Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 86 - Perfect Couple

Chapter 86 - Perfect Couple

Meanwhile in London.

Aria packed her bags and exited her room. It was time for her team to leave for the airport. Stuart was waiting for her outside. As soon as he saw her, he took her room card and hugged her.

"Aria, I am going to miss you."

"Me too."

Aria hugged him back. She had made a friend in an unknown place and he was with her and took care of her for almost a week. She was definitely going to miss him.

"Keep in touch alright," Aria said, as she patted his back.

"Sure. Before that, I have something for you."


"This is a gift to you, to remind you of me."

"Oh my, thanks," Aria said as she took the box.

"And this is for you." She handed him a box in return.

"You prepared a gift for me?" Stuart was pleased.

"Yes. Open it after I leave." josei

"Sure. Now come, everybody is waiting for us downstairs."

Stuart took her luggage and walked in the front.

"Hey, I'll carry that." Aria ran behind him.

"You carrying this heavy suitcase when I am here, no way." Stuart denied her offer and continued walking.


"No buts. Let's go."

Having no other choice, Aria followed him. They got off the elevator and walked towards the entrance when her colleagues were already waiting for her.

"So, are we ready to go?" Stuart looked at all of them.

"Yes." Everybody nodded.

"Let's go."

The group boarded the bus. During the entire time, Aria did not even look at Mason. Before, she did not like him. Now, after what he did to her yesterday, she hated him. Mason knew he had screwed up. Instead of getting closer to her, he had pushed her far away. What luck?

After half an hour of driving, they arrived at the airport.

"So, goodbye guys. Have a safe trip." Stuart said. It was clear from his face that he was sad, yet he was trying to keep up a smile in front of them.

At that moment, he got a call and excused himself. Aria took out a box from her bag and approached Kaito who had got off the bus along with them.

"Kaito, thank you for taking care of us.

"Madam, it was my job."

"Still, I want to thank you." Aria gave him a hug. This sudden action made the Japanese guy blush. But the next moment, he stiffened. He remembered that Aria was his Master's woman and being hugged by her would only lead to death. However, he did not know what to do, he couldn't push her away. He was not hugging her, but it was her who was hugging him. He could only let her do as she wanted.

After hugging him for a few seconds, Aria pulled back.

"Kaito, I am going to miss you."

"Me too."

"This is for you." Aria handed him the gift box.

"Madam, I cannot accept this." Kaito refused immediately. How could he accept a gift from his future Madam? If his Master found out about it, then he would be as good as dead.

"Kaito, I am not going to take a no. You are taking this and that's final." Aria stuffed the box in his hands.

Kaito sighed. His future Madam was as overbearing as his Master. They would make a perfect couple.

"Kaito, Take it," Stuart suggested. He had ended his call and was looking at the scene taking place in front of him. With no other choice, he took it reluctantly.

Happy with the result, Aria looked at Stuart. He had completely changed his demeanor from being sad to being happy. He had a bright smile on his face and he raised his eyebrows playfully at her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"You look quite happy."

"Because I am happy."

"May I know why?"

"You will get to know in a few days."

"What?" Aria was confused. She did not understand what Stuart was saying.

"Aria, it's time to go," Tara yelled.

"Coming. So, goodbye." Aria hugged him once again.


She parted from him reluctantly. Sometimes, some newly made relationships will have closer bonds than those which have been years. She felt the same with Stuart. However, she was happy. She could go back home, she was quite homesick.

They boarded the plane at exactly 1.30 p.m. This time Noah was not accompanying her, but he had made sure to send two guards to protect her. He knew what a bastard Mason was and he wanted Aria to stay as far away as possible from him.

On the other side, Noah too boarded his private jet half an hour after Aria's plane took off. He could have asked Aria to accompany him. However, he had other matters to deal with and he did not want Aria to see that face of his.

Noah was sitting in his seat, looking at his laptop when a voice disturbed him.


"Yes, Kaito. Do you have something to tell me?" Yes, Kaito was accompanying Noah back home.

"Master, I am sorry."


"I have sinned."

"What did you do?"

"Madam hugged me today."


Noah was stunned. Aria hugged another man who was not related to her. He became jealous at once.

Kaito bent his head unable to meet Noah's deadly eyes. The temperature in the cabin dropped suddenly.

"Did you hug her?" Noah asked him in a threateningly low voice.

"No Master." Kaito shivered.

"Did she hug any other man?"

"Yes Master."



"Oh." He had to do something now, his girl was going around hugging men behind his back. However, the next moment he berated himself for his childishness. He knew how friendly Aria was, it would have been only a friendly gesture. There was no need for him to be jealous.

"Okay, I'll deal with you once we reach our country."


"Do you have something else to say?"

"Yes Master."


"Madam gave me this present before she boarded the plane."

"She gave you what?"

This time not only Kaito even Ronnie who was observing from the side shivered.

"This present." Kaito gave him the box Aria had given him.

"Open it." He ordered coldly.

'How could she give any other man a present when he himself hadn't received one?'

Kaito opened it in an instant. There were two gifts covered with a bubble wrap. He took one of them and removed the wrap. It was a photo frame. It was a photo of the group along with Stuart and Kaito which they had taken when they had gone sightseeing.

"Keep this," Noah said. It was just a photo frame, nothing special about it. He took the next gift and his eyes widened on realizing what it was. It was a coffee mug. There was also a message engraved on it.


In an unknown land,

A stranger became an acquaintance.

Thank you for everything.

I'll never forget you.


Noah sighed. Aria was the sweetest girl he had ever met in his life. She was not only friendly towards a driver, but she had also given him a gift out of consideration.

"Keep this too."

"But Master..."

"She gave it to you. Don't lose it ever."

"Yes Master."

Kaito was both surprised as well as happy. Surprised because his Master had allowed him to keep the gift and happy because his future Madam was very likable and kind, with not an ounce of arrogance. He wished them a long life and returned to his seat.

Meanwhile Noah too had similar thoughts. He was quite touched with Aria's gesture, however, he was also jealous. He had not yet received any presents from her.

'Looks like I should take my present from her myself.' Noah smiled devilishly. He was looking forward to taking his present and oh that present would be something he would love.

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