Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 349 - Predicament

Chapter 349 - Predicament

Chapter 349: Chapter 349 – Predicament

From how the two of them saw it, the unique power that Chen Heng possessed was much better than those other useless abilities.

Just the fact that he could affect others’ souls and make them fulfilled was quite important, and this was especially to Curse Bearers like them.

To Curse Bearers, the strength of their souls was crucial to whether or not they could resist curses.

Only by having strong enough wills and pure souls would they be able to resist the constant corrosion from curses.

Both the elder and young man were clear about this.

Chen Heng’s ability to affect their souls could help their souls become stronger, allowing them to put up more resistance against the curses.

With such an exceptional ability, if he was willing, they could even get him to join them.

As such, their eyes lit up and many thoughts appeared in their minds.

“Looks like we need to regularly come here…”

The elder gave a smile as he said softly, “I don’t know if it’s a misconception, but after coming here, my soul feels more at ease, as if the corrosion of the curse has decreased by quite a bit…”

He muttered with a slight smile.

“To be honest…”

By the side, the young man also smiled as he spoke respectfully, “I also feel the same. It was very slight, so I almost did not notice it. It seems that this is the benefit of our souls being cleansed.”

They did not think too much of the changes in their bodies and just thought that it was due to their souls being cleansed.

However, in actuality, these changes were mostly because of divine energy.

During the sermon,even though Chen Heng did not purposefully use divine energy to bathe those around him, his divine energy’s natural ripples caused all kinds of effects.

As such, the curse energy on the two people’s bodies had been gradually suppressed.

However, neither of them knew that this was the real reason.

After standing there for a while, the two of them got up and left.

However, before leaving, they gave a large tithe to the church.

The casual donation of such a large amount caused the Sister’s eyes to light up.

Even though the church was a holy place, it was still in the realm of mortals.

Without enough money, it could not continue to operate.

Moreover, this was the largest church in this city and at the heart of this city.

For it to be in such a location, the expenses were no small figure.

The maintenance of the church, the payment of the Fathers and Sisters, this all required money.

As such, even the Sisters could not help but feel goodwill towards people who gave money like this.

“Please give this gift to that young Priest…” the elder said politely as he looked over at Chen Heng with a slight smile, “His sermon was very good, and it was the best that I’ve ever heard… I hope that when we come again, we will still be able to hear a good sermon like this.”

So it was for him.

Hearing the elder’s words, a look of understanding appeared in the Sister’s eyes before feeling quite pleased.

After Chen Heng had begun to preach, many similar things had happened.

Compared to the boring sermons that the middle-aged Father gave, Chen Heng was much more interesting and attracted many more people.

That was why in recent times, more and more people had come to listen to the sermons, and more people had begun to tithe.

Of course, most of these people were women and were usually rich, middle-aged women.

What’s more, a portion of them did not have very pure motives.

Compared to those people, this elder and young man were much better.

At the very least, they most likely did not have any ulterior motives.

Moreover, they were much more generous.

The Sister gave a resplendent smile and promised that she would do her best to ensure this.

Following this, the elder and young man walked out, feeling quite pleased.

On the stage, Chen Heng watched as the two people left and thought to himself, “Another two Curse Bearers?”

He was not too surprised that Curse Bearers would come here.

It seemed that among the Curse Bearers, many people were quite religious and put their faith in such things.

After all, compared to ordinary people, the pain and emptiness in their hearts were much greater, causing them to want to find something to place their hope in.

As such, it was not surprising that such people would come to the church to worship the Holy Mother.

Any Curse Bearer who came here would immediately discover something special about Chen Heng.

As such, Chen Heng had long since been prepared and was not surprised.

Watching the two people disappear, Chen Heng smiled and felt that things were quite interesting.

A certain feeling of foreshadowing grew within him.

Chen Heng could sense that those two people were not simple; in terms of their curse energy, it was even stronger than Yang Cheng and Liang Xiao’s.

For him to have gained the attention of such people, it seemed that his life would not be boring in the future.

Even though staying here and living the same days was not too bad, it was somewhat dull.

It was better to have his life become eventful.


Standing there, Chen Heng seemed to sense something, and he silently turned and looked out.

In that moment, his vision passed through all kinds of barriers and reached a certain place.

In that place, a mote of mental energy was rippling, revealing the scenes there.


A light sound rang out, accompanied by gasps for breath.

There were monsters’ corpses and blood all around, dyeing the ground.

“The situation’s quite bad…”

Standing beside Chen Rou and observing the situation, Yang Cheng breathed raggedly as he said, “The curse in this place has begun to revive… We seem to have found the wrong node…”

Standing there, most people’s expressions were quite grim.

This was to be expected.

They had discovered that they had incorrectly determined the node where the curse was breaking out from, and they had wasted much time and resources.

The outcome had proved their mistake.

After the node that was suspected to be behind the outbreak disappeared, the curse in this place had not been suppressed and had instead become even more berserk. josei

More and more curses had appeared, and they were now surrounded.

If this went on, they would die under the continuously-increasing curses.

Only Chen Rou was able to remain calm under such circumstances.

For her, despite things being like this, it was not time to give up yet.

Moreover, it was not a big deal to die here.

Even before coming in, she had made the preparations to die here.

“This is the worst case scenario…”

She thought for a moment before sighing, “According to the original plan, we should have stayed here for half a month to delay the curse from breaking out.

“However, it has only been seven days. What should we do for the remaining period of time?” she turned and looked at the people in front of her as she asked.

Facing Chen Rou’s gaze, everyone present fell silent.

Even though they could not say that they had gone all-out, they could say that they had used most of what they had.

And yet, this was the outcome that awaited them.

It was not that they were too weak but that this place was too strange.

Before setting out, because of the information from the government, they had been incredibly wary of this place.

However, even so, after they truly entered this place, they found that they had still underestimated this place.

This was no ordinary Cursed Land, and it was one of the highest-level ones.

Ordinary Cursed Lands usually could not even create a single Cursed Item.

On the other hand, in terms of just curse nodes, they had already seen five, and there were many high-level curses in here.

Evidently, this place was much more terrifying than they had thought.

If they could turn back time, they definitely would not have entered this place

Wasn’t it good to continue living?

However, there was no way to turn back time.

“At this point, even if we want to leave, it is too late.”

Standing there, Chen Rou deeply sighed, “Our only chance at living is to continue enduring and wait until half a month is over.

“If we can hold out for another few days, the Alliance’s people will arrive and will be able to resolve all of this.”

Her expression was incredibly resolute as she spoke.

Standing beside her, everyone else remained silent but nodded.

It was not the time to release their emotions.

The only thing they could do now was to continue to hold out until the Alliance’s people arrived.

When that time came, they would be saved.

“There are still eight days…” many people thought.

Based on the information from the government, it would take at least half a month for the Alliance to arrive.

Currently, they had stalled for seven days. This meant that there were still another eight days until the Alliance arrived.

When that time came, they would have a chance at life.

Thinking to there, everyone’s hearts became resolute.

However, in a place where they could not see, a formless tentacle was stretching out.

This tentacle slowly stretched out, gradually moving closer to Chen Rou.

The massive tentacle writhed, and a scarlet-red eye opened on it.

“Careful!” a shout sounded out.

Standing there, Chen Rou’s body froze as a massive sense of danger welled up within her.

It was an instinctive feeling that warned her body that disaster was approaching.

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