Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 712  Worried Aria

Chapter 712  Worried Aria

"What happened to Boss? Why is he like this? Is he alright?" Ronnie was too worried and he stood beside the man whose face was pale and sickly. He had no idea what had happened for him to become this sick all of a sudden and he could not help but assume the worst.

"He is running a fever. He must have been under a lot of stress recently and his body could not take it anymore. He will be fine, don't worry." Aria explained, not at all minding that Ronnie was questioning her. It only showed how much he was worried for his Boss and Aria appreciated the man's concern for Noah.

"Please stay here. I will be back with the medicine." Aria nodded and without waiting for Ronnie to respond, she sprinted out of the ward, leaving Noah under the care of his trusted subordinate.

Not even five minutes had passed when Aria returned with a nurse carrying all the assortment they needed and she immediately checked the man's condition.

Noah's body temperature was high, close to 103 and she immediately administered the IV. She did not relax once she was done.

After telling the nurse to leave and that she would handle everything, she brought some warm water and a clean towel. And Ronnie came to her aid right away when he understood what she wanted to do.

Without any questions, Ronnie helped her remove his Boss's shirt and lay him back on the bed while Aria started to wipe his sweaty body. Once she was done, the duo helped Noah into a hospital gown and laid him back on the bed again.

"He must have been under a lot of stress lately," Aria stated as she looked at the man whose lips had lost all their color while his face had taken the shade of snow.

"His body was unable to handle all the stress and it shut down when it could not tolerate any longer." Aria pursed her lips and almost glared at the man who had neglected his body in his worry and problems.

"I am at fault too." Aria lowered her head and let out a sigh, her heart wrenching in guilt when she thought about Noah, who had endured everything on his own while she had no idea about it. "I should have given him special attention and taken care of him when the situation spiraled out of control. He would not have fallen sick then."

"Madam..." Ronnie did not know what to say for a moment and stood in his place, his fingers fidgeting in anxiety and uneasiness. "Please don't blame yourself, Madam. It's not your fault that Boss fell sick." josei

Aria's eyes teared up, but she did not show her expression to Ronnie and lowered her head further as she held Noah's hand, caressing his palm gently.

"Grandpa is alone. Please go to him. I'll take care of Noah." Aria tried, even though she choked on her words in between.

Ronnie clenched his fists and took a step towards Aria. But eventually, he gave up and left the ward, allowing Aria to care for his Boss.

Aria waited until Ronnie was out of the ward before she scooted closer to Noah. "Are you an idiot? Why did you overexert yourself? Do you want to die?" She scolded him without holding back, even though she knew that her words would fall on deaf ears.

"Wait until you gain consciousness and see what I'll do to you." She threatened and pressed Noah's palm as though she was promising something. "I'm going to kill you once you wake you. You just wait and watch."

Once she was done lamenting and complaining, Aria leaned back in her chair, her palm still enclosing Noah's as she fixed her eyes on him.

Finally, after a long time, drowsiness started to hit her and she slowly started to succumb to sleep. Even in her sleep, she did not let go of Noah's hand, which was how Noah found himself the moment he woke up.

Noah stirred in his sleep and he felt his head throbbing in pain. It was as though someone was smashing a hammer on his head, forcing it to explode in the meanwhile. He felt weak all over and it seemed like the world was spinning when he opened his eyes. A groan escaped his lips and he tried to move but a weight on his hand forced him to stop.

The lights in the ward were still on. So, Noah could see clearly where he was and was stunned to find himself in a ward that was not his Grandpa's. And what appalled him even more was that Aria was sleeping soundly with her head on his palm while seated in the chair beside his bed.

'That must have been uncomfortable.' He thought and opened his mouth to wake her up, only to hear a sound that resembled a croak to fall on his ears. Immediately, he shut his mouth and cursed his luck.

Noah did not dare move an inch for fear that he would wake Aria now that he understood his predicament. Him being in a ward while Aria dozed off beside him and the killer headache he was having told him all that he wanted to find out.

'I must be sick. That's why I'm here instead of in Grandpa's room. If I wake up Aria now, she'll surely kill me.' He analyzed and looked at the lady who was sleeping deeply beside him.

'I cannot risk infuriating her right now.' He thought and sucked in a deep breath while holding back his groan when he felt his head throb again.

'Let me recover first. Maybe she'll pardon me if I am better and recovered.' Noah continued staring at Aria's head and apologized to her silently for putting her through such anguish.

As time passed, his eyelids became heavy and it became difficult for him to keep his eyes open. And when he could not tolerate it anymore, he closed his eyes and slipped into dreamland, but not before apologizing to Aria once again.

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