Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 63 Sudden Revelation (2)

Chapter 63 Sudden Revelation (2)

My question seems to have struck a chord in his mind as a look of realization suddenly dawned upon his face.

"Ahem…. I am sudden for releasing such news abruptly to you, but after conversing with you for a while and remembering the scene that had just taken place, it's hard for anyone to see you as someone who has lost his memory" Captain Crimson eye replied, causing me to nod my head in understanding as my memories loss although real was just a way for me to hide the fact that the former Prince Wyatt was dead so that I could replace him without arising any suspicion.

"Alright, I understand. But I would like to know how Captain Clara is my Sister-In-Law" I said, repeating my question once more, letting him know that I was more interested in knowing how the woman I wanted to get rid of was related to me.

If Captain Davy was my Father-in-Law, then doesn't that make Captain Clara my Sister-in-Law, making me her Brother in Law?

Or perhaps, am I her fiance or husband?

My mind cocked upwards at such thoughts.

"Ahem!! Your Ex-Uncle-In Law…."

"Ex.." I stressed the word, wanting to whether it wasn't a slip of the tongue.

"Yes, ex" Captain Crimson eye replied, nodding his head in confirmation.

"Captain Davy was once your Father-In-Law however after the engagement was annulled, a wedge was plunged deep within the relationship of the two families".

Even though I felt like I have been thrown up and down a roller-coaster, I nodded my head in understanding.


Gesturing for him to continue, I listened attentively, the gears in my brain shifting and processing his words without any error.

"From what I have heard…" He paused "From the information I have gotten, Captain Clara was engaged to your immediate younger brother, the third Prince -Alwyn Brewer".

He paused again, allowing his words to sink in before he continued.

Although finding out that I had a brother wasn't surprising since Clara had already given me a clue on the first day we met, I still didn't know how to react considering that the person we were talking about was my immediate brother in this world.

To be honest, I felt nothing.

No single emotion in my body rippled other than the sheer wave of curiosity that smeared across my face, easily noticeable by anyone who had enough intelligence to discern the expression of another party.

"On the day when the engagement was broken, something happened"

"What happened?"

"You lost your powers"

This time, my brows cocked upward in surprise. I reflected upon the time when I wondered why the Former Prince Wyatt was as powerless as an average human being from earth even though he had such a high mana numerical value.

However, it seems that all of it was stirred up beneath a plot that I had just begun unravelling.

Still, the continuous observation from Captain Crimson eye made me uncomfortable as I could see the man trying to read and detect any movement or action I took. It was like I was put under the microscope and being scrutinised by someone with a discerning eye.

"Although the reasons how you lost your powers are unknown to us because the information is tightly guarded by the imperial family, the explanations that we, however, had managed to get our hands on say that Captain Clara was stated to be the one responsible for your sharp decline from an ascendant until you became an ordinary, powerless human being"

However, I couldn't just stop because of some irritation I felt as there was no saying when I might get the chance to get information about my past.

"Thus, the marriage between her and Prince Alwyn was broken off by the royal court, causing Captain Davy to become angry and furious at the disgrace and the sudden change in development since the idea was not originally his, but was an agreement between Empire Brewer and Captain Silver tongue who saw an opportunity in the love between Captain Clara and Prince Alywn as a way to bridge the connection between the imperial family of the Empire of Endossa and the Pirate force that lords over the entirety of the 'Depths of Leviathan'"

"So the reason why she detests my existence is because I was the one directly responsible for breaking up her marriage with Prince Alwyn, my brother" I said, thinking about what to do next since what I have just heard diverted previous plans to a flame and brunt them, to ashes.

"Yes, that might be the case, however, I am not sure because there seems to be a lot of conspiracies brewing in the Empire nowadays. But, seeing as you rode into my sea on a Tiger whale, I can safely assume that everything is a hoax. So in short, I don't know what to believe anymore".

Choosing to keep silent was the best thing I could do about the matter now since everything wasn't truly a hoax, but since my possession, I think that it's better for others to consider me as an amnestic, although it might be a bit hard since I wasn't exactly behaving like one.

Captain Crimson eye spoke again "However, there is one thing that I would like to know".

"What is it?" I replied.

"Knowing that Captain Clara was full of hatred for you for the disruption of her marriage, why did you still choose to be handed over to Captain Davy, knowing that he would surely throw you under the feet of his daughter, thus becoming a subordinate under her fleet to make sure that you suffer for all the damages you inflicted on her heart"

"It wouldn't be a mistake to say that this woman hates you to the extent that your name is the title of all things contained underneath her bane of existence…. Please, tell me, I am curious?"

Listening to Captain Crimson eye question, I didn't even need to think much before giving him an answer.

"I don't remember" I responded.

He nodded his head in understanding, half-heartedly as though he expected my reply yet somehow, for some reason expected me to say something else or maybe he hoped that such an event wasn't part of the memories that I have forgotten.

Well, if he kept on thinking like that, then he was bound to be disappointed because I truly didn't know anything about the former Prince Wyatt's life.

Nonetheless, I could already start connecting the dots, making sense of the events that made absolutely no sense to me after my entrance into this world.

From the looks of it, it seems that the former Prince Wyatt had attacked Clara because he wanted to protect his life and flee from being part of Captain Clara's fleet, however, the former Prince hadn't thought things through before he launched a surprise attack on her, not understanding that she wouldn't just let him go scot-free.

However, even though the surprise attack had worked, he still didn't think far ahead about the chains of events that his actions would affect on, leading me to deal with the current dilemma at hand.

For a moment, a wave of tiredness watched through every inch of my body before it suddenly disappeared.

"When exactly did you lose your memory?" Captain Crimson eye asked.

He turned his eyes, glancing at Mad John who was sitting beside me before setting his gaze back on me.

"It was during my attack on Captain Clara's ship. Unfortunately, I didn't know that Knight Camille was after my life so I left my guard down, causing her to ambush me and send me drowning deep within the ocean"

"Nevertheless, even though I survived, it wasn't without its consequences as I had lost my memories in the process" I responded, choosing to tell him what was more or less the truth in case he wanted to interrogate my crew members or make Mad John spill out whatever he knows since he was the only one closest to me.

Even though I doubted he would do such a thing when I was around, there was no saying which method he would use behind my back.

"Then, it isn't too far off i ….."

"I am sorry for interrupting, but is that all the information you know?" I said.

Seeing that his question only got more sensitive, I chose to end it and find a quiet place where I can digest all these new findings that I have discovered.

It seems that I would need to reevaluate my plans since my past was going to affect me more than I had imagined.

"Yes, that is all the information that I have managed to gather which was within my capabilities. Every other necessary knowledge on the subject is closely guarded by the Empire" He replied.

"And now that you understand everything, I hope that you can see why the deal I have presented is fair and decent enough for the both of us".

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