Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 699 - Suppression

Chapter 699 - Suppression

Chapter 699: Chapter 699 – Suppression

A mighty voice permeated in all directions, resounding in this place. Waves of voices came from various worlds and seemed to have pierced through a far distance, directly reaching this place and surging into Kalunu’s body.

They prayed devoutly and eagerly anticipated, simultaneously placing their hearts and minds on a God statue.

Their spirits began to sublimate, and their flesh and blood gradually became one. Finally, under the influence of some kind of power, they all sublimated and converged on an inexplicable existence.



A loud sound reverberated in the area. Kalunu had a smile on his face before the Evil God, looking exceptionally bright. He looked at the Evil God and slowly raised a hand. Behind him, the picture scroll of civilization had expanded to the extreme, reaching a new level.

What a magnificent picture. The picture scroll of civilization was already shocking enough from before, condensing the rise of an entire Kobold Kingdom and gathering the power of all the kobolds within it. The power that erupted was terrifying.

However, the power of the picture scroll of civilization had increased by more than a thousand times. If it was just a simple increase in strength, then it could still be dealt with by existences at the level of gods. But, after all, it was nothing.

No matter how much an ordinary object increased its strength, as long as its level did not reach the god level, it would not be able to harm existence at this level truly.

However, there was still Kalunu, standing before the Evil God with a faint smile on his face. At this moment, a hand slowly descended.


Though it was only a hand, it seemed like billions of mountains were in it. The weight of that power could not help but make the Evil God feel terrified, and his body, as large as the entire World of Gods, fell directly, with an extremely obvious dent.

“You!” Sensing the power in Kalunu’s hand, the Evil God widened his eyes, emitting a dazzling brilliance as if he wanted to devour Kalunu.

However, this was of no use. The contrast between the power was real. Although the Evil God before him was strong, he had already fallen, and his power was less than one-tenth of what it was at its peak.

After all, the restrictions of the World of Gods were not completely released yet. Many gods could only descend in the form of saints but could not descend in their real bodies.

The Evil God before him was naturally restricted, and the power that could be displayed was about to be weakened. Not to mention that before this, he still had a serious injury to his body. Those injuries affected many things, causing him to be in a very serious condition and unable to recover. Under such circumstances, he was even less of a match for Kalunu.


The sound of violent collision rang out, continuously reverberating in this place.

The rumbling of the Power of Laws reverberated in this place, and waves of powerful aura permeated the air. Any wisp of aura that spread would probably be enough to sweep through an entire kingdom, causing all living beings within to fall into a deathly silence.

However, what was terrifying was that the one at a disadvantage in this battle was not Kalunu but the Evil God.

“It’s useless.” Kalunu was still smiling in the void.

Extremely powerful energy manifested from his entire body. Then, as both sides clashed intensely, a real scene appeared behind him.

The scenes of several major worlds were directly transmitted, each of which was so clear, and there was also a real Power of Laws manifesting in them, which was extremely obvious. The Evil God keenly sensed this feeling before him and couldn’t help but feel terrified.

“Crazy!” He let out a low growl in the darkness as he struggled hard, trying to get out of this quagmire and leave this area.

However, the divine power that originated from Kaluru firmly blocked his path of advancement, preventing him from advancing.

“Oh, have you noticed?” Hearing the Evil God’s words and seeing his reaction, Kalunu didn’t find it strange but still maintained a smile, “Since you’ve already discovered it, you can die willingly too.” He spoke softly with a sigh as if he was truly sighing for the other party.

“You are crazy!” The Evil God’s body was still trembling violently, struggling with all his might, then said chaotically, “Aren’t you afraid of getting lost, linking your origin with several worlds and joining them?”

Kalunu’s actions were extremely crazy in the eyes of the Evil God because, based on the situation before him, he had shockingly linked his origin with the origin of several worlds. Moreover, he had even used his origin power to seize the origin of those worlds. An individual was combining with a world to become a world consciousness!

This situation was similar to Philip from the Initial World. However, it was even more extreme. In the Initial World, Philip had merely entered the initial space and endured the transformation of the Initial World’s consciousness, becoming its carrier. It was equivalent to becoming its avatar, its body for action. This level was nothing but a puppet of the world consciousness.

However, what Kalunu was doing was not as simple. He was shockingly devouring the world consciousness of the other worlds, allowing his true spirit origin to transform into the world consciousness of the respective world and use them to control the terrifying power of those worlds, thus becoming himself.

What he did was fundamentally different from Philip’s actions. One was to become a puppet of the world consciousness, indirectly controlling the power of that world, while the other was to turn the tables and become the master, directly replacing the original world consciousness. The difference was undoubtedly huge.

However, one similar thing was that they could borrow the original power of those worlds and turn themselves into god’s will, suppressing all enemies before them. This was one of the reasons why Kalunu was so powerful. josei

Although the power gathered by the Kobold Kingdom was huge, it could only be used as a supplement. The power of divinity allowed it to come into contact with the Gods’ realm, enough to fight against existences like the Evil God.

However, what can be so domineering and almost invincible was the world’s Power of Origin. These were the core of the picture scroll of civilization, which was the few real worlds.

“Devour the world’s consciousness, and you will certainly sink into the world’s operations and become a puppet!” The Evil God roared indignantly, “What exactly do you want to do? Sink into the world and become a world’s puppet?”

Karuna smiled and casually spoke, “Perhaps.”

For ordinary people, sinking into the world was indeed a dead end. The outcome was either to be devoured by the world’s origin or to become a part of the world, a new world consciousness.

All acquired humanity would be obliterated by then, leaving only pure divinity. All feelings and ego would cease to exist. This was indeed the case for others, but for Kalunu, he didn’t care.

Philip, in the Initial World, had given Chen Heng a great example. As the main body, he would not attempt this path and would steadily advance until the final point.

However, as an avatar, Kalunu seemed to have more discretion, free to do whatever danger came his way because he would not die in any case. Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he extended his hand.

The Evil God’s huge body was instantly shattered and suppressed by Kalunu. Huge pieces of flesh and blood were discharged and splattered into the distance, turning into bright, incomparably dazzling stars. The Evil God was still struggling there, but its power gradually weakened.

This process lasted for a long time. Finally, after over three months, when the last bit of divine flame was extinguished, the incomparably large divine body before him shattered into pieces.

Under the intense divine battle, the originally intact body shattered into pieces. The large pieces of flesh and blood automatically cohered into a brand new body. As for the small pieces, they turned into stars, scattering throughout the area. Kalunu stretched out his hand as he did not want to waste any of this.

Behind him, shadows of an entire great world appeared. The faint voice of countless believers emerged. Then, a golden world gate slowly opened under his control, and a terrifying power emitted.

Flesh and blood left behind by the fallen god were eventually devoured by the golden World Gate, directly disappearing on the spot. Not a single drop was left behind.

A large amount of god’s flesh and blood surged into the new world and slowly evolved. Then, the sea began to rise, and the tectonic plate collided, creating new changes.

The large pieces of flesh and blood fell into the world, forming new continents. As for the smaller pieces, they turned into islands, appearing in the new worlds.

The god’s blood turned into pure elemental particles and merged into the world, increasing the concentration of the elements in the world. In addition, some bones turned into mineral veins, becoming resources waiting to be excavated in the future.

With the fall of the god’s body, the entire world emitted a sense of satisfaction, as if everyone had been satisfied. The complete fall of a god was in exchange for a world full of food. The god’s size was so terrifying.

And after the world digested the god’s corpse and completely integrated its power into the world, the power within would return to Kalunu’s body. It could be deemed to have completed a cycle to a certain extent.


Ripples appeared in the void. Along with the fall of the previous god, many virtual shadows appeared before Kalunu. Moreover, this void seemed connected to many other spaces, where many unknown creatures were sealed.

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