Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 304 - – Attack of the Mutant Creatures

Chapter 304 - – Attack of the Mutant Creatures

Chapter 304: Chapter 304 – Attack of the Mutant Creatures

There were some similarities between the Kar people’s legends and reality; perhaps similar things had indeed happened in the past.

It seemed that human civilization also had similar legends.

After coming to his body, he had inherited this body’s memories, which contained some knowledge of this world.

In this world’s civilization, there were similar legends.

Of course, there were slight differences, but that was mostly due to different civilizations and cultures.

Could it be that this had also happened to the human race many times, just like it had happened to the Kar civilization many times?

Chen Heng felt quite curious and wanted to know the answer.

From his guesses, it seemed that he would soon find out the answer.

He was very much looking forward to this.

“Do you still have the genes of the Star Beasts?” Chen Heng got up and walked away from the machine as he asked.

Hearing this, Karos was stunned.

Chen Heng was not using the human language but the Kar people’s language.

Hearing his language being spoken by a human, Karos was dumbfounded.


He quickly came to his senses.

Among the information left in the machine, language was naturally included.

Since Chen Heng had taken in all that information, he naturally would be able to do this.

However, from Karos’ perspective, this was a bit too ridiculous.

How long had it been?

It had been less than an hour, and yet Chen Heng had finished taking in the information and could now fluently speak the Kar people’s language.

Knowing something and being able to use something masterfully were completely different.

Taking in knowledge was easy: One had to just remember it. However, to be able to actually use it required understanding and practice; it was not that simple.

However, this did not seem to be too difficult for this human.

Then again, was he really a human?

He could fight with the Nothingness Beast, as well as absorb Nothingness energy to strengthen himself.

And that was not all.

Apart from this, he seemed to have an incredibly strong mind, being able to quickly take in large amounts of information and use it.

He was essentially a perfect creature.

In terms of his constitution, he could perhaps rival a Star Beast.

In terms of his mind, very few sentient creatures could rival him.

He did not seem to have any flaws and could be called perfect.

Karos could not help but wonder how such a small planet could create such a powerful creature.

Karos felt that if he had been his previous self, he definitely would have tried to capture Chen Heng to research every single cell of his.

However, this was impossible now.

Now that he had such great power, Karos was the weak one.

If he had any ill-intent, he would suffer a terrible outcome.

“Even on our planet, the genes of Star Beasts are incredibly precious and rare…” Karos turned and looked at Chen Heng as he gave a bitter smile, “After leaving the Kar planet, I only brought a small portion and used most of it in making that Nothingness Beast from before. As for what I have remaining, it isn’t much.”

He spoke honestly, seeming incredibly obedient.

After being captured by Chen Heng, he had been very well-behaved, not daring to not cooperate.

This was especially so after Chen Heng had demonstrated his powerful mental energy.

The Kar civilization had done some research on mental energy, and as a researcher, Karos also knew some things.

When a person with weaker mental energy was in front of someone with powerful mental energy, it was easy for the person with the powerful mental energy to tell what they were thinking.

This was especially so when the other person was lying.

He might think that he had acted very well, but it would be obvious to tell from his mental energy whether or not he was lying.

In order to not anger Chen Heng and Liu Na, Karos did not dare to tell any lies. josei

“Lead the way,” Chen Heng gave a friendly smile.

Karos nodded and looked at Liu Na before turning and leading the two of them onwards.

They slowly walked through a long path.

The genes were stored in a top-secret place, the most central region of this structure.

“It’s here.” Karos led the two of them into a secret room.

The room was sealed and was incredibly clean.

This was not just on the surface but also on a microscopic level.

Chen Heng could sense that there were not any microorganisms or any dust or dirt particles.

Even in the Kar civilization, the genes of Star Beasts were great treasures, and they naturally could not be stored with ordinary means.

This room looked quite simple, but it had been rigorously cleaned. Even if one used an incredibly powerful machine to examine it, they would not be able to find any impurities.

At the center of the room, faint light shone, illuminating the room.

The three of them walked in together, but they looked quite different.

Liu Na and Karos were wearing thick protective gear, while Chen Heng was still the same as before.

As they walked into the room, a wave of heat came from ahead.

It was like there was a ball of flames burning, making the surroundings quite warm.

This feeling came quite quickly and also disappeared quite quickly.

Following this, Chen Heng looked ahead.

At the center of the room, there was a massive receptacle, looking like it was made out of ice.

Within the receptacle, there was a fire-like object within it, looking quite unique.

Looking closely, they could tell it was some liquid stored in a special bottle. It was like vibrant, red blood and gave off a strong aura of vitality.

Outside the bottle, there were ice-like things, sealing the bottle off from outside.

“This is the essence from the Star Beast, and it is very useful for creating Nothingness Beasts…” Karos explained, “Even if you don’t use it to create Nothingness Beasts, it has many uses. You can also use it to modify people, causing ordinary people to gain great power.

“In our Kar civilization, there was a soldier unit created from these genes, who were very powerful.”

Chen Heng nodded before slowly heading forwards.

As he walked forwards, he felt a certain might.

That Star Beast essence contained extraordinary power and vitality.

It was as if it was alive, and Chen Heng could even sense remnant mental energy in it, which was incredibly weak.

Chen Heng walked closer and came to where the blocks of ice were, and he stretched out his hand.

A cold and icy feeling spread through his hand, slowly spreading through the rest of his body.

A massive wave of mental energy spread out, connecting with this essence.

Standing there, Chen Heng gradually spaced out as he saw a certain scene.

In that moment, it was as if he had become a massive Star Beast, flying through space.

That terrifying Star Beast consumed space radiation as its food and could fly through space and do all kinds of things that ordinary people could not imagine.

However, those scenes were quite disjointed and did not last for very long.

In the end, that bottle of essence did not contain much power left, and the remnant mental energy had mostly dissipated.

Following this, Chen Heng slowly woke up and looked down.

The flame-like essence was still there but seemed much quieter now; it did not seem as berserk as before.

In that moment just then, Chen Heng had shattered that remnant mental energy.

After losing the remnant mental energy, the essence became something ordinary. Even though it still contained extraordinary power, it could no longer affect people’s minds like before.

Behind him, Liu Na and Karos also noticed the changes.

Liu Na felt a bit confused, but Karos’ expression changed as he realized something.

“He destroyed the Star Beast’s mental energy… so easily…?”

He felt quite shocked, unable to believe it.

The remnant mental energy that the Star Beast had left behind was a big obstacle.

Without dealing with it, it would be very easy to lose control when trying to use this essence to create anything.

That had been the case with the Nothingness Beast.

Because Karos had not been able to completely get rid of the Star Beast’s mental energy, the Nothingness Beast would occasionally go berserk and could even attack its master.

Because of this, Karos had kept the Nothingness Beast asleep most of the time and only let it out during important times.

However, Chen Heng had easily resolved this difficult problem.

If other Kar people saw this, they would feel completely stupefied.

However, by now, Karos was not too surprised. No matter what this person could do, it would not be too incomprehensible.

“I want to borrow this room of yours; are there any problems?” Chen Heng’s voice sounded out.

Standing in front of the ice, he turned and smiled as he looked at Karos.

“It’s fine.”

Looking at the smile on Chen Heng’s face, Karos shook his head.

At this point in time, even if it wasn’t fine, he would have to say it was fine.

Otherwise, he would not be fine.

Even though Humans and the Kar people had not come into contact before, he was very willing to become friends with Chen Heng. No matter what Chen Heng requested, he would happily comply.

In response, Chen Heng was quite pleased with Karos’ tactfulness.

Following this, Karos and Liu Na left the room, leaving Chen Heng inside alone.

After walking out and watching the door slowly close, Karos sighed, feeling some pain in his heart.

His precious Star Beast genes.

Even in the prosperous Kar civilization, Star Beast genes were incredibly precious, and this was the last portion that Karos had.

And now, he had given it out like this.

He naturally felt great pain in his heart.

However, despite this, he did not dare to say anything, or else he would lose his life first.

“Karos, I have some questions…” Liu Na’s voice sounded out.

Liu Na looked quite curious as she asked, “You still haven’t told me how to resolve that formula from before.”

Hearing Liu Na’s voice, Karos deeply sighed, feeling quite annoyed.

However, in the end, he gave a smile and answered Liu Na’s question.

He was quite frustrated but still had to put on a smile; this was quite torturous.

While Karos was going through this torment, there were other things going on beneath the surface.

“Have you confirmed the results?”

In front of the massive control desk, the middle-aged man in charge looked quite serious as he asked, “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with the information?”


A few researchers stood before him, also looking quite serious.

“A few hours ago, we received information from District 3. The mutated creatures suddenly became berserk and broke open the isolation door, and it charged into District 3…

“From the information we’ve received from District 3, it seems that everyone inside…”

Speaking to there, the researcher did not continue, a grave look on his face.

No one else asked anything and remained in silence.

For a mutated creature to charge into a base, the outcome was evident.

District 3 had most likely already been annihilated.

“Not only this…” someone else spoke.

“We just received news that there are mutated creatures trying to attack Districts 2, 4, and 5…”

“Those mutated creatures have started to launch mass attacks!”

“There also seems to be mutated creature activity in other gathering places as well, and they seem like they are going to attack soon!”

People continuously reported.


Hearing that news, someone gnashed his teeth and said bitterly, “Why… everything was going so well, so why did the mutated creatures suddenly…”

Before, everything had been incredibly peaceful. Even though the mutated creatures were still on earth, they seemed to be dormant.

However, in a single day, they had all become active.

They began to attack and had already massacred an entire District.

Moreover, there was also activity in other gathering places.

It was as if the mutated creatures had received some kind of order and had begun to launch a full-scale attack.

Many people expressed their confusion, not understanding what was going on.

Standing in front of the massive control desk, the middle-aged man fell silent for a moment as if he thought of something.

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