Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 252 – 30 Years

Chapter 252 – 30 Years

Chapter 252 - 30 Years

It was very normal for the Flowing Cloud Sect’s people to want to expand out and develop their territory.

After all, after becoming stronger, one would desire more things. Some things that they had not wanted or did not dare to want, they would now begin to desire.

Back then, the Flowing Cloud Sect’s people had just wanted to rule over the Yue Kingdom.

After Chen Heng had become the Sect Master and took over the Yue Kingdom, they had been delighted and satisfied.

However, as time passed and the Flowing Cloud Sect continued to grow, with disciples numbering in the tens of thousands, this began to change.

Those with greater power desired to do more things—this was a truth since ancient times.

For how many people in the Flowing Cloud Sect saw it, now that the Flowing Cloud Sect had gained such strength, there was no need to continue turtling like this.

This was the source of most conflict in the Flowing Cloud Sect. josei

There were people advocating for expansion, as well as people advocating for maintaining the status quo.

Liu Yang had heard arguments from both sides, and he had to admit that both sides had reasonable points.

However, in the past, the Flowing Cloud Sect had remained quite calm and did not show much ambition.

“Why did they suddenly…”

Liu Yang’s expression became serious as he looked at the figures flying through the air. Sensing those magic energy auras that were quite similar to his, he thought to himself.

He thought of many things in an instant, and he began to guess to himself.

“Looks like things are going to become chaotic, and even the Yue Kingdom will not be spared…” he shook his head as he thought to himself.

Of course the Flowing Cloud Sect was going to act.

Back then, Chen Heng had divined that this great tribulation would not disappear so quickly and that it would go on for many more decades.

After 30 years, the conflict had reached its climax.

By now, tribulation aura was surging everywhere, and even if he did not want to enter, he would have no say in it.

Now that things had come to this, there was nothing Chen Heng could do.

He could choose to escape by himself, but he could not help the Flowing Cloud Sect avoid this great tribulation.

Since the Flowing Cloud Sect could not avoid this, rather than being passively dragged in, it was better to actively join.

Perhaps this would bring them opportunities.

At his command, the entire Flowing Cloud Sect began to move.

Cultivators formed groups and began to rush out.

They wore spirit armor and held exquisite weapons, rushing out at the command of the sect.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery became quite chaotic.

The Flowing Cloud Sect 30 years ago was actually quite powerful, and now, it was even stronger.

To some peak-level cultivators, 30 years might not be much, but to mortals, it was already two generations.

In two generations worth of time, many geniuses had appeared from among the mortals and had joined the Flowing Cloud Sect.

Apart from the ordinary cultivators left behind to look after the Flowing Cloud Sect, the sect was able to send out tens of thousands of cultivators.

This was not the Flowing Cloud Sect’s full force, and they were just the ones that the Flowing Cloud Sect could spare.

If the Flowing Cloud Sect decided to go all-out, they would be able to send out even 100,000 cultivators.

If other people knew that the Flowing Cloud Sect had such monstrous strength, they would definitely feel startled.

However, Chen Heng was quite calm about this.

After all, he was the Sect Master and knew the Flowing Cloud Sect’s strength clearly.

Even if it was an army of tens of thousands of cultivators, he would not raise an eyebrow.

Rather than the Flowing Cloud Sect’s army moving out, what Chen Heng cared about were other things.

“The tribulation aura is surging…” Chen Heng stood by himself as he looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

To others, Chen Heng was just looking at the scenery, but only Chen Heng knew that things were changing.

Tribulation aura was formless and imperceptible to most people, and Chen Heng himself was only able to sense it because of Tian Xingzi’s legacy as well as his incredibly high cultivation.

As he watched on, darkness descended as motes of darkness fell like ink and seemed to cover this world.

The surroundings were dark and various regions seemed to be filled with negative emotions and howls.

There seemed to be great danger throughout the world, causing Chen Heng to frown.

“So it’s like that…” he nodded as if he understood something.

“Senior Apprentice Brother,” a voice sounded out.

Chen Heng turned around and found that it was Hou Juan.

She had a resolute look on her face, and she wore different clothes than before. She looked quite delicate and pretty and gave off a sense of beauty.

This beauty made even the female attendants behind Chen Heng stare.

Of course, what Chen Heng saw was different.

There was a thick layer of tribulation aura above Hou Juan’s head, similar to the Daybreak Saintess from back then.

However, different to the Daybreak Saintess, her Fortune was not as monstrous as the Daybreak Saintess’.

“You’re here.”

Standing there and looking at Hou Juan, his expression was calm as he nodded, “You’ve grown up, and there are some things you need to do.

“Go, but don’t forget to come back,” Chen Heng said softly.

“Senior Apprentice Brother, you…”

Hearing Chen Heng’s words, Hou Juan stared for a moment, not expecting this.

Looking at Chen Heng, she had prepared to say something but found that Chen Heng had already disappeared.

After staying there for a while, Hou Juan silently turned and left.

For some reason, she had a feeling that the next time she saw Chen Heng here would be a long time away.

Thinking to there, she felt a bit sad but did not know what to say.

Behind her, a figure silently stood there, watching her leave.

Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he silently raised his hand.

“I stole your Fortune, so I will use this to compensate you,” he said softly.

He had changed the direction of Hou Juan’s life and had used his powerful strength to change some of her future, making her path easier to walk.

In the future, even if Hou Juan’s life was not as smooth as it should have been, she would be able to find her own opportunities.

This was the only thing that Chen Heng could do for her.

Over the past few decades, under Chen Heng’s influence, Hou Juan’s Fortune had gradually been taken by him.

Because of this, Hou Juan’s Fortune naturally became weaker and weaker.

When the great tribulation began, relying on only her remaining Fortune, it would be difficult for her to stay safe.

As such, Chen Heng had helped her, but the cost was quite great.

Chen Heng raised his head and looked at the remaining Fortune above his head.

“I only changed her future a bit, and yet I used so much…”

Sensing his remaining Fortune, Chen Heng felt quite frustrated.

Changing one’s fate was still quite difficult for Chen Heng.

Most of what he could do was relying on the Fortune Mark’s power.

Despite this, it still used up much Fortune.

Using Fortune to change one’s fate was a kind of exchange, and it was reasonable.

It was just that it cost quite a lot of Fortune.

However, Chen Heng also knew that the reason why it had cost so much was because Hou Juan’s fate had been quite poor.

As such, changing Hou Juan’s fate for the better was more difficult than doing so for ordinary people.

Then again, this Fortune originated from Hou Juan, so since that was the case, using it for her was not a problem.

Time gradually passed.

In the following years, the Flowing Cloud Sect began to wage war on the outside world.

30 years had passed, and Chen Heng’s original agreement with the Daybreak Saintess was no longer effective.

The Flowing Cloud Sect leaving the Yue Kingdom was no longer a breach of Chen Heng’s promise.

However, despite this, the Flowing Cloud Sect’s actions were a bit too quick.

In just three years, the areas around the Yue Kingdom were taken by the Flowing Cloud Sect, resulting in the destruction of many small sects. Even though their methods were gentler than those of the Daybreak Sect and Demon Sect, it was not much better.

If that was all, then there would not be much to it, but the battle power that the Flowing Cloud Sect displayed was quite shocking.

Before, it had been the Daybreak Sect and the recently-revived Demon Sect that had been fighting for the position of overlord in this area.

Compared to the Daybreak Sect and Demon Sect, the Flowing Cloud Sect had just been a small sect.

However, now, the strength that it displayed was not any inferior to that of the Daybreak Sect or the Demon Sect.

This was quite shocking.

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