Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 243 – Imperceptible Influence (1)

Chapter 243 – Imperceptible Influence (1)

Chapter 243 - Imperceptible Influence (1)

Chen Heng had accidentally discovered that as he interacted with people with Fortune, their Fortune would be slightly affected.

The effects were very small, but as time passed, they became more and more obvious and significant. josei

For Chen Heng, as long as his actions and conditions were appropriate, he could slowly and imperceptibly influence their Fortune to the point that he could take some of it.

Of course, doing such a thing had a certain difficulty to it, and he needed to fulfil certain conditions.

Those conditions were the key.

Firstly, he needed a vessel that could receive Fortune. Otherwise, with an ordinary person’s constitution, he would not be able to come into contact with Fortune, much less take it in.

For Chen Heng, this vessel was the Fortune Mark within his body.

Because of the Fortune Mark, he could come into contact with Fortune and try to affect it.

There was also an appropriate method.

From Chen Heng’s investigations over the past 30 years, if he wanted to affect someone’s Fortune, he had to have enough influence on them.

This influence could be good or could be bad, but it had to fulfil enough conditions.

That was why Chen Heng had been continuously influencing Hou Juan over the past 30 years.

Under normal circumstances, he would not care so much about someone with Fortune; he had seen plenty of them in the past.

Putting aside the fact that Hou Juan did not have much Fortune, even if she had massive amounts of Fortune, it would not be a big deal to him.

After all, he had seen too much and become used to it.

After experiencing many worlds, he had seen too many geniuses, and he had also taken in many disciples with Fortune.

As such, he naturally did not care too much about Hou Juan, who only had ordinary Fortune.

Thus, these 30 years were just for the sake of experimentation.

From how things seemed, it seemed that this experiment had been a success.

“Positive influences can affect Fortune, but the time required is too long,” Chen Heng pondered to himself.

The speed of affecting Fortune was simply too slow, and it felt like dripping water to pierce through a stone.

Of course, from Chen Heng’s guesses, his speed was not just because of the things on the surface.

In actuality, it was most likely because the things he did day to day were too small, so the influence only built up bit by bit.

If he could do big things, he most likely would be able to increase his speed.

At that moment, Chen Heng thought back to the past.

The last time he had entered the Azure Heaven Realm, he had met many people with Fortune, and he had even taken a few disciples.

Thinking back to then, if he had awakened the Fortune Mark to this extent, he most likely would have been able to discover this.

“From a different perspective, if I can achieve this by affecting people with Fortune…” Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he thought to himself, “Since this is the case for positive influences, what about negative influences?”

He felt quite interested as he thought to himself.

He could not help but wonder if he hardened his heart and directly got rid of Hou Juan, would he obtain more Fortune?

Chen Heng guessed that there was a high possibility of this, but it would be quite immoral.

After all, humans were not just objects, and he could not be too merciless.

At the end of the day, Hou Juan had been with him for decades, and he enjoyed his time with her.

If he killed her just for a hypothesis, he would not be able to accept such a thing.

As such, he would have to wait for the future to test this out.

In the future, if another person with Fortune popped up, he could get rid of them and see how things went.

Chen Heng had a feeling that this would not be too far off.

In the surroundings, there were spirit grasses and spirit trees within the fog, looking quite divine and unique, creating a mystical scene.

Of course, even though the scenery was good, that depended on who was looking at it.

To ordinary people, this would be an incredibly mystical scene, making it seem like a celestial wonderland, but to Chen Heng, it was not a big deal.

After standing there for a while, he left and returned to his cultivation area.

Time gradually passed.

In the following period of time, the changes in the Flowing Cloud Sect spread out and were heard by many people.

This was inevitable.

After all, within the Yue Kingdom, the Flowing Cloud Sect was the strongest out of the three major sects.

30 years ago, the Flowing Cloud Sect had already been the strongest sect in the Yue Kingdom.

Even the demonic cultivator disaster from 30 years ago had not been able to destroy the Flowing Cloud Sect, only injuring it.

Now, after 30 years, the Flowing Cloud Sect’s strength had long since recovered, and it had become even stronger.

After all, during the demonic cultivator disaster, many sects had been destroyed, leaving large amounts of assets behind.

Those assets fell into the hands of the survivors.

It was not just the Zhang clan; the Flowing Cloud Sect and the other major sects also benefited.

As such, the Flowing Cloud Sect was the absolute overlord in the Yue Kingdom.

As the overlords, their every move would be watched by the other factions.

The Flowing Cloud Sect’s movements had long since been observed by other people—the Flowing Cloud Sect acting against the Zhang clan was no secret to many people.

Many people also knew that the Zhang clan had headed to the Flowing Cloud Sect.

However, the conclusion was something that surprised most people.

Many people had thought that when the Zhang clan headed to the Flowing Cloud Sect, of the two tigers, there would definitely be one suffering grave wounds.

They had never thought that things would turn out like this.

During the battle, the Flowing Cloud Sect’s Guardian Formation had been directly destroyed by the Zhang clan, following which he had gone into the Flowing Cloud Sect and then become an Elder.

In a sense, the Zhang clan and the Flowing Cloud Sect had fused together.

This had essentially fulfilled what the Flowing Cloud Sect’s Elders had wanted, but instead of the Flowing Cloud Sect devouring the Zhang clan, it was the Zhang clan devouring the Flowing Cloud Sect.

However, no matter what, with the Zhang clan joining together with them, the Flowing Cloud Sect would definitely become even stronger.

This was not good news for the other sects and factions.

After all, in a sense, the stronger a faction, the more resources they needed.

Now that the Flowing Cloud Sect had such great strength, would they be satisfied with the status quo?

As such, many people prepared to head to the Flowing Cloud Sect to visit Chen Heng, the Enforcement Elder.

Even though there were many of them, there were very few that required Chen Heng to personally meet them.

Ordinary visitors would just be met by ordinary Elders. Only higher level ones, like ambassadors from the two other major sects, would be received by the Flowing Cloud Sect’s Sect Master.

As for those who required Chen Heng to personally receive, there were not any yet.

Time gradually passed.

In the following period of time, the Flowing Cloud Sect did not do much.

However, the changes within the Flowing Cloud Sect were quite evident.

Many former rules had been changed, and a large number of cultivator families with many resources had been suppressed. Many of the Zhang clan’s cultivators entered the Flowing Cloud Sect, replacing the previous group of people.

Of course, this process was not completely smooth, and many people rebelled.

It was just that it was completely useless.

Putting aside the Flowing Cloud Sect Elders under Chen Heng’s command, just the Zhang clan was a massive faction.

Those who would betray their sect for some benefits usually were not major figures.

Of course, the Flowing Cloud Sect Elders were not always completely aligned with Chen Heng.

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