Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 505 - Black King

Chapter 505 - Black King

Chapter 505: Chapter 505 – Black King

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

‘Are these alive? Chen Heng thought, as looked at the stone tablets in front of him.

These stone tablets in front of him were all alive. At least they were once alive. Those spiritual marks were undoubtedly the remnants of life that had vanished in the past. In the end, they were suppressed and sealed within those stone tablets.

From the previous eulogies, the spiritual marks within these stone tablets were undoubtedly powerful beings who had once been enemies with the Black King.

After being suppressed and killed by the Black King, these life marks were suppressed within the stone tabletsand became the Black King’s spoils of war.

“These are all good things…’ Chen Heng could not help but have a thought.

The marks in these stone tablets might be useless to others, just trophies to show off their achievements. However to Chen Heng, these things were very useful. Those marks contained the life information of those powerful existences. He might be able to achieve an unexpected effect by fusing this life

information into the bodies of other living beings might. At the very least, it could use the Heaven-Devouring scripture to devour all these marks and burn them as nourishment.

These marks could be viewed as a powerful bloodline to be devoured. It would undoubtedly be an excellent tonic if one could devour all of them. Although Chen Heng himself could not use it, Red could use it later.

There was no trash in this world, just that the resources were placed in the wrong place. There were tens of thousands of stone tablets in this place. Red’s strength would probably continue to rise to another level if all the marks could be devoured. This was a great benefit. Chen Heng had found such a

significant benefit in just a short while.

“Looks like this was the right trip…” Looking at the eulogy, Chen Heng had a playful expression as he thought.

Gunali executed Chen Heng’s words well. She carried Chen Heng’s broken bone with her by making the broken bone into a necklace and had it with her.

Therefore, Chen Heng quickly discovered it when Gunali’s position was not right, and she was teleported away. He was staying in the broken bone.

‘When Gunali was teleported here, he also came here. However, he did not make a move immediately after arriving here. Instead, he observed his surroundings in secret, preparing to take a good look.

The Red Lotus Society had always been a very mysterious organization. In the past, because the Red Lotus Society had attempted to attack his daughter, Malikado had spent a lot of effort to investigate this organization.

However, this organization was too mysterious, and he could not obtain much information. He only knew that this organization had migrated from another planet, which was very well hidden.

Even after Malikado tried his best, he could only obtain some indistinguishable information. He could not get specific information, such as the Red Lotus Society’s headquarters and members.

The only thing he knew was that this organization seemed to be very interested in people with extraordinary potential. They often traveled around and acquired this type of people through various means. No one knew the purpose of acquiring these people, whether cultivating them or something else.

They also rarely acted impulsively with other people. No matter what they did, they would always do it stealthily.

Perhaps, this was also why they had sufficient strength, yet they were still unwilling to have a conflict with Malikado. Even if they wanted Gunali, they tried to acquire her through negotiations with Malikado. If they made a direct breakthrough and fought with the Oriel family, they would more or less be

exposed. This was not what they wanted.

“Black King…” Chen Heng muttered this name as many thoughts flashed through his mind.

This name was also extremely unfamiliar to Chen Heng. However, in this world, the title of King was not something that could be used easily, just like the title of a King in the Golden King.

In the Round Table meeting, even though the Five Knights were powerful and their strength was comparable to the Kings, they still did not dare to use the title of King, Clearly, in this world, the title of King was not something that anyone could use. Those who were not powerful could not use it. josei

Then, what did this Black King, the King behind him, represent? Was it just an ordinary title, or was it like the Golden King, representing the level of a King?

Chen Heng’s face was calm as many thoughts flashed through his mind. From the actions of this Black King, he was not an ordinary person. Everything else aside, judging from the tens of thousands of stone tablets, this Black King’s strength was significant.

He was most likely a terrifying figure who had once stood at the pinnacle of the universe. It was just that he did not know if he was as terrifying as the Golden King.

“A Golden King, a Black King…”

Lu Yao was the reincarnation of the Golden King, the inheritor of the Golden Mark. A thought suddenly flashed through Chen Heng’s mind, and he couldn’t help but smile, ‘Don’t know what would happen if I were to drag Yao Yao here.

The so-called Red Lotus Society was said to awaken the Black King, let the Black King wake up from his slumber, and descend into the world once again. Once the two Kings met, no one knew what kind of reaction they would have. But thinking about it, that scene should be exciting. Chen Heng had a

smile on his face as he thought about it.

He continued to look at the eulogy and explore the palace. He walked around and wholly explored the palace. Whether it was those stone tablets or the boy who had scared Gunali earlier, Chen Heng had looked through them.

In the corner of the palace, some people were just like the girl from before who were still alive. They remained in various comers and did not dare to move at all.

Chen Heng realized that the rumors about the Red Lotus Society in the outside world were indeed true. Gunali, the girl named Mary, the people living in the palace, or anyone else, had decent potential.

Gunali had naturally awakened a unique ability above the mind. Her bloodline was noble even in the entire Oriel family. Her potential was the strongest that Chen Heng had ever seen, and she wasn’t inferior to Lu Yao.

As for Mary, Chen Heng also saw extreme potential in this girl. She had the talent to become a Beastmaster. If she had the right person to teach her, her future achievements would be outstanding. As for the others, it was the same.

“Searching for so many talents just to be offered as sacrificial offerings to the Black King, this is really…”

Walking in the palace, Chen Heng sensed the people’s aura around him and could not help but shake his head. He disagreed with the Red Lotus Society’s actions.

Perhaps the Black King was indeed mighty, but he was still a person who had passed away, and people like Gunali represented the future. Using the infinite hope of the future to exchange for the glory that passed away was not desirable in Chen Heng’s eyes. Moreover, it might not necessarily succeed in

reviving the Black King.

According to Chen Heng’s thoughts, if they could carefully nurture these talents that they had gathered, they might have excellent prospects in the future. They could rapidly expand the power of the Red Lotus Society to an even more powerful level. After the Red Lotus Society reached its peak, it would

naturally be much easier to think of a way to revive the Black King.

If it were Chen Heng, he would do so. However, different people had different thoughts, and the situation was also different. It could not be generalized. Therefore, Chen Heng only shook his head. After looking at the situation around him, he looked in Gunali’s direction.

In that corner, the moonlight shone on Gunali and Mary as if giving them a layer of silver clothes.

Gunali had fallen asleep again, laying on Mary’s body, who was not sleeping at all. Mary sat on the ground, her legs propped up by Gunali. Her face was full of helplessness, but she carefully took off a coat and put it on Gunali’s body to prevent her from catching a cold. She looked like a girl with a good


Looking at the scene, Chen Heng smiled but didn’t do anything. Ever since he had followed Gunali here, he had blocked his existence so that Gunali couldn’t sense him.

In the past, it had been difficult for him to do that. However, Chen Heng had recovered some of his strength after a year. Moreover, the better understood Gunali’s psionic ability because of the relevant research, which significantly improved his attainments. It wouldn’t be difficult for him to block Gunali’s

perception in a proactive state if he wanted to.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Chen Heng wouldn’t do that. However, this was an unexpected moment. On the one hand, Gunali was still a child. Suppose she knew of Chen Heng’s existence, who knew what kind of accident might happen. On the other hand, Chen Heng also wanted Gunali to

experience it.

In the past, Gunali was too well protected because of Malikado. This protection stemmed from Malikado’s love for Gunali and a misunderstanding. The members of the Oriel family generally believed that although Gunali’s bloodline was outstanding, her talent was ordinary because she didn’t show any

exceptional talent in cultivation when she was young or even as a Beastmaster.

This wasn’t strange. The bloodline of the Oriel family was strong. People with the bloodline of the Oriel family often had extraordinary talent. The stronger the bloodline, the greater the probability of having a strong talent. However, sometimes, the possibility of having a strong bloodline but not a strong

talent still existed. There were many similar cases in the past.

With these examples in front of him, perhaps in the eyes of Malikado and the others, it was the same for Gunali. Her bloodline was strong, but her talent was not. And because of this understanding, Malikado did not train Gunali well. Instead, he gave Gunali the best conditions he could provide, but he did

not think of training her in the direction of an extraordinary person. Therefore, Gunali’s past was a little too comfortable. But in reality, Gunali’s talent was not inferior to anyone else’s.

In Chen Heng’s opinion, Gunali was just like Lu Yao in the past. In the past, Lu Yao’s talent was also mighty. Otherwise, she would not have been chosen to be the carrier of the Golden Mark. However, Lu Yao’s talent was covered up for various reasons in the past, causing her to live as an ordinary person.

As a result, she did not develop her talent at all.

In contrast, Gunali was the same. She was not lacking in talent. Her talent was mighty, enough to be compared to Lu Yao. It was just that her talent still needed to be discovered by others.

This was an excellent opportunity. The experience before her could be a thrilling and safe experience for Gunali because of Chen Heng’s existence. Such an experience should be very rare for her. Therefore, Chen Heng was not prepared to interfere. Instead, he was ready to let nature take its course and let

her experience the trials.

Chen Heng did not meet Gunali with such a plan in mind. He did not even let Gunali feel his presence. Instead, he quietly wandered and walked around the area.

The palace before him was huge, and it contained many things. This palace must have been around for a few years, at least a hundred years since it was built. It could be seen from this palace that the Red Lotus Society had been rooted in Hechi star for a very long time. Various thoughts flashed through

Chen Heng’s mind as he observed his surroundings.

Soon, a day passed. The next day, the sun rose from the outside world. The faint sunlight dispelled the haze and the chilly feeling in the palace.

Gunali woke up in a daze, finally felt a little better. During the day, the malice hidden in the stone tablets around her seemed to have receded a little, and she was no longer as unbridled as she was at night.

“How did you feel last night?” Mary’s voice came from the side.

Gunali raised her head and looked at the clothes she was wearing, She smiled a little embarrassedly and said, “Thank you…”

“You’re welcome.” Mary waved her hand and smiled. She was about to say something to Gunali, but a sound came from outside and interrupted her words.

Mary stood up from where she was, and the smile on her face disappeared. Under her gaze, the palace door in the distance opened, revealing a bright light. Then, figures in red robes with masks on their faces rushed into the palace. When they entered the palace, they did not say a word and began to

explore the surroundings. A series of cries could be heard.

Under the actions of the black-robed men, every one of them was grabbed and forcefully brought out. This included the boy who had scared Gunali and had gone crazy last night. He still looked the same as last night. Maggots were squirming on his rotten face, making him look disgusting. During being

taken away, he was still mumbling to himself, making incomprehensible sounds. No one knew what he was talking about.

The whole scene was swift and messy. However, the black-robed men did not say a word.

Gunali observed the entire process and felt a little depressed. To the young Gunali, she still did not understand what it meant to be a sacrificial offering. However, this did not stop her from realizing that this was not a good thing, In addition, she also felt dense malice from the people in front of her. Other

than Mary beside her, everyone else seemed to have dense malice toward Gunali.

Gunali’s body could not help but curl up and shrink towards where Mary was. Mary hugged her tightly and patted her head as if comforting her, indicating that there was no need for her to panic.

“I’s not our turn yet. They won’t do anything to us…’ Looking at Gunali’s appearance, she said softly and comforted her, “Don’t be afraid…”

“Will it be our tum later?” Gunali asked.

Mary was silent, but she still nodded. Gunali’s body trembled for a moment as if she was afraid. Looking at Gunali’s appearance, Mary wanted to comfort her, but after thinking carefully, she could only sigh and say nothing after thinking carefully.

After a moment, when the people around were taken away, someone else walked in. It was a group of normal-looking people, and their faces were numb. They walked in from the outside, then put down some food and placed it in front of Gunali and Mary. Then, they turned around and left. The door of

the palace was closed.

Everything around them gradually quieted down. Except for some faint sounds, nothing seemed to have changed. However, no one knew that before the palace door was closed, a figure invisible to ordinary people also walked out.

Chen Heng followed behind the group of servants and walked forward. He sensed that these people had a strange aura in front of him. This aura was unique as if it had some corrosive power. It had penetrated deep into these people’s bone marrow and flesh and had already become part of them. A

mysterious power was hidden in these people’s bodies.

“Is it a curse? or something else?” Chen Heng thought as he followed behind these people and sensed the strange aura on these people.

Compared to the curse on Malikado’s body, the power on these people’s bodies looked more like a curse. However, this strange aura did not seem to bring them any harm from its looks.

Putting aside the people in front who were wearing crimson robes and should be members of the Red Lotus Society, even the ordinary servants behind them were not affected. Their strength had even increased to a certain extent.

It seemed that this curse did not have much of an effect on people. Chen Heng observed the auras on their bodies with great interest. Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

A moment later, they arrived at another area.

“How is the princess of the Oriel family now? A voice sounded from the front..

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