Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 95 - Regal Hospital, A Subsidiary

Chapter 95 - Regal Hospital, A Subsidiary

Meanwhile, Aria did not know about Ivy and Noah's meet. She slept until 10. By then, Ivy was already gone. The breakfast was ready, all she had to do was heat it up. She was so tired that all she wanted to do was sleep. However, hunger did not allow her to be in peace. It woke her up with a slap, forcing her to break her deep slumber.

Aria chewed on her omelet even though she had not brushed her teeth.

'Did I become lazy after I returned from London?' She wondered, nevertheless satisfying her stomach was more important at present than to worry about hygiene. She ate slowly savoring the taste and blessed Ivy to have mastered the art of cooking. At least she would not die starving. There was somebody who would look after her need for food.

Aria remembered that she still had to go to the hospital in the afternoon. Although she wanted to continue with her sleep, she had to bid a goodbye to it with much reluctance. She knew if she slept now, she would not get up in time and Ian would come behind her.

After finishing her breakfast, she brushed her teeth and took a shower. The fatigue she felt slowly drifted off with the hot water soothing her body. However, it was not long before her peace was broken. Someone started banging on her door loud enough for her to hear even though the bathroom was filled with sounds of water. It would not be Ivy as she had her keys with her.

'Who else could it be?' She thought. Yet, she had no intention of opening the door. She was not expecting anyone nor had she ordered any delivery. So, she did not move from her place. She thought that the person would eventually leave her to be.

The banging went for some time until it died eventually when nobody answered. Aria took a deep breath. By then she was finished with her shower. Not having much to do, she switched on the TV. There were still two hours before she left for the hospital. There was nothing much that could catch her fancy. So, she turned it off and picked up her laptop. She still had her thesis to submit, she could as well work on it.

She tried switching it on several times, but it did not work.

"Not again." She cried. This was the third time her laptop had given up on her. She then got an idea. Since he had already created a backup on her drive, she could use Ivy's laptop. So, she went to her room to use her laptop. However, the scene she encountered in her room made her gasp.

There were paper cuttings, posters, maps, pictures all stuck on the wall. Below each, there was a brief writing about it. She saw David Peters' picture and an article about his arrest. Also, there were many people who she did not know.

"What the hell is this?" She exclaimed. Aria had seen Ivy's room just before she had departed to London. Although there were paper clippings and other papers stuck on the wall, it was not to this extent. Just in a matter of a few days, it had covered the entire wall. There was also a glass wall which she had not seen before. There were many markings on it which were connected to other writings.

Aria looked at the glass wall trying to decipher what Ivy had scribbled on it. In the middle of all the papers, there was her father's photograph. So, this was a case related to her father.

Aria started connecting the different scribblings with the lines that led to them. She read through the list of hospital names and then realized these were the ones that were involved in the crime. She saw that the last writing was about the Royal Health Care Hospital. Below the hospital name, the word 'Director' was written with a question mark. She then saw a name that shook her to the core. It stated Vice Director: Wilbur Price.

Aria was so shocked that she had to sit down for some time to come back to her senses. The man whom she had met in London was actually related to the hospital which caused her father to go missing. Suddenly she remembered something she had read years before. She switched on Ivy's laptop and searched for the information she wanted. As she had expected, she was right.

Regal Medical Hospital was actually owned by the Royal Group, it was a subsidiary branch. This had happened four years back, just before her father started covering the Royal Health Care Hospital.

She was so dumbfounded by the information that she did not know what to do. She picked up a marker and wrote Regal Medical Hospital on the wall and connected it to Royal Hospital with a line. Below it, she wrote 'Same Management, bought 4 years back.'

At that moment, the cell phone in her pocket rang breaking the silence. Aria picked it up without seeing the caller's name.

"Aria, where are you? I am waiting for you." Ian's voice sounded from the other side.

Aria looked at her watch and realized that she was running forty minutes late. She was so engrossed with the new findings that she forgot the time and her appointment with Ian.

"Sorry Ian. I overslept." She lied conveniently.

Ian did not give a second thought to her words. It was obvious that she would have been tired by the journey and she would have slept. So, he did not scold her.

"No problem Aria."

"I'll be there soon," Aria promised.


Aria was still meddle headed. So, she sat down for some time to clear her head. It was a lot for her to take in. After she was sure that she was fine, only then did she step out of the house.


As soon as Aria arrived at the hospital, she gave Ian a call. He asked her to come to his cabin and he would be there in just a few minutes. Aria did as she was asked to do and found Ian already waiting for her.

"Come Aria. Sit down. How was London?"

"It was good."



"Why?" Aria asked confused.

"You found yourself a boyfriend," Ian said smiling.

Aria wanted to smack her forehead. How could she forget that Noah was friends with Ian and Joshua and definitely he would have told them about the new development in his life?

Aria looked at him embarrassed.

"I am happy for you both. There is nobody else better than him for you and definitely, he wouldn't get anybody else better than you." Ian said with all sincerity.

"Thank you," Aria said gratefully. She was touched by his words.

"Now let me tell why I have called you here."


"There is a cancer patient in our hospital and he needs to have a bone marrow transplant. Apparently, I could be a donor. My blood cells match with his, although there are some tests to be performed to confirm it."

"That's great Ian."

"Yes. But during the process, I will not be able to handle my patients until I recover."

Aria grasped onto his words immediately.

"You want me to take care of your patients. Isn't it?" Aria furrowed.


"Dr. Davis, are taking revenge on me?"

"Why do you say so?"

"Since, I handed over all my patients to you before I left, now are you returning the favor to me with interest?"

Ian laughed. He hadn't thought about it that way. josei

"If you say so."

"Dr. Davis." Aria seethed.

"Aria, please."

Aria stared at him and huffed. She was not at all angry with him. It was just that she was in the mood for some entertainment. So, she was throwing a tantrum.

"Okay." She said after thinking for a while.

"Thank you, Aria."

"If there is nothing else, I'll go take a look at my patients since I am already here. Oh, damn." She stopped suddenly.


"I forgot the gift I got you from London?"

"How could you forget such an important thing? Just how?" Ian made a face that showed he was utterly wronged.

"Don't worry. I'll get it to you tomorrow."

"Don't forget. Otherwise, you are not allowed to step out of this hospital tomorrow."

The word hospital made Aria remember something. She could ask Ian about the connection between Regal and Royal Hospital. He had been working there before she joined, he might know something.

"Ian." She started. But she stopped halfway, she did not know how to continue.

"Yes, Aria?"

"Nothing. Bye." Aria said and left the room.

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