Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 324 - Improving Bloodline

Chapter 324 - Improving Bloodline

Chapter 324: Chapter 324 – Improving Bloodline

In order to find a way to stably raise Kobolds’ bloodlines, Chen Heng had been investigating since a while ago.

If it was anyone else, it would have been quite difficult.

After all, there had been such research in the past, but none of it had been successful.

However, things were not too bad for Chen Heng.

After all, he was not from this world and had an abundance of knowledge and techniques.

He had experienced the Sorcerer World, Azure Heaven Realm, and the Mutated Creature World, and all of their techniques were far superior to that of this world.

Because of the knowledge he had from different worlds, it was possible for Chen Heng to achieve things that this world’s Sorcerers could not.

In fact, he himself was an accomplished researcher in bloodlines.

In the Azure Heaven Realm, he had obtained the Heaven Devouring Scripture; in the Sorcerer World, he had done all kinds of research; and in the Mutated Creature World, he had obtained the techniques to create a Nothingness Beast.

This was what gave Chen Heng confidence.

“Let’s give it a try…” Chen Heng thought for a moment before walking to the side.

In that area were Kobold corpses.

Those Kobolds had all passed away or died in battle, and Chen Heng had ordered all corpses to be brought back.

The reason was for this.

After walking over to the corpses, Chen Heng observed them.

He had already dealt with the corpses so that they were in a unique state. This made it more convenient for Chen Heng to do some things.

Following this, he began to move.

As he stretched out his hand, magic energy flowed across the corpse.

Following this, a terrifying scene appeared.

As the magic energy spread, this corpse began to wither and quickly became a dry corpse.

As this happened, red liquid flowed out into a receptacle.

The red liquid was extremely eye-catching and seemed to contain a unique energy that contained great vitality.

This was the life essence within these Kobolds’ corpses.

Kalunu was Chen Heng’s clone, so he naturally also had the Heaven Devouring Scripture.

The Heaven Devouring Scripture was from the Azure Heaven Realm, and it could allow Chen Heng to devour other people’s life essence to strengthen himself.

However, under normal circumstances, if he used the Heaven Devouring Scripture’s power to devour other people’s bloodlines, it would cause all kinds of problems.

The biggest problem was that it would cause his own essence to become chaotic and impure, causing his personality to change.

After coming to this world, because of the different laws in place, he had not been able to use the Heaven Devouring Scripture. josei

However, as Chen Heng’s strength had recovered and he gained a greater understanding of this world’s laws, he gradually modified the Heaven Devouring Scripture to fit this world’s laws.

This was why Chen Heng could use this technique right now.

As long as one grasped the principles, even if the environment changed, they would be able to make modifications.

After refining the life essence from this corpse, Chen Heng did not stop.

Using the simple instruments in the surroundings, Chen Heng used his own magic energy to carefully refine and purify this life essence.

Even though this was a Kobold’s life essence, this did not mean that there were not any impurities.

Rather, there were many impurities, and if anyone directly absorbed it, it would not improve their bloodline and only cause their bodies to become a bit stronger.

In actuality, this was the most common use of the Heaven Devouring Scripture: Absorbing other people’s life essence to strengthen one’s body and power.

What Chen Heng was doing right now was just extracting the life essence and refining it, seeing if he could get rid of the impurities.

During this process, he used the knowledge he had gained in the Sorcerer World, as well as the techniques from the Mutated Creature World.

Of course, even with such great knowledge, Chen Heng still felt that things were quite difficult.

By now, he had already tried for two months.

However, only today did he see a glimpse of hope.

Soon, under Chen Heng’s actions, the essence in the receptacle began to go through changes.

As he watched on, the red liquid in the receptacle began to go through changes, gaining golden traces that were quite eye-catching.

Immediately, it seemed quite extraordinary and could cause people’s heartbeats to quicken.

This was the case for Chen Heng as well.

Looking at the essence, an instinctive desire welled up within him, wanting to absorb this essence to make himself stronger.

Sensing this feeling in his body, Chen Heng gave a slight smile.

“It’s done…”

He felt quite relieved.

After working hard for so long, his research had bore fruit.

This was undoubtedly some very good news.

Standing there, he looked at the receptacle.

During the refinement process, the essence had been reduced by more than half.

Moreover, this was not the limit: He could condense it even further.

However, Chen Heng was not surprised.

After thinking about it, he continued, seeing if he could continue to refine this essence.

This process took another half a month.

After half a month, Chen Heng finally stopped. By now, he had reached a limit.

That life essence had been condensed to the extreme, and even if he continued, he would not be able to achieve much.

As such, Chen Heng did not continue to refine it and proceeded on to the next step.

“Next is trying to fuse it…” Chen Heng thought to himself.

In order to have a comparison, he split the refined essence and sent some into himself, as well as a Kobold egg, and observed the reaction.

The results were quite evident.

At that moment, waves of heat began to roll through Chen Heng’s body.

It was as if he had a fever, and his body felt incredibly hot.

Within his body, all kinds of changes were going on.

“My organs are growing and transforming…” Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he sensed the changes in his body.

If it was not Chen Heng, but an ordinary Kobold, they would have fainted by now.

However, it was fine for Chen Heng.

Compared to ordinary people, his mind and will were incredibly strong, and he also had the power of the Divinities supporting him.

Things that would be fatal to other Kobolds were not a big deal to him.

Under this condition, Chen Heng began to closely examine his body.

This was the reason why he wanted to test on himself.

After all, observing others would not provide himself with as much information.

After the heat passed, Chen Heng’s organs began to change, and this persisted for a while.

Following this, those changes began to affect his exterior appearance.

His body became much bigger, and red scales began to grow on his body, which gave off a metallic light.

Even though Chen Heng had not yet done any testing, he could clearly tell how sturdy these scales were.

Following this, Chen Heng’s pupils began to change, becoming a faint golden color that had a certain might and prestige to it.

In terms of age, he was still a Kobold juvenile, but whether it was his figure or his aura, he had greatly surpassed ordinary Kobold adults.

Even though people would still be able to tell that he was a Kobold, anyone would be able to instantly tell that he was no ordinary Kobold.

This was evident from the changes in attitude in the Kobolds around him.

From when he had gone through his transformation, the other Kobolds began to treat him with greater respect and fear.

Before, only the Kobolds who had seen Chen Heng perform divine skills would treat him with immense respect and passion.

Now, even Kobolds who had never met him before would show fear and obedience towards him.

This was like an instinct from their bloodline, which did not require any explanation or teaching.

Chen Heng understood what was going on with these reactions.

Only after two months did Chen Heng feel that the preliminary changes in his body had changed.

Even though there were still some slight changes, the changes in his body had mostly stabilized.

Chen Heng had recorded the various changes that had taken place.

Of course, Chen Heng could feel that the transformation was not finished.

Chen Heng could sense that even though the dragon bloodline within his body had begun to awaken, it was far from being dense.

It was just that the essence that he had absorbed could only support changes to this degree.

After all, that was just the essence from some Kobold corpses, and to be able to achieve this much was already quite good.

[After absorbing the essence, the target will begin to transform, and their organs will begin to change..]

[This process has great danger, and ordinary Kobolds’ lives might be in danger. They may even pass away…]

[Only Kobolds with strong bodies and wills will be able to endure it…]

Within the simple laboratory, Kobold continuously made records.

Chen Heng did not expect that there would be such danger during the transformation process.

Based on his transformation, ordinary Kobolds would not be able to survive.

After all, most Kobolds were quite weak and had frail bodies. It was ordinary that they would not be able to endure the transformation process.

After all, this was a complete and total change.

It would be strange if there was no danger.

It seemed that he would not be able to improve the bloodlines of too many Kobolds using this method.

As for the injection of essence into the Kobold egg, that had failed.

Compared to adult Kobolds, Kobold eggs did not have their own consciousness and could not withstand the changes brought about by the essence.

No matter what Chen Heng tried, the Kobold eggs that were injected with essence all died.

It seemed that this path was not viable.

Of course, if he only injected a tiny amount, perhaps that would be possible.

However, that was not very necessary.

If he could only inject a tiny amount into the eggs, why not wait until the Kobolds became adults to inject the essence?

From how things seemed, it seemed that injecting essence into adults had a greater success rate and had better effects.

However, this also required some problems to be resolved.

“The first problem, the source of the essence…”

Chen Heng began to consider the first problem.

The essence that Chen Heng was using right now came from Kobold corpses.

If he used this method to improve Kobolds’ bloodlines, this would mean that for every Kobold whose bloodline he improved, he would need more than ten other Kobolds to die.

Only then would they be able to refine enough essence.

This was evidently impossible.

Unless they massacred the ordinary Kobolds, it would be very difficult to achieve this.

However, that would not be worth it.

The reason Chen Heng wanted to improve other Kobolds’ bloodlines was to increase the power under his command.

However, if he had to kill ten Kobolds for every Kobold he wanted to strengthen, then the power under his command would decrease instead.

Moreover, from an intelligent race’s perspective, this did not comply with morality, nor did it comply with Chen Heng’s long-term plan.

However, if the Kobolds died naturally or in battle, it would be fine.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng thought of something.


Every society had large numbers of people who passed away naturally or unexpectedly.

Killing Kobolds to refine their essence was not good, but using corpses would be fine.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the number of Kobolds who died naturally was not enough to improve the bloodlines of all Kobolds.

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