Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 354 - – Slash

Chapter 354 - – Slash

Chapter 354: Chapter 354 – Slash

Chen Rou and the others stared dumbly in shock.

An explosion sounded out as a hole seemed to open in the sky, and large amounts of light shined out.

Within the light, countless golden souls were awakening.

Divine energy gathered and exploded out, bringing all of the deceased souls over to fight again in the name of god.

This was a scene that could only happen in legends, and completely shook those who saw it.

However, a grand and magnificent scene was just for show.

In actuality, even though those souls had been awakened, they were not that powerful.

After all, this was an ordinary world, and Curse Bearers only existed because of the Curse Seeds within their bodies; that power did not belong to themselves.

Even for Curse Bearers, their minds and bodies were not much stronger than those of ordinary humans.

Even if Chen Heng could awaken those souls, since they belonged to ordinary people, they would not have immense power.

As such, this scene was just quite grand, but did not have much actual power.

However, making a show was enough.

All of the people in the city watched this scene in awe.

Looking at those souls rising to the sky, they seemed to see a boy slowly opening his eyes, looking like the manifestation of the Holy Mother’s myths.


Someone muttered, “Is this the Holy Mother’s manifestation in the human world…”

Everyone felt incredibly shocked.

Even Curse Bearers could not help but feel awe when they looked at this scene.

Those feelings were turned into faith towards Chen Heng, providing him with faith energy.

This was why Chen Heng had created such a big scene.

Following this, boundless light once again descended.

Standing on the stage, Chen Heng nodded at Chen Rou before turning and closing his eyes.

Massive mental energy began to spread out.

Terrifying divine energy rushed out and shot towards the sky.

In the sky, countless golden souls flew up and fused into the massive image in the sky.

As the golden souls fused into it, the golden figure became more and more corporeal.

In the end, the image looked completely real and did not look like an image at all.

Every inch of its skin looked incredibly real, and looked as if it was actually living.

The image looked like a beautiful boy and had a pair of wings of light on his back. In terms of the power he gave off and his size, he was not any inferior to that curse.

Massive amounts of light spread out, blocking off the curse’s energy and protecting this city.

Otherwise, just the curse’s aura would have caused great damage to this city and killed many people.

Apart from this, the changing laws also stabilized and did not continue to change.

Divine energy was not any inferior to the Origin Curse; that which the Origin Curse could do, divine energy could do the same.

As the divine energy spread out, this city turned into Chen Heng’s domain.

“A very unique feeling…” Chen Heng thought to himself.

Being in this city, Chen Heng had a great advantage.

In the end, this world did not belong to curses.

The so-called curses were outsiders to this world, and would be naturally rejected by this world’s laws.

However, Chen Heng did not have this problem.

In fact, standing in this city, Chen Heng was continuously becoming stronger.

After all, this city was filled with Holy Mother Churches and believers.

Under the current situation, the energy in his body was increasing every moment.

Everything was on his side.

In a battle of attrition, even if there was a gap between them, it would be evened over.

Of course, how things would end would come down to the fight. josei

Thinking to there, Chen Heng did not hesitate any longer.

In the air, the massive angel opened its eyes, and golden light exploded out, bathing the land in light.

A holy sword appeared, slashing towards the curse.

This strike contained pure divine energy, as well as the will of Chen Heng’s soul. There was nothing it could not slash, and it was completely unstoppable.

As the strike descended, space itself began to crack, as if it was going to collapse.

Black fog surged forwards.

As if it sensed a threat, the Origin Curse roared and swiped forwards with its massive arm.

It looked like a very ordinary attack, but the moment it moved, massive amounts of curse energy were drawn out, creating all kinds of chilling scenes.

Nearly half of the people in the city directly knelt, unable to resist this invasion of curse energy.

However, following this, the divine energy light once again shone out.

The surroundings once again returned to normal, becoming a holy region.

Within that region, the curse energy could not do anything and was scattered.

Within the church, sensing this exchange, Yang Cheng and the others’ faces were pale as they had expressions of shock.

“Is he really a human…”

He looked at Chen Heng in shock.

“Even if he is not a human, he is definitely the manifestation of the Holy Mother!” a resolute voice sounded out.

The middle-aged Father had a determined look on his face as he looked at Chen Heng excitedly.

It was not just him; everyone else was the same.

Not only in this church, but throughout the city, there were sounds of praying.

Countless people reverently prayed to the Holy Mother.

Their voices were all quite soft, but combined together, it became incredibly loud.

As those prayers reached Chen Heng, the angel image in the sky became even bigger.

The angel’s strike wiped out all disturbances in the city, and all curses that had approached had disappeared.


Following this, everyone saw a shocking scene.

On the other side, the massive Origin Curse raised a hand, wanting to block the incoming light.

However, it failed and was unable to block all of it.

Massive divine energy, combined with the world’s laws, directly broke through its defences, and ripped off its arm.

A massive arm fell from the sky, turning into tiny bits of blood and flesh.


A shocking roar sounded out.

After this strike, the tentacle that had connected the Cursed Land to the real world had been slashed apart by Chen Heng.

No matter how reluctant the curse was, it was unable to continue to descend to this world.

Moreover, even if it could, with Chen Heng here, he was a big barrier to it coming here.

A jet black door was directly shattered, and under the light, it gradually disappeared.

Following this, the city seemed to return to normal.

Chen Rou and the others dumbly stood inside the church, staring at this scene, not knowing what to say.

Before today, they could never have even imagined such a situation.

The things that had happened today were like a legend to them, and they were still unable to come back to their senses.


Standing there, they suddenly realized something.

In this world, curses had always existed. Even though they had not been very evident, they had always been there.

There had been many legends about curses within the ancient records.

Similarly, the legends of the Holy Mother had also been around for a long time, but no one knew when they had started.

Could it be that something similar had happened in the past?

The Origin Curse had appeared and been suppressed by the Holy Mother, which was why the Holy Mother was worshipped by so many people.

Now that the Origin Curse had once again appeared, the Holy Mother’s power had manifested.

This was the only way of explaining it.

Following this, everyone looked up at the stage.

Chen Heng was still standing there.

Compared to before, his appearance was much more handsome and exquisite, and he gave off a holy and extraordinary aura. Anyone who saw him would not be able to forget him and would feel a sense of holiness.

Looking at Chen Heng, their expressions became quite complicated.

Undoubtedly, Chen Heng was a supernatural being.

To be able to fight against a Origin Curse and force it away, this definitely was not something that ordinary people could do.

This power was incredibly important in the current circumstances.

After all, now that a legendary Origin Curse had appeared, who knew when other Origin Curses would appear.

Moreover, that Origin Curse from before had only been banished, not killed.

If it came back, the only one who would be able to deal with it would be Chen Heng.

Thinking to there, their expressions became quite complicated.

This was especially so for Chen Rou, who looked at her little brother.

Chen Heng did not pay them any mind; right now, he stood there and sensed the changes in his body.

Even though it looked like he had held an absolute advantage, the situation had been quite dangerous for him.

Chen Heng’s power was not actually strong enough to fight the Origin Curse.

If he could, he would not have just banished it, and would have instead killed it.

In the end, he had not been here for long, and even borrowing this world’s law energy and the faith energy he had saved up, he could only do this much.

If he had not banished the Origin Curse, he would have used up all of his divine energy and would have fallen to a disadvantage.

That was not what he wanted to see.

Fortunately, he succeeded in the end.

Now, it was time to reap the gains.

Law energy began to flood into his body, causing his Divinities to grow.

Before, Chen Heng had not been doing nothing.

The Origin Curse itself was condensed from law energy.

For this kind of existence, every bit of blood and flesh contained massive amounts of law energy.

Before, Chen Heng had directly cut off one of its arms.

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