Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 414 - - Simulation

Chapter 414 - - Simulation

Chapter 414: Chapter 414 – Simulation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Under the dim light, Ella’s figure appeared in the quiet room. She was still the same as before.

After more than half a month of recovery, she looked like she had almost recovered. Her mental state had returned to normal. However, compared to the past, she seemed a little quiet now. She was not as lively and direct as before.

Of course, this was also a normal thing. After all, after walking in the small dark room and experiencing the cold and warmth from the outside world, there would be some changes in her personality.

Standing in place, looking at Ella in front of him, Ardim was interested. “Since you have come to see me, you must have made your choice.”

“You’re right...”

Looking at Ardim in front of her, Ella was silent for a moment and then nodded, “I’ve thought it through.”

“Then, tell me your answer.”

Ardim casually opened his mouth and seemed to be a little careless as he asked softly.

In front of him, hearing Ardim’s words, Ella took a deep breath.

Then, under Ardim’s gaze, she slowly lowered her head and said, “I’m willing to work for you...”

The soft words fell on the ground. Although the voice was very soft, it sounded very clear, especially in such a quiet situation.

Ardim’s face showed a satisfied look, and then he continued, “Very well.”

“It seems that you have realized your situation.

“Don’t worry.”

He said softly with a faint smile on his face, “What happened in the past is no longer important now.

“You must have realized a lot of things while you were out. josei

“What you once thought was important is not worth a few gold coins.

“Your parents and important clansmen that you thought loved you are nothing in front of gold coins.

“This time’s matter is proof.

“You have already felt it, right?”

The faint words fell on the spot and continued to resound.

Hearing the words of Ardim in front of her, Ella could not help but clench her teeth, not knowing what to say— Ardim was right.

Sometimes, the so-called kinship, the so-called love, was nothing in front of benefits.

Through the relationship between Ardim and her in the past, Ella was able to deliver benefits to the family and bring them gains continuously.

Therefore, at that time, she was also the family’s core and was worshipped by everyone.

Her parents were proud of her, and the clansmen respected her. Even the others around her were especially respectful to her.

She was like a real princess, enjoying the support and reverence of everyone.

However, after this incident, everything changed.

Her parents, who loved her, treated her coldly. The members of the Mead clan cursed her, even cursed her to die.

Those people who were surrounding her, praising her and worshipping her disappeared. What replaced them were vicious curses and taunts.

Those so-called friends and clansmen in the past had changed their faces after this incident.

Those curses were like knives, stabbing straight into her heart.

Even Eloise, who had thought highly of her and cared about her, did not seem to care about her as much after this incident. This reality had completely woken her up.

She lowered her head and clenched her hands tightly.

“Don’t feel guilty...”

In front of her, Ardim’s voice continued to ring, echoing in her ears at this moment.

“Do your clansmen really love you?

“Do they love you as a person, or do they benefit from loving you?

“Does Eloise really treat you as a friend?

“Not necessarily.”

Standing where she was, Ardim smiled and said softly, “The only reason she cares about you is that you have a good value to be used.”

“But one day, if you don’t have these things, or if you act like you’re not loyal to her, what do you think she will do?”

Voices kept ringing out. Hearing Ardim’s words, Ella’s body kept trembling.

“Instead of doing it for others, it’s better to do it for yourself, isn’t it?”

Ardim said softly and continued, “Don’t you want to return to the family and become the future successor of your family?

“Become the future successor of your family and control all the power of the Mead family. Make those who dare to mock and curse you pay the price.

“As for Eloise, why can she use you and stay high and mighty all the time?

“Don’t you want to see Eloise kneel in front of you and beg you to help her one day in the future?”

The voices were very gentle, but they fell into Ella’s heart.

“I can help you with these things as long as you are willing.”

With a smile on his face, Ardim said softly, “Believe me. I have this ability...

“In the past, I heard a saying.

“No one is born to be lowly, and no one can always be high and mighty.

“As long as you’re willing, you could achieve so as well...

“Struggling for your own fate is the most praiseworthy thing...

“So, there’s no need to feel guilty...”

In front of her, Ella’s body trembled more and more. After a long while, she slowly calmed down.

Standing in the same place for a long time, she raised her head and looked at Ardim in front of her, nodding heavily. “I understand...”

Looking at Ella’s facial expression, Ardim smiled. After a while, Ella left the place and left Ardim’s manor.

Ardim looked at Ella’s figure as she left, and his expression gradually returned to calmness.

“Consider I made some arrangements...”

Standing on the spot and looking at Ella’s back, Ardim’s expression was calm as this thought flashed through his mind.

Winning over Ella to work for him was a casual arrangement by Ardim.

The purpose was not that complicated, and it was just to monitor Princess Eloise.

Eloise probably didn’t expect that her subordinate, whom she thought would be loyal to her, would come to Ardim in the blink of an eye and sell her off completely.

Of course, it was also possible that the other party had defected, but they were still loyal to Eloise.

This was not entirely impossible in Ardim’s eyes. He thought that he was quite accurate in judging people.

In his eyes, Ella and Eloise were the same kinds of people. These kinds of people always wanted to control more things and have higher power and status. People like them always valued benefits.

In this aspect, Ardim was obviously able to give much more than Eloise.

After all, Eloise was just a bare princess. What could she give? In this aspect, she was far from being comparable to Ardim.

The darkness of the night enveloped the surroundings, shadowing everything.

Ardim’s face was calm, and various thoughts flashed through his mind. Then, he turned around and left this place.

In the following days, time slowly passed.

The arrival of Ella that night did not seem to have brought many changes to the surroundings. Around him, he was still the same as before, just staying in this place without any changes.

Every day, many death row prisoners were sent to Ardim’s manor to be used by him. Under the stimulation of the slaughter divinity, Ardim’s power rapidly increased and soon crossed that threshold.

“Finally, the Second Ring...”

In the spacious square, Ardim stood alone and felt the surging power all over his body. He sighed in his heart.

After a few days, the life energy in his body had finally reached a certain threshold and directly advanced.

Now, the life energy in his body had further advanced. It had already surpassed the previous level and reached the Second Ring.

This level was pretty good in the eyes of ordinary people. Ardim was able to advance in a short period of time, which could be considered very fast.

If he didn’t have the assistance of the slaughter power, under normal circumstances, he would probably need a few more months to reach this step.

But now, it was ahead of schedule.

But after reaching this step, Ardim was about to face a brand new problem.

The number of death row prisoners used to provide the power of slaughter was already somewhat insufficient.

This was something that couldn’t be helped.

The place in front of them was Kaner City, which could be considered a very large city. But even so, there was a limit to the number of death row prisoners that existed.

According to the killing method of Ardim, they would all be killed sooner or later. After these death row prisoners were all killed, Ardim couldn’t maintain such rapid progress.

Ardim fell into deep thought. Judging from the current situation, there seemed to be no solution to this problem. After all, the number of death row prisoners was limited.

After the death row prisoners were used up, Ardim couldn’t kill ordinary people to increase his slaughter power.

Even if he were willing to do it, it would be too troublesome. One or two would be fine, but it would inevitably be discovered if there were too many of them.

In the end, it might blow up and become even more troublesome.

‘Then, what about buying slaves?’

Another thought flashed through Adim’s mind.

To a certain extent, buying slaves was a good choice. However, it was not worth it. Slaves were property and tools that could be used. It would be a waste to buy slaves just to cut them down.

Other people bought slaves to provide services to themselves and increase productivity, but Ardim bought slaves to slaugther his enemies.

Not only did it sound wrong, but it was also inappropriate.

Hence, this thought flashed through Ardim’s mind before disappearing.

‘Looks like I still need to find a suitable place…’

Actually, the most suitable place to gather the slaughter power was the battlefield. However, currently, there was no war in the surroundings of the Karkoen Empire.

Even if there were a war, under normal circumstances, the successor of the Yaru family, Ardim, wouldn’t be able to go to the battlefield personally.

“However, if the operation is good, it’s not impossible...”

Ardim rubbed his head as this thought flashed through his mind.

If he only wanted to kill, the battlefield was undoubtedly a very good choice if he only wanted to kill.

And now, if they were to search seriously, although there was no large-scale war in the surroundings of the Karkoen Empire, small-scale conflicts were unavoidable at all times.

Even in the territory of Ardim’s father, Duke Yaru, there would occasionally be riots and conflicts between the outlander races.

Although there were no large-scale wars, small-scale conflicts were almost everywhere in certain areas, and this was Ardim’s chance.

Thinking of this, Ardim fell into deep thought.

“It seems that I have to find an opportunity to leave this place...”

Looking at the scene in front of him, this thought flashed through his mind.


While Ardim was deep in thought, Chen Heng silently opened his eyes in the distant Karo Kingdom.

“From the looks of it, the harvest is quite good.”

Chen Heng raised his head and looked into the distance standing on the spot. It was as if he had stepped through layers of isolation at this moment and saw the area where Ardim was located.

Feeling the message from Ardim, Chen Heng couldn’t help but smile. He was quite satisfied.

Chen Heng was undoubtedly satisfied with the result of this simulation.

Duke’s heir, divine blood inheritance, noble status, extraordinary talent...

The simulation identity from this simulation could be considered excellent in any aspect.

To put it bluntly, based on the situation on Ardim’s side, if Chen Heng excluded his own power, the resources he had at the moment might not even be as good as the resources Ardim had.

After all, the Karo kingdom was too remote and desolate.

As for the Kobold, it was incomparable to Ardim.

After all, on the Kobold’s side, he really had to start from the beginning. In the beginning, other than a portion of the divine power given by Chen Heng’s main identity, there was nothing else.

Just sensing the situation over there, Chen Heng could not help but want to sigh, but in the end, he could not say anything.

No matter what was said, this could be considered a good thing.

With the situation on Ardim side, if everything went smoothly, it would not be long before the Ardim would be able to control a considerable amount of power and make preparations for Chen Heng’s future.

At the same time, this could also be considered safer.

At this point, including the Kobold clone and Ardim, Chen Heng already had a total of three lives.

If he really encountered a huge danger, it would be enough to protect himself with this amount.

The only pity was that because a brand new incarnation had split out, at this moment, Chen Heng’s own power had once again weakened.

The divine power and divinity he had created were fine.

The key was the lack of a True Spirit.

Because of this clone, Chen Heng’s True Spirit that had already recovered was once again missing. Even his own essence was about to fall.

At this moment, he was a bit further from the peak True Spirit realm.

Chen Heng didn’t know what to say and could only shake his head.

“However, it’s about time to start the next simulation...”

He stood where he was and looked at the scene in front of him. Then, this thought flashed through his mind.

At this moment, Chen Heng had nothing else to do after transforming into his clone. With the help of Guoluo Mary and the others, nothing bad would happen to the Karo Kingdom.

As for the two clones of Kalunu and Ardim, there was no need to worry too much.

Although the two clones were only part of the True Spirits that had split out, they could be considered Chen Heng from the source. However, they still possessed considerable independence, which was equivalent to being another Chen Heng.

Therefore, Chen Heng didn’t need to worry too much about the situation on both sides.

Since the situation in the World of Gods basically didn’t need to be worried, it was about time to carry out the next simulation.

Chen Heng stood where he was, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Looking at it carefully, if he counted the time, it had been quite some time since his last simulation.

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he silently turned around and walked to the side.

Very soon, he returned to his own laboratory and walked into the depths of the laboratory.

At this moment, the other preparations for the simulation were basically completed.

Chen Heng walked on the road, quietly looking at the surrounding scenery with a calm face.

From the looks of it, this laboratory didn’t seem to have changed much. In general, it was still the same as before.

However, if someone were to examine it carefully, they would find that the witch formation in this laboratory was even tighter now. It was densely packed with complicated, profound meanings, which was particularly frightening.

If someone took advantage of Chen Heng’s deep sleep and attacked him during the simulation, it would be hard to say what would happen then.

Of course, this was also one of the reasons why Chen Heng was able to enter the simulation without worry.

When he walked into the depths of the laboratory, the witch formation was quickly activated, sealing all the exits and sheltering Chen Heng’s breath.

Then, Chen Heng walked into the depths and slowly closed his eyes.

Waves of air breezed past.

Words appeared before Chen Heng’s eyes while sitting upright on a tall platform.

“Do you want to start the simulation?”

Before his eyes, the familiar words on the simulator appeared.

Looking at the words that appeared before his eyes, Chen Heng did not hesitate and chose to confirm.

Instantly, waves of light flashed across the area.

Soon, a golden light flashed across Chen Heng’s body, enveloping his entire body.

Under this light, Chen Heng’s consciousness began to become hazy and then gradually disappeared.


An illusory light flickered.

A deep darkness attacked from the front.. When Chen Heng opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him had changed.

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