Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 769 - Tranquility

Chapter 769 - Tranquility

Chapter 769: Chapter 769 – Tranquility

From the point of view of bloodline growth, the experiment this time was very successful. The concentration of the Sun God bloodline in Chen Heng’s body had increased by a large margin.

Unfortunately, although the bloodline growth was good, only the ones that survived could enjoy the gains. Most people didn’t have this kind of fortune. Actually, the fact that Chen Heng could endure it on his own had nothing to do with willpower. The main reason was the divinity in his body.

“This time, I really have become a true Sun Royal.”

Feeling the contrast between the Sun God bloodline and the Silver Moon bloodline in his body, Chen Heng was a little speechless.

In the beginning, he had only pretended to be a Sun Royal because the proportion of the Sun God bloodline in his body was not too low. He could make use of it for his plans.

But now, after a series of experiments, the Sun God bloodline in his body had successfully grown. Instead, it had suppressed the Silver Moon bloodline that had originally occupied the main body.

But this development was fine. As long as the bloodline could grow, it did not matter which bloodline grew.

What was important was that after this upgrade, the proportion of ordinary mortal’s bloodlines in Chen Heng’s body had decreased further. He was not far from the goal of completely turning his own bloodline into a primogenitor bloodline.

However, there were still some problems.

“It seems like something is missing...”

Chen Heng could feel the many bloodlines in his body, and he could not help but furrow his brows.

Strictly speaking, the primogenitor bloodline was more than one-fifth of his overall bloodline. This proportion was too exaggerated under normal circumstances.

Chen Heng should have been unable to maintain his human form under such conditions. He should have directly turned into another form of life.


But he didn’t. Chen Heng still maintained his human form. Although it was a bit abnormal, it wasn’t exaggerated. Moreover, he didn’t feel the holy character of the primogenitor bloodline.

One-fifth of the holy bloodline was enough to inherit some of the holy characteristics and obtain some power from the primogenitor bloodline. However, this was not the case. It was as if something was missing.

“I’m still missing a key.”

Chen Heng carefully pondered over the changes in his body. Finally, this thought flashed through his mind.

There was a bloodline from the primogenitor in his body. This was a treasure trove that contained holy power. However, to open this treasure trove, he still needed a key.

But what exactly was this key? That was the question.

There might be an answer somewhere. This thought flashed through Chen Heng’s mind, then he stood up silently and returned to his room.

On the bedside of the room, Princess Aimer lay there quietly. Hearing the sound of Chen Heng’s return, her body suddenly trembled, and she said, “Who’s there?”

“It’s me.”

The familiar voice sounded in her ear, calming Aimer down and brightening her mood. When Chen Heng left, she prayed silently in her heart, hoping that Chen Heng would return safely.

Now that Chen Heng was here, she could feel his presence. She could feel that there was someone around her who was busy accompanying her. But after Chen Heng left, the only thing left for her was silence and loneliness.

That kind of situation was too depressing, and it made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

She could not move and only lay quietly on the bed and waited. It was this kind of situation that made her feel even more desperate and depressed, and her mood became even worsened.

But fortunately, Chen Heng was finally back.

“You... succeeded?”

In the blink of an eye, she remembered the purpose of Chen Heng’s departure and spoke with some surprise.

“Yes, I barely succeeded.”

Chen Heng was busy at the side, packing up all kinds of things as he replied.

“You should rest first.”

He looked at Aimer, who was lying on the side. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget what I promised you before.

“I’ll help you with the surgery in a few days.

“If everything goes according to my plan, you could regain mobility very soon.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Aimer’s body trembled. “Thank... Thank you...”

For the next few days, Chen Heng did not go out. He just quietly stayed in his room. Other than occasionally going out to cooperate with Jameson and the others for a physical examination, there were no other tasks.

During this time, all kinds of news about the experiment spread. Almost all of them were wiped out. This result was not out of Chen Heng’s expectations.

After all, for such an extremely dangerous experiment, it would be strange if the other experiment subjects were able to succeed. It could only be said that it was within his expectations.

It was said to be close because there were still a few fish that escaped the net.

Those few people did not die immediately because their bodies were specially made, and the amount of the primogenitor’s potion they injected was relatively small. Instead, they survived after a period of struggle.

From Chen Heng’s point of view, these few people did not succeed. Although the bloodline in their bodies had successfully grown, the primogenitor’s power contained in the primogenitor’s potion had not been absorbed by their bloodline. Thus, they had not obtained the power that originated from the primogenitor.

However, from the other people’s point of view, they were regarded as successful candidates. They had directly obtained a powerful power.

However, they were relatively unstable. Their emotions were easily out of control, and various instincts controlled them.

Thus, the King’s Council was not at ease with these people. At this moment, they were still actively observing and treating them.

The only thing that surprised Chen Heng was that among the three people who were lucky enough to survive, Aili was among them. Among the many experimenters, Aili’s bloodline was one of the purest and most powerful.

Perhaps it was because of this that he was lucky enough to survive. It also stimulated the potential of his bloodline and made him very powerful. It could be considered a blessing in disguise. However, he didn’t know whether he wanted this blessing or not.

Chen Heng stayed alone in his room and moved forward at his own pace. He wasn’t affected by the news from the outside world. Of course, he would occasionally go out and make his requests.

“You want the corpses of those experiment subjects?”

In the spacious and gorgeous room, Jameson looked at Chen Heng in front of him and was surprised when he heard his words. “You are not satisfied with experiments at the minaret? Now you even want to target those failed experiment subjects?”

“Most of the people imprisoned at the minaret are ordinary people. How can they be compared to the royal corpses?”

Chen Heng said casually, “Anyway, the corpses of those experiment subjects have been deformed because of the bloodline experiment. Their value has been greatly reduced. Why can’t you give them to me?”

This request gave Jameson a sudden headache. However, Chen Heng rarely made any requests to him. This rare request had to be satisfied at least.

Moreover, what he said was true. After the bloodline experiment, the blood in the bodies of those experimenters collapsed. Their bodies were somewhat deformed, and their value was greatly reduced. They did not have the value that the royal corpses should have.

Thinking about it, it did not seem to matter even if he gave some to Chen Heng.

“I need to use some of those corpses elsewhere. I can only decide to give you thirty at most.”

Jameson pondered for a moment and then reported a number.

“Can I choose by myself?”

Chen Heng bargained and said so.

This time, Jameson did not refuse and directly nodded in agreement. A smile finally appeared on Chen Heng’s face. Holding Jameson’s sign, he walked to the specialized morgue and began to choose among them.

It wasn’t too long before the experiment. These corpses were still fresh and hadn’t been dead for too long. Looking at these corpses, Chen Heng couldn’t help but smile.

Ordinary corpses were fine, but these were all royal bloodlines. Although many people had a lot of royal bloodlines, it was very likely that the collateral bloodlines had been raised through the means of the King’s Council.

The purity was far inferior to the direct bloodlines of the royal family like Chen Heng and Aili, but it was impressive. Compared to the ordinary bloodlines in the outside world, the corpses’ quality was excellent.

The only pity was that basically all of them had been deformed, and their value had been greatly reduced. However, it did not have any effect on Chen Heng.

Chen Heng did not use them for research but directly devoured them. He stayed here for a moment and left after selecting the corpses.

For the next half a month, Chen Heng was busy improving his bloodline. A total of thirty corpses that contained royal blood increased the royal blood in Chen Heng’s body by a few percentage points.

This progress was too slow. After all, the more improved the bloodline, the more difficult to further improve it.

Chen Heng felt that ordinary sacrifices would be useless at his current level even if he devoured them. If he wanted to continue improving himself, he needed better sacrifices.

And at the current stage, there was probably only one place that could provide him with such a good sacrifice— the Graveyard of the Gods.

Chen Heng had already prepared for a period to make a trip to the Graveyard of the Gods. He wanted to look around and see if he could find any surprises. And before that, he still had other things to do.


“How do you feel?”

The sun shone on the earth in the morning, making the world much brighter. Chen Heng wore a uniform. He stood quietly in front of the surgery table and looked at the person beside him.

There were bloodstains all around him. It looked like he had experienced a very bloody scene.

“I feel much better.”

Aimer got up from the surgery table and looked at her recovered arm with some surprise. She said, “I don’t feel pain anymore...”

“Of course.”

Chen Heng nodded. “The pain in your body previously was caused by the collapse of your blood vessels. Now that this problem has been solved, you will naturally not continue to feel pain.

“However, this is only a temporary solution to the problem in your body. There is no real cure.

“If you want to recover your previous strength, you still need to undergo a series of surgeries.”

“I’m already very satisfied that I can recover. As for the other things, I don’t dare to think about them for the time being.”

Aimer shook her head to show that she was already very satisfied. She looked at Chen Heng with gratitude and said, “Thank you, Mr. Kling.

“If it wasn’t for your encouragement, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to hold on.”

“It’s fine.”

Chen Heng glanced at her and then shook his head. “It was indeed me who treated you, but if you didn’t dare to survive until now, even I wouldn’t have been able to help you.

“You were able to live until now and obtain this result because of your hard work.”

“No matter what, I still have to thank you.”

Aimer was grateful from the bottom of her heart. At this moment, she opened her mouth and said, “If you don’t mind, if you have any needs in the future, please feel free to ask me.

“I am willing to become your follower and serve you.”

She decided to follow Chen Heng and become one of his followers. This kind of situation was very common in this world. People with lower bloodlines would often pledge allegiance to a higher royal family and become a follower of the royal family.

However, it was rare for a royal family to become a follower of someone else voluntarily. This was the case for ordinary royal families, not to mention a direct royal family like Princess Aimer.

Chen Heng did not hesitate and directly nodded. “If this is your true wish, I will accept it.”

There was no harm in accepting the allegiance of a royal princess. On the contrary, there were many benefits.

Princess Aimer was from a top-tier royal family. As long as her bloodline recovered, with the potential of her royal family bloodline, she would reach the Seventh Rank in the future.

More importantly, she had the entire Gilna royal family behind her. Through Princess Aimer’s existence, Chen Heng could use this opportunity to contact the Gilna Royal Family and lay the seeds for further progress in the future.

This was a very good point. Chen Heng had no reason to refuse.

“For the time being, you can rest here properly.” josei

He said to Ai Mu, “This is my territory. Outsiders will not come without my commands. You can rest assured and recuperate here.”


Aimer nodded in a relaxed mood.

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