that any sane person would piss in their pants out of fear.

Realizing his mistake, the man climbed back the staircase and rushed towards the second floor, clutching his camera tight. The sound of his running echoed through the library.

All the men got to their feet and ran in the direction of the noise. By the time, the people managed to track him, he was already nearing the coffee shop. The men could only get a glimpse of his silhouette. They discovered that he was wearing a grey shirt and a blue cap. They ran towards the coffee shop. But could not find the guy they were searching for.

Just then, a girl in a blue shirt and black pants walked out of the shop. She had a backpack on her shoulders and her hair was tied into a bun.

"Excuse me, Miss. Have you seen a man wearing a grey shirt and a blue cap? He came running this way." The man with the gruff voice spoke.

She nodded and pointed towards a large group of tourists at the far end of the road. The men took off at once in the direction she pointed to, while the girl strolled in the opposite direction.

"Idiots." She smirked.

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