Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 85 - His Caveman Tactics

Chapter 85 - His Caveman Tactics

Hunter had his eyes glued to Hera's face while her hand played with water. The smile never left her face and Hunter couldn't take his eyes off her. A movement somewhere in the far disturbed him, demanding attention. He scanned the surrounding but didn't find anything suspicious, though his gut told him something was wrong. 

He called for the Butler and paid the bill. Hera watched as the Butler smiled in gratitude when Hunter tipped him generously. "And you can stop the music now," Hunter said with a chuckle, and the Butler joined. Hera never noticed that the song never stopped playing. Bidding them both Goodnight, the Butler left. 

"They might think that we're crazy for playing that song on repeat mode," Hera said grinning. Hunter smiled shrugging as if to say 'I don't care'. 

"It's getting late, we should leave now," Hunter said, capturing Hera's attention. The disapproving scowl on her face said she didn't want to leave yet. "I love this place, Hunter," she said, looking around. "Okay, fine. Can we at least take a walk before we leave? I want to see the lake, and the greenery looks so beautiful from here," she added when she saw him shaking his head dismissing her request. 

A few seconds later, when he couldn't say no to her adorable pout, he agreed. "Okay, but first, let's use the washroom," he suggested but didn't wait for her reply. He pulled her along with him and walked away from the pond. Hera was confused at his sudden change of behaviour. His shoulder was stiff with tension, and he looked worried. 

They reached the restrooms, and he was still following her. Frowning, Hera tugged at his hand, "Hunter, this is the ladies restroom, and you're still following me!" She whispered yelled. Ignoring her protests, he kept walking. "I'll walk you to the door," he said, making her roll her eyes. Her annoyance reached its level when he entered the ladies restroom along with her. 

Resting her hands on the hips, Hera glared at him while he checked every door and window like a maniac. He finally gestured her to use the restroom, and Hera widely held out her palms and gave him a 'Have you lost your mind' kind of look. "Just making sure it's safe in there," he said. The seriousness on his face didn't wash out and shaking her head in disbelief, Hera went in to do her business. 

As soon as Hera went in, Hunter pulled the restroom door shut behind him and searched every corner for the unknown danger. 

He paced back and forth, eyeing every nook and cranny and stepped back when he heard shuffling of feet. Glancing one more time at Hera's direction, he made his move and found a tall and lean man in black shirt and pant hiding behind a wall. With three quick strides, he reached the man and pulled him out by grabbing the collar of his shirt.

Hunter didn't give the man a chance to react. He moved fast, kicking the stranger in the stomach and the man bent over, his arms wrapping around his midsection in reflex. The said man was trying to catch his breath in between the angry grunts when the sole of Hunter's shoe rammed into his chest in a hard strike. He staggered back while Hunter followed, hitting him again, landing a solid punch to the jaw. The man dropped to the floor with a thud, grunting in pain. 

Hunter sensed someone's approaching boot steps from his behind. Without wasting any time, he turned to him and grabbed the intruder with his wrist. Still holding his hand captive, he turned around in a flash, crouched down a little and pulled his new target over his head, slamming him into the floor. 

The man from earlier with an injured jaw tried to get up, and Hunter noticed he'd a gun. 

Grabbing the second intruder with the collar of his shirt, Hunter lifted him from the floor and wrapped his arm around his neck from behind using him as a shield while the man struggled to free himself in a vain attempt. Pulling out his gun from the waistband of his pants, he aimed it at the one standing before him. 

"No, no, Chief, it's our team," Hunter heard Dave, one of his bodyguards shouting. He came running and introduced the men as their team members. Exhaling in frustration, Hunter asked, "What are you doing here, Dave?"

"Watching your back," Dave said, helping the men. 

Placing his hands on his hips, Hunter huffed, annoyed. "Your men attacked me," he said accusingly. Dave attempted to smile, nervously glancing around them. "They didn't. You misjudged, and they were only trying not to die in your hands," he tried to justify. 

"Where's Matt?" Hunter asked, throwing a quick glance to the restroom door. "Somewhere in the entrance," Dave replied. Hunter shook his head in disapproval and said sorry to the injured men. He asked how many more were there and Dave informed that they were twelve of them. 

"Alright, now disappear," Hunter commanded as soon as the sound of the running water in the restroom stopped. He tucked his gun back to its place, straightened his shirt and jacket, finger-combed his hair and opened the door. 

Hera eyed him with a frown. "Your face is flushed, what did you do in this short break to get that pink face?" She asked. Rolling his eyes, he ignored her question and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. "Move your legs fast, will you?" He said, dragging her out of the restroom. 

He tried to appear calm, but his mind was doing a marathon, imagining all the bad scenarios that could happen. He was worried sick thinking about why Mathew brought so many guards. Usually, it would be just Mathew or Dave or John, and they always kept a low profile. If twelve guards were present in the same place to protect him, that meant trouble. 

The most he worried about was his Hera's safety. He couldn't bear the thought of something bad happening to her. He would die, saving her life if it was what needed. 

He wanted to leave the place immediately, but he'd promised Hera to make her evening special, and he didn't want to end their date abruptly. He knew it would upset her. Unknowingly, he'd tightened his hold on her wrist as he was afraid to let go of her hand. 

He found his men taking different positions behind the trees. Carefully watching his surroundings, Hunter brought her to the lake. 

As they strolled around the green grass, surrounding the lake, Hera saw a middle-aged couple holding hands, fingers intertwined and walking towards them. They looked so happy and at peace. 

Hera's eyes moved behind the couple only to land on an old couple. They were holding hands too. Their shoulders shook as they laughed together. The old lady wrapped her arms around her aged husband and rested her head on his chest. Hera smiled unknowingly at the happy couple as the older man tightened his hold on her shoulder in a protective manner. josei

They looked so happy, and she could feel their unconditional love for each other. The trust in their eyes and the smile on their faces showed how much they cherish each other's presence. They looked so proud of each other. 

The middle-aged couple glanced over their shoulder as if to check on the old couple. Hera guessed they might be family as they all exchanged smiles. Hera looked away and glanced to her left, eyeing another young couple. She'd to bend her head a little to look at them as Hunter's tall frame was blocking her view. They looked only a few years older than Hera and Hunter. They had their fingers interlocked too, as they walked.

The green monster inside Hera twisted with envy as her eyes automatically drawn to her own hand. Hunter still held her hand with his fingers securely wrapped around her wrist. Hera sighed in disappointment. Every other couple in her sight had their fingers intertwined, and they looked so much in love and happy and romantic, while her boyfriend held her wrist as if she's a criminal and he's a cop arresting her for the brutal crime. 

'Bloody Satan and his Caveman tactics!' 

Scowling, Hera looked at his face and found him studying around their surroundings. 

'As if a monkey would jump out of these trees and steal his precious cookies!' 

Hera scoffed internally. He looked like Sherlock Holmes searching for hidden clues to solve the mystery. 

She shrugged her hand, grabbing his attention and pulled her wrist out of his possessive grip. Hunter gave her a 'What is wrong with you?' look. He didn't look happy but looked mad instead. 

'He's angry and tensed all of a sudden. Why? What's bothering him?' 

Ignoring his grouchy look, Hera rolled her eyes at his mood swings. "I'm tired, let's sit here for a while," she stated and slumped her lower half on the plush green grass before Hunter could refuse. 

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