Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 343 - Within the Church

Chapter 343 - Within the Church

Chapter 343: Chapter 343 – Within the Church

After thinking for some time, Yang Cheng and the young man came over.

Before, they had wanted to obtain a Cursed Item to suppress curse energy.

However, after seeing Chen Heng’s power, they could not help but hesitate.

Even though Cursed Items could be used to suppress curse energy, at the end of the day, it was still related to curses.

As such, there were often risks and side-effects.

Those risks were not just theoretical and had actually happened before.

In the past, there were many people who had used Cursed Items.

It was just that none of them had good outcomes—evidently, the Cursed Items had severe downsides to them.

As such, the two of them hoped to avoid using Cursed Items.

That was why they had come here.

After getting out of the car, they looked behind them.

Behind them, a small figure walked out of the car.

It was a little girl who was about seven or eight years old. She wore a faint white princess dress and looked very cute.

It was just that despite looking very cute, her face was very pale as if she was very sickly.

Let alone a medical professional, just an ordinary person would be able to tell that there was something wrong with the girl’s body.

“Is it here?”

After getting out of the car, the girl looked at the church as she said in surprise, “What a big church.”


Looking at the little girl, the young man smiled and patted her head, “It is rare to see such big churches around here. This is most likely the biggest church in this city.”

“Did we come here to pray to the Holy Mother?” Xiao Lan felt a bit confused and asked.

“In a sense, yes, but we’re also here to deal with the problems in your body.”

Yang Cheng walked over and held the little girl’s hand, “There’s a very powerful person here who can get rid of the problems in your body, so remember to be polite after we go in.”

After saying this, she looked at the young man, and they walked into the church together.

A sermon was about to begin, but it was still quite early and there was still some time before it began.


After walking in, Yang Cheng greeted a Sister and said, “We’re looking for someone.”

“Who are you looking for?” the Sister was quite polite and smiled as she replied.

“Chen Ming,” the young man said with a smile, “We’re his friends, and came to visit him.”


Hearing this, the Sister looked at them strangely.

Chen Heng was about 15 or 16 years old, and there was a big age gap between him and any of these three people.

They did not seem like they could become friends.

However, even though she felt suspicious, she did not say anything and nodded, and she prepared to let someone else know.

“You are Little Ming’s friends?” a voice suddenly sounded out.

The Sister paused and looked over and nodded, “Father.”

A middle-aged Father slowly walked over, and looking at Yang Cheng and the young man, he frowned.

Within his vision, some things that ordinary people could not see revealed themselves.

In his vision, Yang Cheng and the young man were covered with inauspicious auras. Dense, dark auras spiraled above their heads, looking like curses.

Sensing this, he immediately frowned.

Ever since that night, the Father had sensed some changes in himself.

It was as if due to the Holy Mother’s power, he not only could see the Holy Mother’s holy light but could also sense darkness.

In this world, there was always the power of darkness hiding, which could occasionally be seen.

By now, the middle-aged Father had become used to it.

However, despite this, he had never seen such dense curse energy before.

Seeing them like this, he could not help but feel quite repulsed by them.


Looking at the middle-aged Father, Yang Cheng and the young man looked at each other before nodding, “We are his friends. You’ll understand once you ask him, Father.”

Hearing his words, the Father nodded. However, he did not immediately go to find Chen Heng and instead asked, “What did you come here to find him for?”


The two of them paused.

By now, they noticed that something was off.

Even though they did not know why, they could tell that this middle-aged Father seemed to hold some wariness and distrust towards them, as if he did not want them to see Chen Heng.

Even though he seemed polite, he was very distant.

As for why he was like this, they did not know.

Standing there, they fell silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

“We came for this child.”

After falling silent for a few moments, Yang Cheng spoke.

He brought Xiao Lan over and said, “Chen Ming said that he wanted to meet this child, so we brought her here.”

“This child…”

Only then did the Father notice Xiao Lan.

Her face was incredibly pale, and her expression was a bit shy, making her look quite adorable.

However, this was not the case in the middle-aged Father’s eyes.

In his vision, this child’s body also had that curse energy, but it was not as deep as the curse energy on Yang Cheng and the young man’s bodies.

However, her face was far too pale, and it was evident that there was something wrong with her body.

He felt quite confused and did not know what to say.

At that moment, more people walked in, and the sermon at the front started.

However, different to before, the one giving the sermon was not the Father but a boy.

He had handsome looks and had a certain charm to him, making it so that one would find it difficult to forget him.

He was wearing a clean Priest’s robe, which seemed to suit him quite well.

He walked onto the stage, where everyone was looking.

Seeing the boy, Yang Cheng and the young man were startled.

“Looks like there’s no need to notify him.”

Looking at Chen Heng, the middle-aged Father nodded and said, “How about you go and find him after the sermon?”

“Thank you,” Yang Cheng nodded and brought the young man and Xiao Lan to sit down.

By now, essentially everyone was seated.

Yang Cheng and the young man looked around; all around them were believers.

The pews were very full, and it seemed that there were many people.

“Looks like this church is quite lively…”

Looking at the bustling scene, the young man could not help but speak.

They did not know that there were not this many people in the past.

After all, if it was just a sermon, there would not be that many people coming.

The people of this world were not that bored, and the middle-aged Father was not a very interesting speaker.

However, after Chen Heng came here, the situation began to change.

The Father had discovered that Chen Heng was very talented in giving sermons, and he could easily engage his audience.

Moreover, compared to him, Chen Heng’s understanding towards the scriptures seemed to be deeper, to a point that he could only sigh with amazement. josei

As such, he had made the decision to occasionally let Chen Heng replace him to do the sermon.

As time passed, more and more people came to hear Chen Heng’s serons.

After finding a place to sit, Yang Cheng and the others did not immediately go to ask Chen Heng for help.

Since they were here and they had found him, there was no need to be in a rush.

As such, they patiently began to listen.

However, following this, a shocking scene unfolded.

They expected the sermon to be incredibly boring, but they were instantly enraptured by Chen Heng’s words.

Within his calm speech, there seemed to be a mysterious energy that made them feel intoxicated and understand all kinds of things.

At first, they were just casually listening, but soon, they were completely invested in the sermon.

A warm feeling appeared, making them feel as if their entire soul was being bathed.


Sensing this feeling, both Yang Cheng and the young man suddenly realized something.

As Chen Heng gave the sermon, they could feel changes happening to the curse energy within their bodies. A certain energy had appeared in their bodies, purifying their curse energy.

It was a very gentle purification, making them feel quite shocked.

“Even without doing anything, just by listening to his voice, there are such effects?”

Sitting there, they felt quite dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

On the stage above, faint light appeared.

It was currently daytime, and sunlight shined through the windows, illuminating the young man’s body.

Standing there, he looked like a child of god, incredibly extraordinary.

Even though his voice sounded quite ordinary, it had incredible effects.

Listening to it was very pleasant and made one completely immerse themselves.

Behind everyone, the middle-aged Father stood there. Looking at this scene, his expression was quite steady.

However, in his vision, he could see many unique things.

As Chen Heng spoke, changes began to happen in the statue behind him.

A warm, golden light appeared, spreading throughout the surroundings and finally covering the entire church.

Those who had come to listen to the sermon were all bathed in the golden light, and their souls were all purified.

“Magnificent and merciful Holy Mother…”

Standing there and looking at this scene, the Father sighed and felt quite moved.

To him, no matter how many times he saw this scene, he could not help but feel touched and wanted to cry.

After standing there for a while, he looked towards Yang Cheng and the two others.

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