Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 334 - New Simulation

Chapter 334 - New Simulation

Chapter 334: Chapter 334 – New Simulation

“How is the situation in the Qika Kingdom?” Chen Heng asked Herdosiri as they walked into a courtyard.

“The situation is not very good.”

Herdosiri shook his head as he spoke, “I did some investigations on my travels and heard about the situation there from some traveling merchants.

“It’s said that they are going through some conflict, and everything is chaotic over there.”

Chen Heng was able to gain some information about the Qika Kingdom from him.

According to the traveling merchants, there was a battle for the throne in the Qika Kingdom.

The Qika Kingdom’s former king passed away two years ago. He had died incredibly suddenly and had not left behind a will.

The two Princes each had their own supporters, so they began to fight over the throne.

The Qika Kingdom’s nobles had all chosen sides, and they had been brought into the battle.

That was why the Qika Kingdom was so chaotic, with soldiers fighting everywhere.

“What a pity…”

Speaking to there, Herdosiri looked quite sad, “The Qika Kingdom is quite far from here, or else we would have been able to obtain some benefits.”

Chaotic times were the best times for warriors to make achievements.

For Knights like Herdosiri, conflict was not a bad thing but an opportunity.

However, even though the distance between the Kalo Kingdom and Qika Kingdom was not too far, there were still a few small kingdoms between them.

Even if they wanted to get involved, they would not have the opportunity to do so.

“It’s fine.”

Looking at Herdosiri, Chen Heng smiled and comforted him, saying, “As long as we become strong enough, we will always have opportunities.”

“That’s right,” Herdosiri nodded.

Right now, the Hatim Territory was developing quite well. Including Herdosiri and Lamu, many people had obtained their own land.

Even though there was a lack of people andnot too many people working the fields, it was still their own land.

For them, this was already quite good.

Moreover, from how they were going, they would be able to advance in the future and gain even more things.

There was no need to take the matters of other kingdoms to heart.

However, what he did not know was that hearing the news from him, Chen Heng was thinking to himself.

“The internal chaos in the Qika Kingdom…”

Sitting on his seat, Chen Heng thought to himself, “I wonder if this will be an opportunity for my clone.”

The reason why Chen Heng had tried to find information about the Qika Kingdom was because his Kobold clone was near the Qika Kingdom.

From how it seemed, the Qika Kingdom was rife with internal conflict.

This was not a big deal to Chen Heng—after all, he was quite far away from the Qika Kingdom.

However, this might be a good opportunity for his Kobold clone.

If he could find an opportunity to take over part of the territory in the Qika Kingdom, it would greatly increase the strength that the Kobold clone had at his disposal.

However, Chen Heng could not do anything in the current situation, and the Kobold clone would have to seek opportunities out for himself.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng shook his head and raised his wine cup as he continued to chat with Herdosiri.

As they talked, they also shared a meal together.

Following this, Chen Heng and Herdosiri left to deal with their own matters.

By now, they were no longer like before—they all had many tasks to deal with.

Right now, Chen Heng was preparing to start his next simulation.

There was no way around this.

After all, even though his soul would slowly recover over time, the process was a bit too slow.

Rather than waiting, it was better to start a new simulation—after the simulation ended, as the simulation body’s essence returned to his main body, it would help him recover and even become stronger.

That would speed things up.

Chen Heng had been thinking about this for a while.

The reason why he had not done this before was because the Hatim Territory was not very safe, and there had been many Beastman tribes around.

However, after a year, the Beastman tribes in the surroundings had either been destroyed or had relocated.

This allowed Chen Heng to be at ease and leave for a while.

After making various arrangements, Chen Heng returned to his laboratory.

The laboratory was in his own courtyard and was quite secretive, and only Chen Heng had access to it.

Chen Heng had set up many Sorcerer Formations and traps around it; if ordinary people wanted to go in, they would be repelled or attacked by the mechanisms.

Without Second Ring strength, they would not have the right to enter.

As such, Chen Heng came here to prepare to enter a new simulation.

After all, after the changes in the simulator and in his situation, the simulations were no longer just an instant.

Even though different worlds had different flows of time, time would still pass in this world.

Since that was the case, he naturally had to be careful.

After all, when he went into a simulation, his main body would be defenseless, and even ordinary people would be able to harm him.

Following this, Chen Heng went into the depths of the laboratory.

He already had a complex Spirit Formation set up there, which was inlaid with unique gems.

Within those gems, pure magic energy shined out.

Those were magic energy crystals, and they were quite valuable to this world’s Sorcerers. They could replenish their magic energy and provide power.

These were used for supplying his body with energy to prevent anything bad from happening to him.

After walking here, Chen Heng looked around and sat down at the center of the Sorcerer Formation before closing his eyes.

“Would you like to begin a simulation?”

Words appeared before him.

From what he had accumulated over the past year, he had around 9,000 Points.

Of those 9,000 Points, most of them were from his previous simulation.

After all, even though he gained Points naturally, it was comparatively very slow.

“9,000 Points?”

Looking at this number, Chen Heng nodded, “That’s not bad.”

9,000 Points was enough for Chen Heng to do many things.

“Simulation started… searching for a world’s coordinates…”

Faint words appeared.

Following this, Chen Heng’s Points quickly decreased.

This time, Chen Heng had chosen to go to a random world.

This would allow him to see different things.

However, evidently, this would cost him a fair amount of Points.


Following this, a strange feeling spread out.

Golden light flashed out, covering his entire body.

Under that light, Chen Heng’s soul slowly disappeared and travelled towards an unknown location.


When the simulation began, a heavy darkness covered his vision.

The instant Chen Heng entered the simulation, he lost all of his senses.

This feeling persisted for a while, and only after a while did some light appear.

Different memories appeared in his mind.

Following this, Chen Heng opened his eyes and a new scene greeted his eyes.

In a classroom, a middle-aged teacher stood at the front, diligently teaching to the students below.

Within the classroom, students sat at their desks.

Most of them had serious looks on their faces, and a small portion looked quite bored and disengaged.

Chen Heng stared for a few moments before coming back to his senses.

He looked ahead and to his surroundings.

In his mind, memories appeared, informing him of his situation.

Chen Ming, 15 years old. His parents had passed away when he was young, and his big sister Chen Rou had been taking care of him.

His current identity was a middle-school student.

“A modern world?” Chen Heng thought to himself.

He was not unfamiliar with such a world. josei

After all, his original world was such a world.

In the simulations, he had also experienced such worlds.

Following this, a strange feeling appeared.

Chen Heng looked over and saw a girl shooting a glance at him.

“Be careful, the teacher’s looking over here,” she whispered.

“Thanks,” Chen Heng nodded and smiled.

Following this, he came back to his senses and picked up his book as he looked ahead.

On the surface of things, he was diligently focusing on the lesson.

However, in actuality, he was examining his current situation.

“The damage to my soul seems to have completely healed.”

Sensing his situation, Chen Heng felt quite surprised.

He had entered into this simulation because he hoped to heal his soul through it.

After all, after simulations ended, the simulation body’s essence would return to his main body, nourishing and strengthening it.

From how Chen Heng saw it, the damage to his soul could be healed through such methods as well.

However, right as he had entered into the simulation. His soul seemed to have already been healed.

This made him quite surprised.

Following this, he thought of something and seemed to come to a realization.

“So this is a simulation…”

In the past, Chen Heng had always had some questions about his simulation bodies.

For the simulation bodies, was it that the simulator had caused him to possess someone from that world, or did it cause him to become a native to that world and only become awake at a certain point?

There was a big difference between the two.

From how things seemed, it was the latter.

The so-called simulation seemed to have sent Chen Heng’s soul into a new world and blocked its memories.

Only now did Chen Heng’s memories return.

That was the only way to explain the situation as to how his soul had been fully healed.

After all, by now, he had been in this world for ten or so years and had only just awakened his true memories.

Over those ten or so years, Chen Heng’s soul had been gradually healed.

In the same way, this explained why his simulation body’s essence returning could nourish his main body.

If he possessed a native’s body, even if he could turn that body into essence, it would result in similar problems to the Heaven Devouring Scripture.

After all, devouring someone else’s life essence would cause one’s own essence to become impure and chaotic.

However, Chen Heng had never experienced such a thing.

It seemed that he now had an explanation to this.

Because this body was his from the start, and it was inhabited by his soul, the simulation body was essentially his true self, which is why his main body did not reject it.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng felt as if he had been enlightened and had one less question.

Ring ring ring…

The clear sound of a bell rang out.

Outside, the end of class bell rang.

On the lectern, the teacher paused and stopped before announcing that it was the end of the lesson.

Following this, the students in the surroundings got up and began to move.

Chen Heng looked around.

There were children all around him, and they all looked quite lively.

Seeing this scene, his gaze became soft.

After the dreamscape world had shattered, he had not seen such a scene.

It was peaceful, calm, and beautiful…

Thinking to there, he could not help but smile.

“Did you hear about it?” hushed conversations began to sound out around him.

A boy spoke softly, “I heard that another person disappeared near Shuhai Park… this is the third person this month, and even now they have not found any traces of them.”

The boy spoke softly, seeming quite afraid.

The students who lived near there all looked quite terrified.

“A missing persons case?” Chen Heng felt quite surprised.

Those children’s voices were very small, as if they were afraid of being overheard by others.

For Chen Heng, even if their voices were very quiet, he could still hear them clearly.

However, he did not think too much of it.

After all, this seemed to be a normal modern world, and there would often be missing persons cases.

After some time, the end of school bell rang.

Chen Heng mixed among the crowd of people and put his bear backpack on his back as he slowly walked out.

The bear backpack belonged to this body and looked quite cute.

It was surprising that a boy of such an age would have such tastes.

Chen Heng could only shake his head.

Even though the soul was his, it was in a different world and had new experiences.

This original body was a real child, and it was normal to have his own likes and dislikes.

Many thoughts appeared in his mind, and he no longer felt awkward as he walked out with his bag.

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