Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 509 - The Sacrificial Ceremony

Chapter 509 - The Sacrificial Ceremony

Chapter 509 – The Sacrificial Ceremony

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What a good sacrificial offering…” In front of the altar, Delia looked at Gunali before him and felt her enormous origin. He couldn’t help but feel a little regretful. “It’s a pity that Philip discovered first. Now, we can only split it equally…” He thought greedily.

Philip had been the one to negotiate with the Oriel family from the beginning to the end, including discovering the high-quality sacrificial offering, Gunali, which was also Philip’s first discovery. After discovering Gunali, he did not make a sound but instead, he quietly concealed the news and only

revealed it now.

Of course, in Delia’s opinion, Philip was still a little too slow. If it was him, after discovering Gunali as an offering, he wouldn’t have been able to hold back and wait for anything and would have made the first move to capture Gunali regardless of the consequences. His own strength would instantly

increase significantly after bringing her to the altar. At that time, even if other people around knew the news, what could they do?

Delia would not be like Philip. After finding Gunali, he did not make a move immediately but instead dragged it out for a year, to the extent that Delia even found an opportunity to share the abundant spoils of war.

Dalia despised Philip’s wishy-washy actions, However, there was still a smile on his face. His gaze was fixed on Gunali as if he would eat her up. Gunali shrank back in fear when she felt his gaze. At this moment, she could feel unprecedentedly intense malice from Dalia, as though he wanted to swallow

her alive. It was terrifying, Gunali subconsciously felt fearful.

“Don’t be afraic

..” Mary seemed to have sensed something and spoke softly to Gunali and comforted her.

Gunali nodded and forced herself to look forward. At this moment, the ceremony had already begun. As time passed, they walked forward one by one in the surroundings. Waves of mournful cries came from the front, resounding just like that. Gunali subconsciously shrank her body, and a look of fear

appeared on her face.

“They… What on earth are they doing? This thought flashed through her mind subconsciously.

Under her gaze, a young-looking youth was pulled onto the altar. Following that, along with a wave of mournful screams, a thick bloody aura spread out. A human head fell to the ground. A new life had disappeared, losing all its vitality. Gunali looked at the scene in front of her and was stunned.

“Is he dead?” She muttered to herself as she looked at the corpse that silently fell before her.

After the young man’s corpse fell, things were not over yet. Under the altar’s power, the fresh corpse began to change rapidly. Flesh and blood within it quickly spread out, revealing the white bones. After that, even the white bones disappeared, turning into a pale white bone powder pile scattered on the

ground. It was apparent and eye-catching, A life that was initially fresh and alive had entirely disappeared as if it had never appeared before.

This scene also gave Gunali a vivid lesson. In the past, she had never experienced what death was. This topic of death seemed to be very far-fetched for her. She had never thought that the people around her would one day be like this. In the past, Malikado had indeed protected her very well.

Yet, before her, death appeared in such a violent, vivid, and cruel way, telling her the brutal truth.

“Will I become like that?” Gunali was stunned for a long time, and then this thought flashed through her mind.

“Don’t be afraid…” In front, Mary’s voice slowly sounded.

Gunali looked forward. Mary was still standing there with a faint smile on her face. Even in the face of such a cruel scene, she didn’t seem to change her expression. She was much stronger compared to Gunali. She didn’t show any fear even when she looked at the scene in front of her.

“It will be over soon.” She looked at Gunali and said softly. As she spoke, she sighed to herself.

If one looked carefully, one could see that Mary’s hands were trembling slightly. It was evident that she was afraid of dying like this too. Most people would be like this when facing an unknown situation. josei

However, they still had to face what they had to face. Soon, the people in front of them stepped forward. Corpses landed on the altar one by one, and bone dust fell all over the ground. Gunali was stunned, looking at the scene before her.

In the distance, Chen Heng walked to the front of the altar and watched the sacrificial ceremony from the side without the others knowing, Keo stood beside him. He could not help but feel puzzled, looking at Chen Heng’s actions.

“Elder Philip, aren’t we going over?” Keo looked at the scene before him and could not help but say, “The ceremony has already begun. If we don’t go over, I’m afraid that Elder Delia will have to sacrifice herself directly.”

The most significant part of the ceremony this time was Gunali. Based on the rhythm before him, if he did not go over after a long time, he was afraid Delia would directly send Gunali to the altar.

Although, according to the agreement in advance, this ceremony belonged to them both, half each. If one of them did not go over after a long time, they were afraid that the other party would directly end the ceremony and take away all the power generated from it. Based on Keo’s understanding of Dalia,

Dali would be capable of doing such a thing…

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