Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 233 Bandits

Chapter 233 Bandits

\"Make sure no one finds out about your weapon other than us\"

Michael gave Amanda a serious look.

Amanda just rolled her eyes and said, \"I’m not dumb, do you think I don’t know what kind of weapon I have right now?\"

Michael just shrugged his shoulders and said, \"Just saying\"

\"What are you two even on about?\" Viper said from behind, and he sounded annoyed for some reason.

\"It’s Amanda’s weapon, make sure to not blabber it to someone other than us,\" Michael said while his hand gestured towards the scythe hanging on Amanda’s back.

\"That’s it?\" Viper said.

\"Yeah, that’s it. Now, shut up old man\" Michael scoffed.

Viper angrily pointed his finger at Michael and angrily said, \"You...were you born into this world to become the bane in my life!?\"

\"Man, every word that comes out of that mouth of yours is seriously annoying the hell out of me,\" Michael said while rubbing his ear with his finger, while his comment made Amanda chuckle.

Viper looked at Michael’s back with his mouth wide open, where an egg is fit enough to put it in, while his face is covered in disbelief from what he had just heard.

\"You...you brat! Do you believe that I won’t beat the sh*t out of you once we’re outside of the game!?\" Viper had never felt this humiliated from a brat before, especially if it’s in front of someone he knows as it would certainly ruin his face an elder! josei

Viper started huffing and puffing in anger while trying to suppress the rage inside him. If this was somebody else, then Viper would have surely sent him to his grave by now, but Michael is different, as his skills don’t even lose out to Genesis who is just a tad bit stronger than Viper.

\"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Do I need to remind someone that someone got beaten by a woman before?\" Michael arrogantly shrugged his shoulders with his arms spread wide open.

\"Ugghhh...\" Viper suddenly groaned when he remembered how Tony actually took him down during a spar a couple of days ago.

\"Wait..are you saying that he got beaten up by a woman? The very same man who had beaten up five of those hoodlums that night before at the party?\" Amanda suddenly laughed, and Viper’s face was flushed red when he heard her laughing.


\"It was just luck, dammit! I went easy on her because she is a woman!\" Viper tried to make an excuse while covering his face with his right hand.

Michael and Amanda just chuckled, while the former quickly decided to stop teasing Viper lest he truly angers him, knowing that Viper would certainly kick up a ruckus if he truly pushes his buttons.

Viper then suddenly snickered with a laugh when he remembered something, and sent a private message to Michael, \"Hey, did Amanda know that you had hit on multiple women before while you are wooing her? That woman from a couple of nights ago, how did it feel being inside her?\"

Michael’s eyes quickly darkened when he read the message from Viper, he turned his head around and looked behind him, towards Viper, and gave him the middle finger while mouthing the words \"fuck you\".

\"Yeah, you don’t want me to tell her, right? So shut your mouth, you damn brat!\" Viper sent another message and started laughing by himself.

Amanda turned her head towards Viper, then looked at Michael and said, \"Did he go nuts?\"

Michael just shrugged his shoulders, then he made his mount stop at the side of the main road and took out his map from his [Storage] and started to scan where they are currently at.

\"According to my map where I managed to gain the areas around here after the Earl gave us a map of the Duchy, we should take this road...after that, just go straight until we reach the bank by the river where we will meet the twenty soldiers stationed at that place who would help us in subjugating those rogue soldiers turned bandits who are currently hiding inside the mountain,\" Michael said as he looked at his map while pointing at the narrow path just a couple of meters in front of them, which leads towards a small forest.

[Bandit Subjugation]

Three months, a group of nobles who are not satisfied with how the Earl rules his land had started a rebellion against him, but in the end, they were defeated.

The remnants of the rebels had then escaped and hid deep inside Mount Orlborg and became bandits.

Kill all these criminals and report back to the Earl after its completion to receive your appropriate rewards!

Difficulty: B

Rewards: An item of your choice in the Earl’s Treasury, Level +1.

\"I wonder why the Earl didn’t just send an army to clean them up?\" Amanda mumbled to herself.

\"We’ll know the very reason why when we meet up with the soldiers,\" Michael said as he pulled the reins of his horse towards the direction of the narrow path that is surrounded by weeds and bushes.

\"Let’s go!\"

Thirty seconds later.

\"I wonder where they are going?\"

A man with a dagger strapped on his waist appeared and took a peek behind a tree while looking towards the direction of where Michael and his crew disappeared to.


The person was just about to get up when the person suddenly heard the swooshing sound of something cutting through air appeared.

’Dodge!’ the person thought in panic, but his reaction was a step too late as the arrow accurately struck his head, sending him rolling on the ground.

\"Dammit!\" the person cursed in anger, and just as he was about to get up and make a run for it, a silhouette of a woman suddenly appeared behind him, and with a sickle raised above her head, she slashed down towards the man’s neck like a grim reaper!

Of course, the man wasn’t beheaded as it would be too gruesome for a game. Instead, the sickle just passed through his neck while a huge red number appeared above the man’s head.

The man then fell down on the ground with eyes filled with disbelief and anger, then his body turned into motes of light and disappeared, as he didn’t even bother retrieving his body and revived on the spot, knowing he would just be killed and waste his hard-earned items and experience points.

\"It’s just another rat trying to take advantage of us during the quest. This is already the third one. Aren’t they tired?\" Viper said while reloading his crossbow as his silhouette slowly became clearer as he walked from the shadows of the trees on the roadside.

\"Another Red Player?\" asked Michael as he appeared like a ghost before them.

\"Uhmm\" Amanda just nodded and picked up the boots and coins on the ground where the player died.

\"1 Gold and an Uncommon Grage Boots\" Amanda sighed and stored it inside her [Storage].

\"Let’s continue, we’ll just kill anyone who still tries to follow us,\" Michael said as he once again summoned his mount as he rode back towards their destination, while Amanda and Viper quickly followed after him.

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