Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 410

Chapter 410: Parade

Lu Yuanqing couldn't do anything else, and he was able to burn firewood fairly quickly. With firewood added to the small stove, the cellar gradually warmed up.

Li Haitang placed a charcoal basin under his feet, and sat on the makeshift bed covered with a quilt. Even though he was wearing heavy clothes, he still felt the cold coming from the soles of his feet.

"In the early years in Kyoto, I heard from my father that the people in the border towns had a difficult life."

Zhang Ruyi rubbed her hands together until they turned red, which gave her a little heat. There is a foul wind flowing in the cellar, it's okay to take shelter temporarily, if it takes a day or two, people can be driven crazy.

After coming to Lucheng for a few years, except for the heavy snowfall in winter, which makes people shiver, the rest is fine. The atmosphere of the New Year in the Northland is strong. Compared with Kyoto, she prefers Lucheng.

"This kind of thing happens almost every year, and the common people will not be surprised."

It's just that the past few years have been relatively calm. When the barbarians came into the house, they mainly robbed and did not dare to slaughter the people. However, in the past two years, the wind has changed, and the barbarians have become more and more unscrupulous.

The soldiers of the camp in the north of the city patrolled the streets of the border town every night. When they were about to relax in the past few days, the barbarians came out again.

"It's no wonder that rich people leave the border town with their families, and wait for a few years, when the war is stable, and then come back to do business."

Except for some who wanted to make money from the war, most people spared their lives, had money, could afford horse-drawn carriages, took their wealth to live in other places, and lived a decent life.

Only poor people have the feeling of being unable to leave their homeland. To put it bluntly, even if they leave, they will have no relatives to go to and become refugees in other places.

Li Haitang agrees with this concept, who wants to put herself in danger, if conditions permit, she also wants to leave and hide.

"The year before last, the vixen at home heard that the savage had a secret recipe, which could keep men from falling down with their golden spears, and it could also make women win men in one fell swoop."

Zhang Ruyi squinted, talking about her stepmother, who sent someone to the barbarian's territory in Surabaya to ask for medicine, but was tricked into taking away a thousand taels of silver, and ended up asking for a bottle of holy water, but nothing came of it.

The taste is bland, she suspects that it is ordinary river water, not as sweet as well water.

Thousands of taels of silver were fooled into dizziness, and in the end the vixen failed to give birth to a son.

Zhang Ruyi listened to gossip from people in the house that her father hadn't been to the backyard for more than half a year, the vixen was completely out of favor, only the maid Cuiping, like a fly, couldn't be slapped to death, and would come up to her at every turn.

"Listen to you, isn't it the Boa Constrictor Bar?"

The golden gun is not poured, it is said that the pure boa constrictor wine has this effect, and it has been diluted in the tribe, for a thousand taels of silver, you can only get a small bottle, and drink it up in one gulp.

"Haitang, you know?"

Zhang Ruyi pulled people excitedly, mainly focusing on the effect of the boa constrictor wine.

Lu Yuanqing retreated unconsciously, and finally retreated to the door. He looked at the sky speechlessly, and the dirt that fell from it entered his mouth.

He really can't? Lu Er's fool began to doubt himself.

"What are you so excited about?"

Li Haitang was startled. She was feigning sleep with her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Ruyi's magnified face staring at her.

If you want the secret recipe for having a child, you can find tassels, but the medicine has side effects, so there is no need to ruin your body for the sake of giving birth to a son.

"I'm not excited."

Zhang Ruyi looked at her husband not far away, decided not to embarrass him, and asked privately, so she changed her tone, "Didn't Liusu say that a woman will become ugly when she is pregnant, I think your face is tender. "

Before Li Haitang could reply, Xiao Lingchuan went down to the entrance of the cellar. There was only a commotion outside for half an hour.

Compared with the previous experience, it can be said to be fast, but still, people died.

That night, neither Zhang Ruyi nor Lu Yuanqing slept soundly. After breakfast the next morning, Wu Fu stayed to pack up, and the group prepared to go on the road.

Miss Zhang still dressed as when she came here, and asked her husband to drive a donkey cart and went straight to Lijia Village.

Xiao Lingchuan was driving the carriage, but he was forced to stop before he had gone far.

The streets and alleys were full of people, the crowds were surging, and everyone was carrying baskets with only dry leaves in them.

In the winter, it’s so rare to eat a la carte. You can’t bear to throw away the rotten cabbage. Remove the bad part, add some water and salt, and serve it with a steamed bun, and you can have a meal.

Lin Manjin and Wang Shi were convicted of adultery. They paraded through the streets in shackles, and were spat on by people passing by. Everyone watched and scolded a few words by the way.

"Damn, I have the ability to prostitute wives and daughters, you don't have to be envious or jealous in your heart!"

Lin Manjin's daughter was dismissed because of this, and he had no more worries. In prison, he wished to kill Wang and be scolded by the people parading in the street. He was dissatisfied and immediately opened his mouth to scold.

"Why are you pretending to be serious? Don't you want to change your wife?"

Lin Manjin tugged at his neck, shook his head at the leaves that raised his face, "Your mother-in-law is probably a tigress, so don't dare to embarrass the men!"

"Who hasn't ordered fancy intestines, I spend money to find women, is it adultery?"

Lin Manjin was cursing, while Wang on one side was walking slowly with blank eyes, and was scolded by the official, with no expression on his face, and the whole person lost his spirit.

"Have you heard, that man's name is Lin Manjin, and he is said to be a small businessman, look at how crazy he is!"

Some people couldn't see it, and immediately said, "If you really have money, go to the kiln to have fun, why bother to hook up with other people's daughter-in-law in order to save money, this time, the family will break up."

"That's right, even though the little daughter-in-law was wrong, Lin Manjin looked like an old fritter, not a good thing!"

Another person agreed.

"Isn't he an old widower? There is no woman around me who knows what is cold and what is hot. It is understandable."

Someone in the crowd spoke for Lin Manjin, and was immediately looked down upon by the people around him.

If you don't have a woman, just find a continuation. If you don't want to, it's because you're afraid of finding a stepmother for your daughter, because she's afraid that the stepmother will treat your daughter badly. Lin Manjin is too calculating, and wants to spend the least amount of money to have fun, so he cheats her away. A silver hairpin.

Sure enough, it's a business, and you don't suffer at all, and you don't do business at a loss!

As the two of them moved forward, the crowd dispersed, leaving large pieces of dead leaves on the street, blown by the north wind and flying all over the sky.

Li Haitang coughed a few times and closed the car window. Just as Xiao Lingchuan was about to drive away in the carriage, he saw Wu Fu running out from the corner of the street, panting heavily.josei

"Husband... madam!"

Just now a soldier came to the house to deliver a message, hoping that Li Haitang would go to the camp in the north of the city and bring him a passing jade token. Wu Fu thought it was a big event, so he rushed out of the house without saying a word, thinking that he would not be able to catch up, and the people parading in the street stopped the carriage to buy her some time.

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