Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 288 – Rip

Chapter 288 – Rip

Chapter 288 - Rip

“What is going on?”

Looking at the screen, the middle-aged man felt quite confused.

How could this dead person, who had signs of turning into a Corpse Person, suddenly regain consciousness?

Moreover, it seemed that he had completely preserved his abilities of speech and logic.

Undoubtedly, this was a human.

However, if he was a human, how could he have such terrifying power?

Even though they had not specifically tested the Corpse People’s power, based on what they had observed, they were incredibly powerful and could destroy an elite team by themselves.

Corpse People had great strength, and they were not things that ordinary people could block.

So what was going on with this scene? Many people wondered to themselves.

Soon, those thoughts quickly disappeared as something else attracted their attention.

In front of the screen, the slender figure slowly began to move.

Within the quiet room, as countless people watched on, the corpse-like boy slowly stood up and walked forwards.

He was just walking, but for some reason, he gave off a terrifying aura.

A massive claw swiped down.

As if it sensed a threat, the Corpse Person roared and shot forwards, slashing at the boy.

However, the boy raised his slender arm, which was far smaller than the Corpse Person’s. And yet, he somehow grabbed the Corpse Person’s arm, making it so that it could not move.

“How strange…” a hoarse voice sounded out.

Looking at the Corpse Person, the boy slowly raised his head, a trace of coldness on his calm face.


A massive sound rang out as the building began to collapse around the boy.

Wild gales began to rush out, with the boy at the center.

By the time all of this had stopped, and the dust had settled, a shocking scene appeared.

On the ruins of that tall building, there was a figure standing.

The boy stood on the ruins, his clothes being blown at by the wind, looking like the ruler of the world.

In his hand, he had grabbed onto the massive Corpse Person.

By now, the Corpse Person’s appearance had greatly changed.

It was covered with many injuries, looking quite terrifying.

It continuously roared as its neck was gripped by the boy, but it could not resist at all.

It was like a rabbit caught by a tiger; no matter what it tried, it could not escape.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Soon, everyone realized that they were standing up in anticipation.

Even the MC and the middle-aged man were dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, the situation was still developing.

The Corpse Person was still struggling in the boy’s hand. It was obvious that one of its arms had been broken off, but tendrils of flesh were beginning to grow there.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man came back to his senses and began to explain.

“As you can all see, flesh tendrils are beginning to appear at the source of the injury.

“This is the Corpse Person’s regenerative abilities coming into effect. Even if they lost all of their limbs, they would be able to quickly recover, unlike humans.”

Suddenly, he paused.

“Oh no!”

On the screen, the Corpse Person was still struggling in front of the boy.

It was evident that its movements were incredibly intense; even though they were just watching, it was obvious how great its strength was.

In the boy’s hands, this Corpse Person still could not escape.

However, at that moment, the Corpse Person’s other arm stabbed out towards the boy’s chest as if it wanted to pierce through him.

If this attack landed, any ordinary person would instantly die.

At the critical moment, a hand stretched out and grabbed the Corpse Person’s arm.


A light sound could be heard as the boy’s hand was pierced, causing blood to drip to the ground.

On the tall ruins, Chen Heng was expressionless as he held the Corpse Person’s neck with one hand, while his other hand had been pierced by the bone spike.

Despite this, he continued to grip onto the Corpse Person’s neck as if he did not feel any pain.

The Corpse Person’s body continuously squirmed as it seemed to sense something, and its savage face became incredibly twisted.

As everyone watched on, the Corpse Person began to roar, a look of pain on its face.

A large arm fell to the ground, followed by the Corpse Person’s body.

It looked incredibly wretched; both arms had been ripped off, and its body was covered with wounds.

A shadow covered it and quickly descended.


Blood sprayed everywhere, as bones and guts landed in the surroundings.

As everyone watched on, the boy slowly walked forwards and stomped the Corpse Person’s massive body to pieces.

Seeing this, even the middle-aged man felt stunned, not knowing what to say.

A human had fought a Corpse Person and won…

Moreover, it had been with such a direct and rough method…

Was this power that a human could have?

He could not help but think to himself.

It was not just him; in the underground world, countless people were thinking similar questions.

“Is he really a human?”

“How could a human have such great power?”

“God, what did we just see? He just ripped off a Corpse Person’s limbs like he was ripping the legs off an ant!”

At the massive control desk, many researchers were all stunned when they saw this.

“Just what is this?”

“Is he really a human?”

At the control desk, the middle-aged man in charge looked at Chen Heng and stayed silent for a while before looking to the side.

“Where’s the report?” he looked at the researchers as he asked, “Has the detailed analysis not come through yet?”

“Sir, we don’t have enough data,” someone said, “We have only observed this person for a short while and don’t have enough to work with.

“However, from his performance, he seems to have human speech and reasoning, so he should possess some intelligence.”

“So… he’s a human?”

The middle-aged man looked at the screen, where the Corpse Person was now just bits of flesh.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the Corpse Person and Chen Heng’s ferocious performance, the middle-aged man simply could not imagine what kind of human could do this.

“Yes, sir,” meeting the middle-aged man’s gaze, that person continued, “Even if he has incredible power, he is most likely a human… of course, we need more data to analyze the specific situation.

“We suggest continuing the broadcast from the perspective of this ‘person’, so as to gain more information on the outside world, as well as about him… josei

“This might be something important for humanity adapting to the outside world, so if we closely observe, it may be beneficial to our research in the future.”


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