Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 724 - See You

Chapter 724 - See You

Chapter 724: Chapter 724 – See You

“D*mn it!” Sensing his current situation, Charlie gritted his teeth as this thought flashed through his mind.

It would have been fine if his luck was not great during the simulation. However, as a rational mage, he had never expected such a thing to happen to him. The situation before him was undoubtedly a great misfortune. He was probably the only one among the dozens of mark owners to have encountered such a situation during the simulation.

Charlie wailed in his heart, not knowing what to say. Frankly, other than having great luck in the first few simulations and encountering a few decent simulation worlds, his luck did not seem that good after that, and there would always be various problems.

Now that he thought about it, could it be that he had used up all his luck in the previous few simulation worlds? Various thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end, he forced himself to calm down. As things had already happened, there was no point in being upset anymore.

Although the situation had exceeded his expectations, some basic things wouldn’t change. For example, this body had a decent bloodline, and it was not weak at all. By having this bloodline, with Charlie’s ability, it is not difficult to get ahead in this world.

First, he needed to think of a way to change the current situation. He looked around at the air leakage and the wooden house that could collapse at anytime.

‘At the very least, I have to move out of this house.’ This thought silently flashed through his mind.

This place was still a little dangerous. It was a dilapidated house according to standard. However, if he lived in this place for a long time, he would probably be sent back to the World of Gods if he was not careful. Moreover, he would not need to be buried but would be directly crushed to death under the ruins instead.

‘The risk factor was too high.’ Charlie thought as he began to move.

Early the next morning, he took the initiative to walk on the streets and began to look around. This world’s civilization was still in its initial stage. Perhaps because the class barriers in this world were too strong, the entire world had not changed much since long ago.

This was because this world had respect for bloodlines. Therefore, no matter how much resentment the commoners had, they couldn’t go against the noble who possessed extraordinary power.

A noble who had awakened his bloodline could easily slaughter an army formed by a large number of commoners without even needing to expend much energy. However, on the other hand, if the commoners did not possess bloodlines, they could only exist as vassals and would never be able to occupy the mainstream.

As the royal family of each kingdom held the most powerful bloodline, they also had the most powerful power. The social environment was unprecedentedly stable under such circumstances. Thousand-year-old kingdoms were everywhere in this world. There were even kingdoms with tens of thousands of years of history.

Noble bloodlines existed widely in this world, suppressing all voices. However, unfortunately, this also caused the world to stagnate and unable to develop rapidly, still the same as before even after many years.

However, of course, this had nothing to do with Charlie for the time being. At this moment, he just wanted to find an opportunity to change his current situation, temporarily not thinking about the big picture.

Soon, he found an opportunity. He set up a trap and killed a murderer in an accident, taking away his clothes and equipment. Then, he carried the murderer’s head and swaggered to another city, arrogantly pretended to be a wandering knight, and came to this city to look for a challenge.

Half a month ago, Charlie had used his ability to hunt in the wild, barely recovering some of the vitality of this body. However, this was still a long way from transcendence. Nonetheless, this did not stop him from pretending to be a wandering knight.

There are rules of this era. A local knight would naturally appear to teach a wandering knight like him a lesson. This was also a way for wandering knights to display their abilities. Charlie was aware of that.

He defeated a few local knights who had just activated their bloodlines using his outstanding skills and strength, instantly gaining the attention of the local lord.

Although Charlie’s bloodline had not been activated, he was once a great mage and had experienced many worlds. His combat skills were good. Although he could not be compared to some masters, he was still stronger than most warriors.

As for his strength, it was indeed a weakness. However, within a short time, it was not difficult to use his True Spirit Power to defeat the weak Extraordinary Beings. Therefore, as a result, on the surface, Charlie was a knight who had awakened his bloodline and was extremely talented.

In this world, such a person usually had a noble bloodline and a good education. The local lord paid attention and invited him to join as a member of his knights.

Initially, Charlie hesitated and said he wanted to train in different places until he became an adult and chose a region to stay in. However, under the cordial invitation of the local lord, he finally stayed and chose to be a knight in this region.

At this point, Charlie’s goal was achieved. With the identity of a knight, he could cultivate peacefully in this area and use the local lord’s resources to nourish himself, making his body grow stronger so as not to affect his growth.

Based on Charlie’s estimation, he would not have to worry about his resources until he reached the third rank. Then, by the time he reached the third rank, it would not be too late for him to leave this place and find another place by then. That was what he thought, and he did it. However, his plans could not keep up with the changes.

One morning, the sun was high in the sky, and the weather was great. Charlie had just finished his training for the day and walked down from the training ground when the local lord’s men invited him to the local lord’s office for a chat.

This was a little unusual for Charlie. However, he didn’t refuse and directly walked over. However, then, he saw another person besides the local lord. It was a beautiful girl with purple hair and an unsettling aura.

This girl undoubtedly had a powerful bloodline. As soon as Charlie came before her, he could feel the suppressive power, making his heart palpitate.

“Lady Alice.” On the side, the lord of the city was standing there with a smile and looked at the girl with as much respect as he could. “This is Charlie, a good young lad.”

“Is that him?” Alice turned around and looked at Charlie.

Charlie looked very energetic under her gaze. After training and recovery for some time, his body, which had somewhat been weak before, had recovered, and he looked tall and strong.

His energy made people’s eyes light up, not to mention other things. However, that was it. The essential thing for the people in this world was not the surface but the bloodline.

In this regard, in Alice’s view, Charlie could only be deemed qualified. The bloodline aura in his body was not bad, but in the eyes of the knowledgeable Alice, it could only be considered just qualified, with limited prospects in the future. josei

He was not even as good as her. Standing there, she secretly shook her head, with doubts in her heart. However, Charlie before her was even more confused.

There was a subtle connection between bloodlines. When he saw Alice, he had a premonition that the girl before him was not simple. Her bloodline was more powerful than his current one. A person with such a bloodline would have a unique identity in this world. Sure enough, the local lord’s introduction confirmed his thoughts.

“This is Lady Alice.” The local lord introduced Alice, “She is His Highness Alan’s attendant. She is here to select some guards for His Highness Alan this time.” He gave Charlie a look as he said this. What he meant was obvious.

Charlie was stunned. His Highness Alan? He was also looking for information in addition to training, constantly enriching himself. Therefore, he was somewhat clear about the general situation of this world.

If he remembered correctly, this so-called His Highness Alan was the third prince of the Violet Empire and one of the world’s most honorable elites.

‘So, why would such a person suddenly summon guards?’ This thought flashed through Charlie’s mind subconsciously.

“It’s him, right?” Alice glanced at Charlie and then said casually, “If you have any questions, you can ask me now. If you don’t want to, let me know too.”

Charlie shook his head, indicating that he had no questions. However, he was not a fool. There was a strict hierarchy between the bloodline and noble families, so her question was just a courtesy. If he dared to refuse, it would mean he did not know what was wrong and would probably be dealt with by then.

Moreover, it would also be a good thing for him if he could be by the Empire Prince’s side. Even if the Empire Prince were to be placed in this world, he would be at the top. If Charlie could mingle with theEmpire Prince, it would be enough to fill him up if the Empire Prince revealed a bit of resource.

Charlie naturally could not refuse such an obvious benefit. Thus, with the smiling local lord sending him off, Charlie left the city and went to another area.

Finally, in a splendid palace, he met His Highness Alan, who had summoned him. At first glance, His Highness Alan looked young and handsome. He had golden eyes, as dazzling as two golden gems.

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