Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 246 – Imperceptible Influence (4)

Chapter 246 – Imperceptible Influence (4)

Chapter 246

“Sect Master did not agree.”

Looking at the Elders, Zhang Ya’s expression was calm as she shook her head, “He does not seem to be interested in participating in the war.”


Hearing Yu Zhongxiu’s words, the Elders sighed and felt quite disappointed.

“Sect Master has lost a good opportunity.”josei

“The Daybreak Sect and Demon Sect fighting is a good opportunity for us to enter.”

“Over the past few decades, because of the Sect Master’s strength, our Flowing Cloud Sect has become much stronger. Perhaps it is not at the level of the Daybreak Sect or Demon Sect, but it is not something that ordinary sects can compare to. This would have been a good opportunity for us to expand out of the Yue Kingdom and gain even more spirit veins.”

The Elders all felt that it was a great pity.

Some of these Elders were the Elders from before, and others were Profound Understanding realm cultivators who had been recruited.

Over the past few decades, through the Flowing Cloud Sect’s development, the original Elders had long since become convinced of Chen Heng.

This was because Chen Heng simply performed too well.

Back when Chen Heng had become an Enforcement Elder, he had taken away large amounts of the Flowing Cloud Sect’s profits. However, in the following decades, as the Flowing Cloud Sect had begun to expand out and destroyed other sects, that had made up for the losses and had instead caused the sect to greatly profit.

This was especially so after the Flowing Cloud Sect had taken control of the Yue Kingdom’s royal family. After setting up new laws, the Yue Kingdom’s mortal population had greatly increased, and the kingdom had become much more prosperous.

Even though the Yue Kingdom was not too big, it was not some small kingdom either. For a sect to have the wealth of an entire kingdom, it was something that anyone would admire.

As the Elders of the Flowing Cloud Sect, they had naturally benefitted from this, and this had more than made up for the losses they had suffered when Chen Heng had first become the Enforcement Elder.

Because of this, their initial antagonism towards Chen Heng had long since disappeared.

Of course, this was also because Chen Heng had been a disciple of the Flowing Cloud Sect as well.

As a disciple of the Flowing Cloud Sect, Chen Heng did indeed have the qualifications to succeed the Flowing Cloud Sect.

No matter how tenuous those qualifications were, he at least possessed the qualifications.

Because of this, Chen Heng had long since been acknowledged as the new Sect Master.

However, because of the development over the past few decades, this caused part of the Flowing Cloud Sect to desire even greater development.

After all, the Flowing Cloud Sect had only reached where it was through the development that Chen Heng had brought about.

From the beginning until now, the Flowing Cloud Sect’s rise had resulted in the destruction of countless ordinary factions.

Every destroyed faction had provided the Flowing Cloud Sect with many benefits. Not only were the Elders and disciples who had contributed rewarded, even ordinary disciples were given spirit stones.

This made the Flowing Cloud Sect’s disciples all desire even more expansion.

It was just that after unifying the Yue Kingdom, Chen Heng’s style directly changed, and he instead began to focus on growing stably.

In the following period of time, the voices clamoring for further expansion did not cease, and they instead became more and more intense.

However, Chen Heng ignored them and just focused on cultivating and developing within the Yue Kingdom.

Now that the Daybreak Sect and the Demon Sect had begun to fight, both sides invited the Flowing Cloud Sect to join them, which most people saw as a good opportunity.

That was why so many Elders had come here, wanting to see what Chen Heng thought.

It was a pity that Chen Heng’s choice was just like before.

“What a pity, what a pity...”

Standing there, one of the Elders looked quite reluctant and said, “I heard that the war between the Demon Sect and the Daybreak Sect has reached its most critical point.

“If we are willing to join at a time like this, both sects will definitely try to win us over with great terms. Perhaps they will even give the territory of a small kingdom to us.

“If we miss this opportunity, when a victor is determined, it will be too late.”

“The Sect Master is a bit too conservative,” another person sighed as he nodded.

Even though they were quite displeased with Chen Heng’s decision, they did not dare to openly oppose him. They could only nod before looking at Zhang Ya.

“Miss Ya, do you have any ideas?”

The Elders looked at Zhang Ya with hopeful looks, “This battle can greatly benefit our Flowing Cloud Sect; do you have any way of convincing the Sect Master?”

“Not in the short term, at least,” Zhang Ya said as she shook her head, “You don’t understand the Sect Master’s personality.

“If he refuses to do something, he will not change his mind in the short term. Even if I want to convince him, I will have to wait for an opportunity in the future.”

“A pity, a pity.”

Hearing Zhang Ya’s words, the Elders shook their heads, feeling quite devastated.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they feared Chen Heng, they most likely would have rushed to try to change his mind.

If it was the previous Sect Master, they really might have done such a thing.

Against Chen Heng, no one had the courage.

After sighing for a while, they could only plead with Zhang Ya, begging her to try to convince Zhang Ya.

Only after a while did they turn and leave, sighing in sorrow.

Not too far away, a figure silently appeared—it was a handsome young man.

His expression was calm as he looked at the departing Elders, thinking to himself.

Within his vision, the Elders looked quite unique.

In the air, black tribulation aura billowed, and much of it descended on those people’s bodies.

In other words, those people had been affected by the tribulation aura and were most likely going to enter the great tribulation.

“Interesting,” Chen Heng could not help but chuckle.

To him, this kind of situation was quite interesting.

He had experienced many worlds, but it was the first time he had experienced a great tribulation like this.

Observing the course of this great tribulation would be very beneficial to his understanding of fate.

In fact, it might even help him with understanding things in the real world.

From how Chen Heng saw it, everything that was happening in the real world was somewhat similar to the great tribulation brewing in this world.

Observing this world’s great tribulation might be able to give him some inspiration to understand the situation in the real world.

Standing there, Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he thought to himself, “From my current situation, if I want to escape from the great tribulation, I would need to give up on the position of Sect Master and head to a desolate place for a few decades.”

The terrifying thing about great tribulations was that it was almost impossible to escape from them.

After all, the range that it covered was too great and had massive effects.

Even if one’s cultivation was high enough and their soul was strong enough, making it so that they were not affected by tribulation aura, that did not mean that the people around them would not be affected by tribulation aura.

When the people around them were dragged into the great tribulation, even if one was not affected by tribulation aura, they would naturally also be pulled into it.

That was the case for Chen Heng.

He was not affected by the tribulation aura, but that was not the case for the people around him.

Within the massive Flowing Cloud Sect, there were very few people who were not affected by the tribulation aura.

This included the Elders who wanted to fight.

Even though that was just what they wanted right now, as time went on and Chen Heng continued to refuse, they would become more and more dissatisfied.

When that dissatisfaction grew, it might result in an unimaginable outcome.

If Chen Heng did not want the Flowing Cloud Sect to be swept in, he would have to personally suppress those Elders.

However, if he did that, the Yue Kingdom would fall into chaos, and the outcome would not be much better.

As such, as long as someone was in this world, it was very difficult to escape from the great tribulation—this was so even for Chen Heng.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng could not help but shake his head.

Tossing aside his position of Sect Master and running away was impossible.

Putting aside his desire to observe the great tribulation, even if it was for his current goal, he could not just throw away the Flowing Cloud Sect.

He had spent so much effort to obtain the Flowing Cloud Sect, all to obtain some more Points.

If he just gave up on the Flowing Cloud Sect like this, all of his efforts would have been wasted.

There was no need to do such a thing.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng silently turned and prepared to return to his own residence.


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