Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 80 - Breach Of Contract

Chapter 80 - Breach Of Contract

After half an hour, Aria peeked from behind the door. She wanted to see if Noah was still around her, hiding somewhere, waiting for her to come out. When she saw that the coast was clear, she took a small step outside. There was still no danger, she was safe. She looked left and right, for any signs of Noah. However, she was surprised that he was not anywhere near her room. She decided to face him head-on, she could not hide from him forever.

She walked down the steps and went to the living room, however, there were no signs of Noah even then. She searched for him and finally found him in the garden, talking on the phone. Looking at him, she could make out that something was wrong. His had clenched his jaws, eyebrows were furrowed and he was emitting a cold and dangerous vibe.

Noah did not know that Aria was around, his back was facing her. He continued his talk on the phone. He was in conversation with one of the IT security staff from his office, someone had sold the company secrets to their rival company. Although this was not a big deal for him, it was still a problem he had to solve.

"Alright, I'll be at the office in an hour or two. I want all the employees to be present, call them right now." Noah commanded and ended the call. He took a deep breath. His anger had gone beyond the Milky Way galaxy and reached the next galaxy. The one thing he hated the most was a betrayal. What he did not realize that he was doing the same to Aria, although it was unintentional.

He took deep breaths for a while to calm his anger. He felt a hand on his shoulder, making him turn to look at the person. It was Aria. Just a glance at her was enough to curb all his anger, it vanished in an instant.

"Is everything alright?" She was a little worried.

"Yes. Just some problems at work. Come, I'll drop you at your hotel." Noah said. There was no playfulness she had seen in him just forty minutes back.


"What time is your flight?"

"1.30 at noon."

"Hmm. Come, let's have some breakfast."

After Aria had her breakfast, Noah dropped her off at the hotel. During their in the car, Noah did not speak much to her. He was mostly on his phone, barking orders and giving out commands. He had apologized to her beforehand for his unruly behavior. Surprisingly, he had not spoken to her regarding her prank in the morning. Otherwise, right now he would not have stopped touching her.

After dropping Aria, Noah went to his company. Everybody was waiting for him, scared and frightened. They knew the situation and they were dreading the outcome.

'Who was brave enough to betray the devil? Have they lost their wish to live?'

Without even taking a glance at them, he walked to his office. After waiting for ten minutes he called for his assistant.

"Get me the PR Manager's assistant."

"Yes, Boss."

After two minutes, there was a knock at the door. The PR manager, whom he had thrown away from his company just the previous night, her assistant was standing in front of him.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Noah asked without lifting his head.

"No Boss."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Boss."


"Ronnie, call the police. I want to file a charge suit against this woman, she secretly sent company secrets to someone who does not even belong here."

The woman panicked. 'How did he find out that I did something like that? There is no way he is doing it. He does not have any proof.'

"Boss, I did not do anything like that." She defended herself immediately.

"Are you saying the truth?"


"What if you are lying?"


"What if you are lying?" He stressed on his question again, raising the pressure on her. She broke into a cold sweat.

"If I am lying, I'll leave the company right away." She answered confidently. She knew nobody could find proof for her work, she had been careful enough.


Noah typed something on his laptop and turned it towards her. The screen showed the CCTV footage from the previous night. It started at around 9.20 pm. At first there was nothing. Then after a minute or two, a person's silhouette was seen. It was not clear whether it was a man or a woman, it was a little dark and the person had worn a mask. The person tapped his ID card at the entrance and the gates opened. Looking at the footage, the woman's facial expression changed. However, she composed herself the next moment when she realized that the person's face was not clear.

"Boss. why are you showing me this? Wait a minute. Are you suspecting that I am that woman?" The woman questioned boldly. Ronnie who was standing beside was a little amused. The woman was clearly seeking her death. Nobody had spoken to his Boss in such a rude manner and got away with it, except for Aria of course.

"Aren't you?"

"Okay then. How do you explain the fact that your name was registered in the login records at exactly 9.26 pm? If it was not you, why was your name registered in it?"

'Damn it.' The woman had clearly forgotten that every time an employee or a visitor entered or exited the office, the scanner took note of the time and the name of the person. It was saved in the company's login registry. She had clearly forgotten about it.

Noah raised his eyebrows. He wanted to see how far the woman was willing to go with her lies and he was keeping a tab on all of them. He needed the count for her punishment; more the lies, severe the punishment.

"Boss, that is. I lost my ID card yesterday. So I don't know how something like this happened." The woman answered. Her confidence was wavering, yet she was trying to hold herself. If she gave in, then she knew it was the end. Her Boss would not spare her.

"Then, what is that thing in your hand? If I am not wrong, that is an ID card right." Noah pointed to the ID card in her hand. "If your card was lost, how did you get one this fast. A new card takes at least two hours to be made."

"Sir, this is the temporary employee card I got from the reception." The woman stuttered.

"Is it? Let me have a look at it." Noah held out his hand.

"Boss. I am saying right. I am not the one who sold the company secrets."

"If you not guilty, why don't you show your employee card. Let me have a look at it."

Seeing the woman stubbornly denying her crimes, Ronnie came forward and pressed on her wrists, she cried out in pain. The card fell on the table with a clank. Noah picked it up and took a glance, it was clearly an ID card, not a temporary employee card.

"So, what do you have to say now?"

"This proves nothing. You know what I am going to call the police. I am going to sue you for molestation and attempt to ****."

Ronnie scoffed. Was it that easy to frame his Boss? He was not called the king of the business world without a reason.

"Sure go ahead, call the police. Before that take a look at this." josei

Noah pressed some keys on his laptop and the scene shifted to the IT department room. To gain access to the department, every time the employee had to get his face scanned for recognition. This was the case for all the departments in the company. This face-scanning was also included for people from other departments to give them access to other departments.

The woman saw her face clearly this time. She couldn't deny any further.

'How did Noah find out about this?' She did not know that every time a face was scanned, there would be two registers of it. One of them would go directly to Noah and would stay for a period of three days before it got erased. She had got only one of them erased from the records, not the one that went to Noah.

"And also according to my sources, you mailed some of the company documents to the ex-PR manager who was fired from her job just yesterday right?"

"Boss, I am sorry. I won't do it again. I am sorry. Give me another chance Boss." She dropped to her knees and held his feet.

"Get this woman away from me." Noah bellowed. He felt disgusted by her touch.

"Hand her over to the police and file a report on that PR Manager."

Ronnie took the woman away. She tried struggling in his arms, but he was too strong for her.

"Also, you woman." Ronnie stopped on hearing Noah's voice. The woman looked at Noah with hopeful eyes. However his next words came like a cannonball, crushing her completely.

"You have breached the company's contract. Be ready to compensate 1 Million USD."

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