Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 709  New plans

Chapter 709  New plans

"Can't we just get a break?" Ivy cried and made a crying face as she sat beside Joshua. "How much more can we deal with in one day?"

"I agree. This is so fucked up. In just a few hours, Theo went from dead to alive and again dead to alive." Joshua ran a hand through his hair in frustration until it went messy and he did not care about adjusting them.

"The main question here is," Ian started after pondering for a while. "Why did Theo go into hiding? Why did he leave us, his family and friends and stay far away, living a life of loneliness when he had everything."

"It all started after that mission he and my Dad was involved in, if I am not wrong," Ivy recalled the video she had seen in her apartment where Theo had been shot dead and after that, her father went missing for three years.

"And the details sent by Maggie correspond to a similar timing and..." Joshua studied the information on his phone, his fingers turning into a pout as he thought about it. "To be precise, the date goes back to a few weeks before the day the video was shot. Theo took a flight to Rome the day after Dad went missing and the flight ticket was booked five weeks before the shit happened."

Silence fell over the place and a myriad of thoughts filled their minds. But nobody could come up with a possible conclusion regarding the matter; eventually, Noah spoke first.

"Only Grandpa can tell us what is happening. I need to speak to him."

"But it will take him some time to wake up and recover and I do not recommend putting him under any stress. We cannot risk it." Ian warned and Noah gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"How about my Dad?" Ivy spoke all of a sudden when a thought entered her mind. "Do you think we should confront him about what happened between him and Grandpa? My Dad is behaving strangely after their meeting and I still don't know what happened."

"We need to speak to him too. He too needs to know about Theo." Noah agreed and the group decided upon a time to meet Oliver.

"I feel so exhausted." Joshua wailed and leaned against Ivy, with his head on her shoulder and Ivy allowed him to do so for once. She understood his plight, for she was feeling the same and leaned against him lightly. "When will our lives return to normal?"

"Not until we catch Jared. He is a fucking time bomb." Noah spat and closed his eyes to control his anger. "Until he is dead, not caught but dead, our lives will not be at peace."

"And we are all in danger too," Ian stated. "We are out in the open and the enemy is in the dark. We never know when he will attack us."

"I will take care of it. Just leave everything to me." Noah stood up suddenly and licked his lips, which had suddenly gone dry. "I will plan everything out. Just follow them without questions. I do not want anyone to fall in danger. This is not just one life we are talking about, but everyone's."


The three people did not argue and nodded in understanding. This was the time when they had to stay united and careful. Any small error on their part could lead to dire consequences and that was the last thing they wanted.

"I will seek Deputy and her group's help. I need her assistance with what I have in mind. I will take a look at Grandpa. See you guys later." Noah's worry lines did not leave his face whatsoever and Ivy felt terrible for him.

For his friends and family, he had taken an enormous burden on his shoulders. Such responsibility was not easy to handle and to think that he had been doing it for quite some time, although not to this extent, made her look at him in new light.

Joshua noticed the look of admiration on Ivy's face and he leaned closer to her. "He's great. Isn't he?" He whispered, his tone filled with pride. josei

"Very. He really is incredible. I don't know how he can handle such heavy responsibilities. If it were me, I would have given up long ago."

"We were trained to be like this, Ivy and eventually, Noah took up everything on his shoulders so that the other two could be at peace." Joshua smiled softly when he thought about the man's sacrifice for everyone.

"While he handled everything, from our safety to the base, everything small to big, Ian and I just attended a few meetings. He would keep us updated about everything, we did not have to do anything. Sometimes, I feel that Noah is not a human." Joshua sighed and looked far away as he recalled how his friend had been in the initial days when he had taken over everything.

"Thank the Lord for your sister. She brought color to his life. Really." Joshua assured softly. "Otherwise, Noah would have lost himself and his mind long ago."

"I'm delighted that my sister has someone like Noah in her life. She really is lucky." Ivy let out a sigh and patted Joshua's arm to comfort him.

"I am lucky too. I have you." Joshua lifted his head and smiled at her cheekily and Ivy rolled her eyes when she saw his playful expression.

"You should be. You wouldn't have found a better girl even if you were to search all over the world."

"I don't need a better girl. I just need you." Joshua winked and Ivy had no words to say. Although her face did not reveal anything, she was bursting with happiness inside and she closed her eyes tight to control herself from smiling like a fool. His words made her feel cherished and ecstatic.

"All that now remains is for this boring doctor to find someone good," Joshua muttered and Ivy's head snapped up immediately.

"Spare me, please. I do not wish to get into this." Ian, who was listening to their conversation even if he did not want to, intervened right away. "I do not want anyone, I am happy the way I am."

"But you never know when what might happen." Ivy raised her brows playfully, joining Joshua in teasing Ian. "What if you find someone incredible and your heart falls for her? What will you do?"

"You know I have someone in mind who might be a good match with you," Joshua stated suddenly, and Ian glared at him immediately.

"Who is it?" Ivy was excited and her eyes sparkled lightly. "Is it someone I know?"

"Yeah. What do you think of Deputy and Ian? Wouldn't they make a good couple?" Joshua's answer was not something Ivy and Ian were expecting and they stared at him dumbfounded.

"Well, now that you said it, I do think they would make a good couple." Ivy nodded as she imagined Ian with Valerie and the picture seemed to fit perfectly.

Ian too recalled the woman who he had come in close acquaintance with recently. His lips arched up slightly unknowingly. But before he could get carried away, he shook his head and stood up immediately.

"You are crazy. Get yourself sorted." With that, he walked out of the room, leaving the couple to stare at his back suspiciously.

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