Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 397 - Ruins

Chapter 397 - Ruins

Chapter 397: Chapter 397 – Ruins

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“The Gods should be real, or at least they once existed...”

After walking around and understanding more about the two Gods, Kalunu fell into deep thought.

In this world, the Gods had long fallen into silence. Although in silence, the Gods did not disappear. They just fell into a deep sleep.

If they had enough talent, the believers who believed in the Gods could still establish a connection with the Gods and become God’s Priests.

However, there were no Priests in this fertile land in front of them. Logically speaking, this should not be the case.

Kalunu was unclear when this area was formed, but it was definitely very long ago. After such a long time, some kobolds should have enough talent to become Priests.

But in reality, no Priests were present among the Kobolds here. Herald and Mcdodo were only in charge of the sacrifice ritual and were not Priests. Even they had never felt any trace of the existence of a God.

A God was like a symbol in this area. Kobolds worshiped and adored the Gods, but they did not show practical benefits to the Kobolds.

Then why did the Kobolds continue worshiping these Gods?

There were usually two possibilities for this situation.

The first possibility was that the so-called God of Fertility and the God of Black Fog did not exist. The Kobolds just fabricated these Gods.

This possibility was not non-existent, but it was relatively small.

After all, according to what Kalunu felt, the two auras in this area were there. They were real and could not be ignored.

The fertile land in front of him was indeed formed by the divine power of the God of Nature.

Therefore, these two Gods had most likely existed, but now they were missing.

As for the second possibility, these two Gods had already fallen. In Kalunu’s view, this possibility was the biggest.

Kalunu didn’t know what had happened in the World of Gods, which could cause all the Gods to fall into silence, but there was no doubt that this disaster was terrifying.

Therefore, the possibility of these two Gods dying during the disaster was very high.

Even if they didn’t die, at this moment, they were most likely like the God that Chen Heng had met before.

In the past, Chen Heng had met a God’s ruin at the border of the Malido Kingdom, and he had even obtained God’s remaining divinity in it.

The God in it had died long ago, and even its consciousness had disappeared entirely, leaving only a trace of divinity, which Chen Heng obtained.

That was the case for the Gods in the ruins. The Gods that had once existed in this fertile land before him might have fallen into the same state at this moment.

“Wait a minute...”

Standing in the same place, Kalunu suddenly realized a problem.

If the Gods in this fertile land had fallen a long time ago, then the Gods that had fallen here should also have traces left behind, just like in the ruins.

It was even very likely that it was divinity.

Kalunu’s eyes couldn’t help but light up. For him, the importance of divinity was self-evident.

Although at present, Kalunu still doesn’t know what divinity meant to Gods, he could be sure that it was a significant thing.

Kalunu had a simulator, and he could use the simulator’s power to transform divinity into his own thing.

Divinity was an extremely precious thing to him. If he could find the divinity left behind by the two Gods, then…

Kalunu was exhilarated. He immediately turned around and looked at the two people in front of him.

Standing on the spot and feeling Kalunu’s gaze, the two people couldn’t help but shiver. Then they forced a smile on their faces.

Kalunu, who stood before them, was too terrifying for them. He had imprinted a horrifying impression in their hearts during this period.

It was already so when it came to pure strength, but it was even more terrifying when it came to the bloodline.

For them, just sensing the aura of the Kalunu in front of them made the blood in their bodies feel like it was about to freeze. Even their heartbeats were about to stop. It was exceptionally terrifying.

The majesty that came from the bloodline was suffocating, and they didn’t dare to face it directly.

To put it bluntly, if Kalunu was willing, he probably wouldn’t even have to do it himself. Just a glance from him was enough to kill Herald and Mcdodo.

The suppression effect emitting from Kalunu’s bloodline was too immense.

At this moment, the dragon veins in Kalunu’s body had reached a terrifying level. Even compared to a pure-blooded Giant Dragon, he was not inferior at all. In fact, he was even more frightening.

The difference in their bloodlines was so significant that it was very normal for them to have such a feeling.

It was also because of this that a deep shadow had been left in their hearts within a short period. Even if it were just a glance, they would subconsciously tremble.


Kalunu looked at Herald and Herald in front of him and could not help but shake his head. “I’m not going to kill you. Do you have to be so afraid?”

“I’m... sorry...”

Hearing Kalunu’s words, Herald forced a smile on his face. At this moment, he looked petrified. “My body… I can’t control it...”

Looking at them like this, Kalunu didn’t know what else to say.

Compared to Hechi and the others, the Dragon Warlocks in the Fertile Land performed worse.

The difference seemed to be caused by their dependence on their bloodlines.

Although Hechi’s power also came from the Dragon bloodline, he had also practiced the Knight cultivation method given by Kalunu. According to the standards of this world, he was now a Life Knight with First Ring.

As for the two people in front of him, not only were their strength incomparable to Hechi and the other Kobolds that Kalunu had carefully nurtured, but their power also originated from the Dragon bloodline in their bodies.

Perhaps it was because of this difference that led to their current reaction?

Kalunu’s face was calm as various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then, he continued to restrain his own aura from affecting the two people in front of him. Then, he continued to ask.

“Where is the location of the sacrifice?”

Hearing Kalunu’s question, the two Kobolds were a bit confused. However, they still gave an accurate answer after pondering for a while.

Not only were they Dragon Warlocks, but they were also the leaders of the two tribes. They were also responsible for the sacrifice.

Since they were responsible, they naturally knew the sacrifice location the best. After all, this was their profession.

After getting the answer from the two of them, Kalunu did not continue speaking. Instead, he turned around and left the area in front of him.

He left the area in front of him and continued to tour the area according to the situation that Herald and Mcdodo had described.

Soon, he walked through these places one by one. But in the end, he found nothing.

The places where the sacrifices were made did indeed have heavy traces of blood sacrifice, but there was no aura of divinity.

Not only was there no aura of divinity, but there was no other aura. Apart from the countless corpses of Kobolds, there was nothing else.

Kalunu was not surprised by this.

Someone else would have gotten it first if a God left behind such an accessible location to discover divinity. Even if a God died, the God was destined to be somewhere special.

Just the power that came from the God was enough to change the terrain and nature of an area permanently.

And when the God died, the power that came from his body and the influence of the God’s Qi was enough to do many things.

Just like how Chen Heng found the God’s remains in the original body of Kalunu.

At that time, the God had already fallen, but the remains of his divinity were still not so easy to find. It was unknown how many people had died in that place and how many archaeologists had been buried there.

And this time, if Gods died in this place, it would not be easy to find their traces.

“Is there any special place in this area?”

After searching for a while without any results, Kalunu changed his train of thought and continued to ask.

“There are a few places that are very mysterious and terrifying. There are unknown terrors in them...”

Herald and Mcdodo thought for a long time and gave this answer.

Then, Kalunu continued to move forward and search in the direction Herald and Mcdodo mentioned.

This time, he found some clues.

There were a few places in this fertile land that ordinary Kobolds could not enter.

In those places, there were often some terrifying things. If ordinary Kobolds entered, they would not be able to walk out and would die immediately.

Kalunu walked through them one by one and found many things.

In a valley, he found some white bones. They belonged to different races. They were not Kobolds, nor were they humans. They were like other powerful races.

These white bones were very powerful when they were alive. Even though they were already dead, the bodies they left behind were still very strong and were high-grade materials.

Other than that, there were many weapon shards around this area. The essence of the weapons had already dissipated, but the materials were still very outstanding, and their value was very high.

Kalunu glanced at them and kept all of it.

In another area, he met some strange creatures. Each of them was very powerful, and their power was at least at First Ring.

These creatures had been sleeping in this area before. Their bodies were covered in a black fog, and their eyes were scarlet. They looked like they had been created after a mutation.

To ordinary Kobolds, these creatures were terrifying.

If a First Ring existence charged into the Kobold tribe, they could easily destroy a tribe.

Even if Herald and Mcdodo, the two Dragon Warlocks, entered, they would probably die without any preparation.

This was the second surprise that Kalunu had encountered.

In the end, he killed all of the black creatures and found a mysterious item.

Based on the mysterious item with unique inscriptions carved on it, Kalunu discovered that this used to be a temple.

After a mutation happened, everything here was destroyed. Even the temple’s guardians were transformed into the creatures he had just defeated.

There weren’t many valuable things in the temple, and most of them had been damaged.

However, Kalunu still found some divine patterns that could improve his spells.

Then, he found a cave.

“The aura in here is very strong...”

In the spacious and huge cave, Kalunu was walking slowly.

His movements were very slow as if he was strolling in the park. His face was very calm and natural.

However, the others beside him were trembling.

“This place is...”

Walking beside Kalunu, Eileen’s face was a bit pale. At this time, she seemed to feel something, and his body subconsciously trembled. “It’s the aura of a God...”

“Is it the aura of the God of Nature? It doesn’t seem to be pure...”

On the side, Dilin was also muttering to herself. Many thoughts flashed through her mind at this time.

Behind them, compared to the two tree spirits, the two Dragon Warlocks, Herald and Mcdodo, were much calmer. They only felt that the aura in this area was a little dense, but they didn’t feel anything more.

Their senses were still not sharp enough compared to the extraordinary race like the tree spirits. They did not sense the divine aura around them. josei

If they could not sense it, they naturally would not feel afraid.

As they went deeper into the area, the aura that originally existed around them was also changing. The further they went, the more obvious it became.

In the end, even Herald and Mcdodo couldn’t help but turn pale. They could no longer move forward.

“The aura is...”

They stood where they were, their eyes wide open. Their faces were especially pale. They panted heavily. “Is this... the mark left behind by the Gods?”

“How terrifying...”

Hearing the voice behind him, Kalunu paused and looked behind him. “Let’s stop here.”

He looked at the people behind him and said softly, “Wait for me here.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped forward and continued walking forward.

On the spot, looking at Kalunu’s back, Dilin and Eileen looked at each other and couldn’t help but sigh.

“We can’t even enter?”

They sighed. They could not help but feel a huge sense of defeat at this moment.

As tree spirits, their power was actually very strong.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they reached adulthood, they would have at least the power of a Second Ring existence.

However, compared to Kalunu in front of them, the gap was still too big.

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