Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 84 Agreement

Chapter 84 Agreement

His brows furrowed immediately he saw Mad John speed-walking to stand behind him.

'Did I miss anything important' He thought.

​ "You are right, please let's head over to my office" Captain Crimson eye responded. He then turned back and walked towards the lower deck of his ship with the other following behind him.

In no less than three minutes, Four men were in a single room with a very dense atmosphere surrounding them.

Wanting to break the ice, Captain Crimson eye said "So, what is your decision, Prince Wyatt?"

Prince Wyatt's lips pursed. After heavily thinking on the matter, he arrived at an answer that would please him as he could only do what is best for himself.

"After thoroughly thinking about the response to the contract that you had proposed, I am sorry..."

"Bammm!!" A loud bang flew through the air as Captain Crimson eye took away his fist that was resting against the desk.

"I think I misheard you, Prince Wyatt. Are you sure that you thought about this decision well?" Captain Crimson eye said.

"Yes, I did" Prince Wyatt answered without hesitation.

"I understood every single word you said. But as I have said before, the ocean is wide. Before Captain Davy comes for me, I will be ready" He added.

"And what if you aren't? What if you become another fool to perish under his blade?" Captain Crimson eye questioned, staring at Prince Wyatt as the tension in the room rises.

Prince Wyatt curved his lips. The traces of seriousness on his face matched Captain Crimson eye's own as he too stared back at the Captain's face.

"If he indeed arrives for my head, and I am not yet prepared, then….. I perish" He responded, simply.

"You talk about your death the same way someone swats away a fly. Are you sure this is your answer, Prince Wyatt?" Captain Crimson eye asked one more time.

"Yes, that is my answer" Prince Wyatt answered.

Silence filled the air. Prince Wyatt's response was so unexpected that even Jerry who was standing beside Captain Crimson eye couldn't help but blink.

"Prince Wyatt, I think…."

"Jerry?" Captain Crimson eye spoke, disrupting Jerry's words.

"Yes, Captain" Jerry responded, turning his attention back to his Captain.

"Please, do me a favor and keep quiet" Captain Crimson eye replied before he brought a scroll from within his drawer and threw it towards Prince Wyatt.

"That is the entirety of the contract. You can look at it and see if there is anything you would like to change" He added.

Picking up the scroll that has been loosed from its ribbon, Prince Wyatt didn't even look at it before he gently placed it back on Captain Crimson eye's side of the desk.

He had already made his decision, and there was no room to doubt it.

"I see" Captain Crimson eye sighed, aging greatly in merely a second.

"Although it is pity, I just want to tell you that you are welcomed to sign the contract anytime you change your mind" He added "Ahem!! Now that we are done with this, let's move on to the next topic".

Captain Crimson eye's narrowed his eyes as he stared at Prince Wyatt with a chilling gaze "I heard that you have decided to accept one of my crewmen into yours. Is that true?".

Prince Wyatt nodded "She said that you were already informed about it" He replied.josei

Slumping back in his chair, Captain Crimson eye let his fingers drum against the desk in a repetitive pattern. He responded "Yes, she did. But even though I believe that it's just for her growth, it's still hard letting such a talent go just like that".

Prince Wyatt's brows furrowed "What are you suggesting?".

"Nothing. I was just thinking that at least if she wants to leave and learn how to grow stronger, then the person teaching her needs to be at least the best even if they aren't among the best" Captain Crimson eye responded.

Prince Wyatt shook his head, and replied "Don't worry, I might not be the best candidate in everyone's eyes, but that doesn't mean that I am not a suitable teacher".

'Even though I can't even teach myself' He thought.

"Humph! Very well then.." Captain Crimson eye stretched his hands forward for a handshake "I will leave my crewman, Annabelle, in your able hands".

"No need to worry, since she is now part of my crew, I promise you that her treatment would be nothing but the best" Prince Wyatt replied, shaking his hands before he withdrew his back.

'Fortunately, I am the worst beneath the worst. But let's keep that to myself' He thought.

"Okay" Captain Crimson said with a pause before he continued "if I may ask Prince Wyatt, are you turning back or trying to go into the Vrymath Kingdom?".

"Hah!!….. With the current state of my ship, it is obvious that I won't make it before I find land. So I think I should head to the one closer to me and repair my ship there before heading out?" Prince Wyatt responded.

"I hope you are aware of the current state of the Vrymath Kingdom and all the kingdoms around it" He asked.

"Yes, I know. I have already been informed of the tragic phenomenon by Annabelle. So don't worry, I know what to expect" prince Wyatt replied.

"I see" Finally getting an idea of how Annabelle had convinced Prince Wyatt to let her join his crew, Captain Crimson eye continued "That should be all then. Annabelle will be at your ship before the day end. Then, you can leave anytime you wish to".

"Good day Prince Wyatt".

"Good day to you too, Captain" Seeing that the conversation was done, Prince Wyatt stood up and responded.

Turning around, he gestured for Mad John to follow him as he made his way out of the room.

"Click!!" The door closed shut leaving the other two men in the room.

"Go to Annabelle and inform her that she can move her things to Prince Wyatt's ship before the end of the day. Tell her to be careful and also not push in too much, I don't want the Prince to think that this some kind of plot we hatched up" Captain Crimson eye spoke to Jerry.

"Jerry?" However, the man beside him was mute with his eyes closed. He tried again "Je…".

"I heard you, Captain. I will deliver your message right away" Jerry replied, and instantly walked out of the room, leaving behind the dumbfounded Captain Crimson eye.

He sighed "I seriously hope that you don't do anything foolish Jerry".


Meanwhile, along the wooden floors of the ship, the man walked. He had a thoughtful expression on his face even though his thoughts were unknown to him.

He cracked his fingers at times, and other times, twisted his head to the side. His legs were already moving towards his destination, however, he couldn't help but feel like a gaping hole was forming around his heart.

The moment he reaches his destination, it would be all over. He wanted to turn back. But he couldn't for whatever reason disobey his Captain's orders.

And so, in less than a minute, he halted at a familiar door and paused.

After what seemed to be a few seconds of another contemplation, he raised his hands and knocked.

"Who is it?" A sweet familiar voice came from within.

"It's me, Jerry" He responded, hoping for a different outcome today. Even if it's just a little progress. Progress is progress, no matter how little it is.

"Oh! What do you want?" She responded.

He opened his lips. He wanted to turn around and leave. However, the instant those thoughts were planted in his head, he uprooted them and threw them away.

There was nothing he could do now that would end up well. And besides, it would be a very stupid decision from someone like him, which may draw far more negative consequences than he imagined.

He sighed, giving up and raising his hands in defeat "The Captain said that the decision has been finalized and that you should pack your things to Prince Wyatt's ship before the day ends" He said.

A brief silence ensured.

"Alright. Anything else"

He bit his lips. Nonetheless, he still replied "He always said that you should not rush things so that the Prince wouldn't suspect that this is a plot".

"Okay. Tell the Captain to expect some good news. I won't be going out for long after all".

Oh! He wished that it was true!

But after replaying the conversation between the two Captains in his head, he knew that this was just the voice of a woman stroking her ego in a bid to sound more valuable in the eyes of their Captain.

"Anything else?" She replied.

Swallowing his spit as he felt his mouth turn dry, he said "How about joining me for a drink before you leave. It would take some time before you returned after all".

And without any hesitation, she quickly replied "I think I will pass. If that is all, you can leave. I need to start preparing my things".

Jerry's throat flared up as he found it hard to breathe. How pathetic! He….. He was pathetic!!

Choosing to save himself from further embarrassment, he turned around and left. Another fruitless attempt!!

Someday, he will find a way into her heart. Someday, he will make her his. At this point, he felt like that day may never come.

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