Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 257 – World’s Dream

Chapter 257 – World’s Dream


Chapter 257 - World’s Dream

When Chen Heng opened his eyes, his surroundings were filled with light.

Chen Heng looked around and saw the world’s true appearance.

In front of him, it was still the same city, but it had greatly changed.

The heavens and earth were trembling, and the sky was burning.

Illusory images appeared, and a massive black hole appeared in the sky.

This world’s horrific scene looked like an apocalypse.

Chen Heng stood by himself, looking around.

Blood qi rushed to the sky, and disasters continuously erupted.

The city was still the same, but the people hurrying about had all disappeared.

On the ground, there was not a single person alive; all of them were corpses.

Those corpses looked like they had died for a long time; they had withered flesh and some bones could be seen.

All of them looked extremely terrifying.

It was as if this entire world had died, without any trace of life remaining.

The ground had lost all vitality, and let alone people, there were not even any trees or grass.

If all living things had fallen, what did this world have left?

It was most likely just Chen Heng.

Chen Heng stood there and took in his surroundings for a long time.

Suddenly, a line of words appeared before him.

“The world’s mirror image has been changed…”

It was his simulator.

If it was normal times, Chen Heng would take this information very seriously, but he could not bother with this right now.

A formless energy covered his body, and as he looked at his surroundings, a wave of new memories flooded into his mind.

It was as if a seal had been released, and massive amounts of information and scenes appeared in his mind.

It was not his own memories, but the memories of this body.

According to this body’s memories, Chen Heng had slowly grown up as time passed.

However, those memories only went to 17 years old.

That was when Chen Heng’s body had been undertaking his university examinations.

At that time, the world had gone through great changes. The ground collapsed and the sky burned with flames.

In the memories, Chen Heng saw a massive, boundless, hand of darkness suddenly press down.

Following this, everything had ended.

This entire world’s vitality had been annihilated, and it was sucked out by a strange power.

Ordinary humans directly turned into a group of bones, while trees and grasses withered.

Finally, even the world itself completely withered.

The world had ended.

“So it’s like that…” Chen Heng stood there by himself.

Without realizing it, tears had flowed out of his eyes, dampening his clothes.

The emotions from this body quickly appeared, affecting Chen Heng’s emotions.

“My previous self… already fell…”

At that moment, Chen Heng finally understood what this world was.

The world that he had come from was perhaps a parallel world with this one.

However, this world was different to what Chen Heng had thought.

At first, this world was the same as Chen Heng had thought, but it just had a focus on martial arts.

However, in actuality, when Chen Heng had become an adult, this world had been destroyed.

A massive, formless hand had suddenly descended, instantly stealing all vitality in this world and leaving behind a broken world.

Rather than the real world, what he had been experiencing before was more like a dreamscape.

The entire world had instantly fallen, and the remnant thoughts and energy from the creatures had fused with this world’s remnant origin, forming a dreamscape.

It was the same as a normal person dreaming, except that this dreamscape covered the entire world’s creatures.

In a sense, this was a world’s dream.

When the world had been destroyed, it had created a deep dreamscape.

Within the dreamscape, nothing had been destroyed, and all living creatures were still living as usual.

The dreamscape was so realistic that even souls from outside could not tell that it was a dreamscape, and they thought that they were in the real world.

He had no idea that this world had long since been destroyed and that everything he was experiencing was the reluctant thoughts left behind by the world.

It was just that the dreamscape would also decay and fall apart.

Those abnormalities he had experienced were intersections between the real world and the dreamscape: Those destroyed cities and alleys were a corner of the real world.

When the dreamscape and real world intersected, the dreamscape gradually retreated.

This was where the deathly aura that Chen Heng had seen had come from.

In the past, Chen Heng had been confused as to why there was such a dense deathly aura.

Now, he knew why.

Everyone in this entire world was already dead.

All that remained were reluctant, vengeful spirits.

To them, no matter how the world developed, when the real world was destroyed, everything would be destroyed.

Everyone would think of how they had died, causing the dreamscape to collapse.

This was a process that could not be changed, and it resulted in what Chen Heng had seen.

Drip… drip…

Tears fell on the ground.

Without realizing it, Chen Heng was already kneeling on the ground, his face covered with tears.

The surroundings changed.

In that moment, the entire world once again changed, as the dreamscape’s energy covered Chen Heng’s body.

Following this, everything returned to normal.

On the foreign street, Chen Heng half-knelt on the street.

There were people busily walking about, going about their own business.

Sometimes, people would look over at curiosity in surprise and confusion.


Nearby, a little girl held her mother’s hand as she looked at Chen Heng in confusion, “Why is he crying?”

“Maybe… something sad happened to him,” the mother said gently, “Everyone will have times when they are sad.”

“Me as well?”

“Of course,” the mother said as she smiled and stroked the little girl’s head, “We can’t avoid this, and you will face this in the future. However, I hope that day will be far away.”

Some people came over to Chen Heng and stopped beside him.

Some of them helped him up and tried to comfort him.

However, Chen Heng did not respond.

Much time passed.

Chen Heng knelt there from daytime until night time.

Only after a long time did he raise his head.

Compared to before, his eyes had lost their light.

In the next moment, his surroundings changed as he returned to Lin City.

Lin City was still the same, and even though it was quite small, it was filled with familiar auras.

Chen Heng returned here and walked about aimlessly.

No matter if it was this world or the previous one, this city had many people he was familiar with.

He could sense those people’s traces and auras…

His family had lived here and grown up here.

This place was filled with comforting auras and smells.

Without realizing it, he walked into his school.

His school was still the same, and it was filled with young students. They ran about as they played, looking quite lively.

Chen Heng casually walked about.

Occasionally, someone would recognize Chen Heng and would come up to greet him, but he ignored them and left.

Finally, he returned home.

Within the living room, Wang Li was busying about in an apron as she prepared lunch for her children.

His big sister Chen Jing was still playing outside, bragging about her little brother to her friends.

“You’re back.”

Within the living room and looking at Chen Heng, Wang Li smiled, “Have a rest; lunch is almost ready.”

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Heng instinctively wanted to respond.

However, as he looked up, Wang Li’s appearance changed, going from a living person to a walking skeleton.

Standing there, Chen Heng deeply sighed.

At this moment, he noticed that there were many words in front of his eyes.

“Examining the mirror image world…”

“The mirror image world’s aura has changed and is about to be destroyed…”

“Destroyed…” Chen Heng thought to himself.

It seemed that the day that this world was truly going to be destroyed was not far off.

That was when Chen Heng was going to do his university examinations.

When that time came, this world would be destroyed as well.

This was the fate of the world, and the conclusion of the dreamscape—no one could stop it.

When that day came, everyone would remember how they had died.

The dreamscape would be shattered and everyone would completely wake up.

When that time came, this world would be truly destroyed.

What would happen to the world?

What would happen to him?

Chen Heng thought to himself.

If they were creatures belonging to this world, then they were all dead, and all they were were remnant thoughts and memories.

This included Chen Heng’s previous identity.

However, Chen Heng was different.

He was not dead and was a transmigrator from another world.

Even though his spirit had descended in this dreamscape world, he did not seem to belong to this dreamscape world.

Rather, he was like a visitor who had been attracted here and had found an identity to temporarily stay here.

When the end of the world came, his identity would disappear, but what about him?

Would he die with this world, or would he go back to where he came from?

Many thoughts flashed in Chen Heng’s mind.

If it was before, he would have cared greatly.

However, he did not mind anymore.

“Whatever…” he raised his head and looked into the distance, “In the end, it’s just death…”

The worst-case scenario was just that he would die with this world.

To most people, death was quite terrifying.

However, for Chen Heng, it was not a big deal—after all, he had personally experienced it many times.

In the previous simulations, he had clearly and realistically sensed that feeling, as well as that deep darkness.

As such, he did not mind experiencing it again.

It was just that different to before, he most likely would not be able to wake up again.

However, Chen Heng did not mind.

At this point, he could only wait for time to pass and wait for the conclusion.

As he waited, abnormal things happened in the distance.

As time passed, the unrest in the world became clearer and clearer.


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