Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 522 - Pros and Cons

Chapter 522 - Pros and Cons

Chapter 522 – Pros and Cons

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The huge golden giant portal before him was extraordinary.

Within the golden door, Chen Heng could feel a strong initial power and a terrifying force that seemed to be able to affect the entire world. The power contained within that initial space was extremely terrifying. If it were to erupt, the world would be horrified by it. Even without talking about anything

else, just the existence of this initial space itself was probably one of the greatest secrets of this world.

Chen Heng firmly believed this. The world in front of him was extraordinary. In the past, Chen Heng had also visited many worlds and witnessed the characteristics of various worlds. This world in front of him was the same. This world had telekinetic power, initial power, and many powerful Kings. In

Chen Heng’s eyes, these were the characteristics of this world, and this initial space before him was the key point.

If Chen Heng could thoroughly study it and understand its origin, his understanding of the world would improve. With this goal in mind, Chen Heng began to explore seriously. His figure slowly moved forward in the void space, step by step, towards the golden portal. This process seemed very slow but,

at the same time, firm.

Inacertain sense, walking was non-existent being in this void space. Before him, the void space was not real, and there was no concept of distance. Chen Heng’s so-called walking was just a form that he displayed. It meant that his connection with that portal was getting closer and closer, and the

distance between them was nearer and nearer. It meant that he was moving forward, getting closer and closer to that golden portal.

In the process, Chen Heng looked forward. As he got closer, the huge golden portal before him seemed to have some reaction. The initially tightly closed portal, leaving only a tiny gap, seemed to have opened a little, having a more significant gap. However, this crack was tiny, so small that it was

inconspicuous. At a glance, it seemed to be an illusion. Then, was this an illusion?

‘No, it’s not.’ Chen Heng thought as he stood in the void space. Then, he shook his head and denied the thought that had appeared earlier.

As he continued to get closer, the huge golden portal in front of him gradually opened. Because along with this process, the fragile initial power initially floating in all directions began to gather at an accelerated speed and slowly gathered on Chen Heng’s body as his thoughts flickered.

And this was not an illusion. However, what did it mean when the golden portal opened? As the golden portal gradually opened, Chen Heng could feel that the initial power gathering around him also steadily increased and gathered together. This made him somewhat curious.

If that door was completely open, what would happen? Would he enter the initial space through that door again, or would something else happen? Chen Heng was looking forward to it and wanted to know. So, he started to work hard. josei

A few months passed quickly. Thanks to Chen Heng’s hard work in these few months, he finally saw some results.

‘Icantt believe it…” In the quiet and spacious laboratory, Chen Heng frowned as he felt the changes in his body.

At this moment, he was already very different from how he was a few months ago. Perhaps in terms of strength alone, he did not change much. What had happened before was still the same now. But in other aspects, there were many changes.

‘The most obvious was the dark aura on his body. The aura had become even more obscure on Chen Heng’s body. There was a mysterious power pervading, shrouding his body. The same applies to the world around him.

Ordinary people might not be able to tell, but if one were powerful enough, they would be able to know that the space around Chen Heng was moving on its own. An invisible wave rippled in all directions, in harmony with Chen Heng’s aura. It was a perfect, harmonious feeling.


Standing in the middle of the world, Chen Heng seemed to be the world’s ruler, and there was an inexplicable sense of harmony.

Chen Heng could feel much stronger than he was a few months ago. Perhaps in terms of power level, he had not changed much. However, with the enhancement and strengthening of the initial energy, it was still much stronger than before, even if it was the same power.

As the initial energy gathered, Chen Heng could feel the world’s rhythm around him. It was as if every movement could affect his surroundings, giving him a unique feeling that he had never felt before. Without a doubt, this feeling was something that he had only experienced in the past few months.

As the initial power gathered, Chen Heng could feel this change. The existence of the initial power was extraordinary in this world. In Chen Heng’s opinion, this kind of power was somewhat similar to the Power of Destiny. As a person with the Power of Destiny, destiny was in every action, and he could

tum a dangerous situation into a good one.

The initial power could strengthen the owner’s power and even increase its compatibility with the world. There was no doubt about the benefits of this compatibility.

In this part of the world, Chen Heng could feel that his research on many things had become smoother. The cultivation of telekinetic power was also much more manageable. He could also have a flash of inspiration when encountering difficulties, which were quickly solved. This change gave Chen Heng a

lot of help, giving him a feeling of fitting in with the world and borrowing the world’s power.

Of course, this change was not entirely good. During these few months, Chen Heng had continuously tried to enter that void space, wanting to strengthen the connection with that initial space and enter it. He had succeeded in doing this with his hard work.

The golden portal gradually opened in the void space and became brighter under Chen Heng’s hard work. The benefits of this outcome were straightforward. A large amount of initial power spread out from the initial space and directly surged into Chen Heng’s body. With the support, the aura on his body

became even more mysterious, feeling like heaven and earth.

However, besides the benefits, the disadvantages were also very obvious. After observing the golden portal a few times, Chen Heng found that the various obsessions in his heart were fading away.

As if it had been washed away, the more the golden portal opened, the more the various emotions in Chen Heng’s heart gradually disappeared. Even the impurities in his true spirit were reduced, leaving only the pure, true spirit radiance.

This situation immediately aroused Chen Heng’s vigilance. It was not a good thing for his obsession to fade away. When the obsession faded, some important things in the past were no longer critical. If he waited until his obsession and emotions disappeared completely, he would become a rational

person in the end. It was hard to predict what would happen at that time.

This kind of situation might not be a big deal to others. After all, it was just some emotions and obsession. If he lost it, then be it. It was not worth mentioning compared to becoming stronger. However, Chen Heng did not want to become like that. Moreover, Chen Heng also had some concerns.

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