Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 690 - Malice

Chapter 690 - Malice


Chapter 690: Chapter 690 – Malice

A faint purple fog appeared before them, directly shrouding them as if it had turned into a little enchantment so they would not be exposed. If someone from the outside world were to look in their direction, all they would be able to see in the end would only be a haze.

“This...” Charlie’s expression changed drastically looking at this scene. The same goes for the woman, looking a little surprised.

“So wealthy…” Charlie could not help but sigh as he looked at Chen Heng, who had a faint smile and looked as if he had done nothing.

The scene before him was not usual. It seemed to be a defensive method on the surface, but it was a kind of shielding method that could only be used utilizing the mark.

Within the mark’s range, no matter who it was, even if it was a god from high above, they could not capture their location, let alone see what they were doing. Of course, such a degree of shielding power required money. Ordinary people would not be willing to spend. At least, Charlie himself was not willing to spend it.

Yet, Chen Heng used it directly without any hesitation. The cost would at least be 300 simulation points this time. Charlie’s heart ached, did not know what to say.

As expected, this was the world of the nouveau riche.

“If that’s the case, it’s enough.” Looking at the situation, the woman nodded and seemed quite satisfied with Chen Heng’s actions.

“Since that’s the case, let’s talk.” Chen Heng smiled and waved his hand again.

A few tables and chairs appeared before them. This scene once again made the two of them wider their eyes.

What a guy. Although this space was illusory, between real and illusory, it was, after all, a space built by a few gods working together with a divine artifact as the foundation. It was extremely solid. Ordinary people couldn’t do anything or change anything in this space. Only a great being with divine power could do this.

Charlie’s eyes narrowed thinking of this, and his hands and feet trembled subconsciously. The woman suddenly raised her head, then nodded at Chen Heng as if she agreed with him.

“So you are of the same kind.” She felt relieved as if she had figured something out.

‘The same kind?’ Charlie immediately realized the woman’s words and twitched his lips. From its looks, the two of them were not ordinary people.

“The time for the mark shield is limited, so I’ll cut to the chase.” The woman looked calm, and then she took out an item.

A faint golden light appeared before her and immediately attracted the eyes of Chen Heng and Charlie. If one looked carefully, one could see that it was a golden talisman with a unique mark.

It was formed from endless runes. No one knew who had written it. However, if one looked carefully, one could see a wisp of divine power emitting from it, making them feel exceptionally terrified.

“This is...” Chen Heng’s heart moved as he looked at the golden talisman and said, “A damaged demigod artifact?”

“That’s right.” The woman nodded, then said, “This is a demigod artifact that once received a god’s blessing. It once had a powerful defensive power. Unfortunately, it has been silent for too long now, and the power within has already been severely depleted. However, it may be able to recover if it is nourished by a divine power strong enough.” She looked at Chen Heng before her and said meaningfully.

“Strong enough divine power?” Chen Heng thought for a while and then said, “How much do you want to sell it for?”

“How about 6,000 simulation points?” The woman’s voice sounded.

“6,000?” Chen Heng thought for a while, then said, “If it’s a real demigod artifact, then it’s perfect. But unfortunately, this talisman is damaged. How about 5,000?”

“Deal.” The woman thought for a moment and then nodded.

5,000 simulation points was a reasonable price, though it was slightly lower. However, on the other hand, she didn’t have much choice. After all, at this stage, there weren’t many people who could afford her demigod artifact.

Those who could afford it were gods who wouldn’t take a fancy to her demigod artifact. If Chen Heng didn’t take it, she probably wouldn’t be able to find another person to sell it to.

“What about this?” She took out another thing after trading the talisman. It was a bright gem with the Power of Laws circulating, looking very bright and eye-catching.

“This is...” Chen Heng’s heart moved as he felt the aura of divinity from the gem.

“This is a Divine Crystal, the crystallization of a part of the divinity shards in the body of a fallen god I’ve obtained by accident. What do you think?” The woman smiled and said, “This thing would be very useful both us both.”

Existences below the Gods’ realm couldn’t absorb divinity. They could only use its nature and power but could not absorb it into their bodies. However, the situation was different after reaching the Gods’ realm.

Gods could absorb other divinity and the law message contained therein, thus increasing their power. Therefore, like the divinity shards in the woman’s hand, it was valuable even for gods.

“How much do you want?” Chen Heng asked without saying anything more.


“Deal.” The two of them reached an agreement in just a short while.

After confirming that the simulation points were received, the woman tossed the gemstone into Chen Heng’s hand and said, “I will come here regularly. If you have anything you want to buy in the future, I will continue to look for you.”

“What do you plan to do with so many simulation points?” Chen Heng took the Divine Crystal and asked curiously.

“Naturally, I’m going to find a world with enough time.” The woman said indifferently, “Although the environment of the World of Gods is recovering, it’s still too slow. My recovery time is already behind. If I don’t think of a way to catch up in this situation, it will be very dangerous later. So I’m going to find a world with a good environment and enough time to recover some strength before coming back.”

“That’s a good choice.” Chen Heng nodded and agreed with the woman before she left.

Before the woman left, the two exchanged contact information and agreed to meet the next time again. Charlie remained silent during this process as there was nothing he could do.

Judging from the situation, the two before were mostly gods or at least existences in the Demigod’s realm.

Charlie was just a small potato before such big shots. Hence it was better for him to remain invisible.

“Okay.” Chen Heng looked at Charlie and smiled, “It’s time for me to leave. I hope I can meet you here again next time.”

“It would be my honor.” Charlie said quickly.

Chen Heng smiled and waved at him. Then, he turned into light and disappeared. In Chen Heng’s field of vision, the space before him slowly disappeared, then, finally, it was completely gone.

Chen Heng returned to the area where he was, the laboratory. He quietly stood up and looked at his side. There was now a large pile of things around him compared to before. They were all things he had bought in that previous space.

Of course, although there were many things, the most eye-catching ones were the Divine Crystal and the talisman he had bought from the woman. The talisman was a demigod artifact, but its light wasn’t too bright. Moreover, it had been silent for a long time, so it had been severely damaged.

After packing these things up, Chen Heng looked outside. It was an unexpected harvest this time. If the development of the Mark Space were still within Chen Heng’s expectations, then the mark owners’ development would have surprised him.

The simulation points had various uses, and it wasn’t just for simulation. Chen Heng had long known about this and had already developed several different ways to use it.

However, the mark owners had developed the simulation points’ usage more thoroughly. This is because they had more people, and many of them were more powerful than Chen Heng at the moment, so the use and development of the simulation points would be much smoother.

One of the gods accidentally developed the shielding method using the simulation points. There might be more surprises if this continued. Chen Heng was looking forward to it.

He looked at the amount of simulation points. Even though the amount of simulation points on his body had slightly decreased after a big purchase, it still maintained a huge amount of more than 200,000 points. Such an amount was truly an incredible number to ordinary people.

‘The purchase may have seemed terrifying, but in reality, it was nothing.’ Chen Heng smiled as this thought flashed through his mind.

Chen Heng looked into the distance. At this moment, he was transforming into a Demigod. His true strength had already surpassed the ninth-rank myths. Therefore his true spirit senses were extremely sharp.

Just now, he sensed a malicious intent lingering around him, shrouding his surroundings. That feeling only fleeted for a moment and quickly disappeared. However, since Chen Heng could sense it, it was unlikely to be an illusion.

‘Was something about to happen?’ Chen Heng looked into the distance as this thought flashed through his mind.

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