Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 241 Seths Undead Lair 1

Chapter 241 Seths Undead Lair 1

Michael felt a bit excited and tired at the same time as he started looking around the place that he had ended up to.

He’s currently inside a spacious cavern, with glowing crystals around the place that acts as a natural source of light.

\"I just hope that the monsters here don’t have absurdly high levels, or I’m dead as I don’t even know the way out of here\"


\"Ohh? Did that brat accidentally enter that place? Well, that’s a great place to hone his skills, he is too weak to be wandering and adventuring around in this land\"

Sonya is sitting on a chair in the small balcony in front of her home as she gazed towards the cloudy sky with a smile on her face, as the laughter of children playing around rang around her.


Michael quickly summoned his arrogant partner, the jade rabbit called Aran.


The jade rabbit appeared from a magic circle and started circling around Michael before it stood on its two hind legs as its pair of ears started twitching when he noticed that they are once again in an unfamiliar place.

\"Yeah, we’re all alone again, so you better do your job right as you’re only my back up here,\" Michael said as he took out a purple carrot from his [Storage] and handed it to the rabbit who quickly took it and started munching on it with delight.

Michael then left the little guy alone and started making a bonfire to warm himself.

He sat beside the small bonfire and the jade rabbit came over and laid down beside him, both enjoying the warmth that the fire is producing.

Michael opened his friend list and sent a message to someone.

-Viper, have guys returned to Sunrise Empire?


A few seconds later, Viper’s reply came.

-- We just got here, good thing Amanda was with me or else they wouldn’t have allowed us to use the teleportation circle, and we didn’t go to Freya’s Church but instead went to the Church of Artemis, but why are you asking? Did you get into trouble again?]

-- Yeah, the monsters here are too much for me to handle alone and I discovered a dungeon here called Seth’s Undead Lair, so I thought your class might come in handy. Do you think you guys could immediately get here after your done with the matters over there?]

-- Nope, do you think that we would arrive at your location on time? Are you dumb or something? Just do your best over there, I told you before that going there alone was a bad idea, and you didn’t listen. Anyways, let’s talk later.]

Michael sighed, then he started cooking to get some buffs before he would start the exploration of the dungeon with his jade rabbit.

You have eaten a Beef Steak


Increased Health and Mana regeneration by 20% for six hours.

\"We won’t die, right?\"

Michael tightened the gloves on his hand as he looked at the jade rabbit on his feet, and the latter just ignored him like it always does.

’Let’s try not to die. I don’t want to waste the time that I spent raising my level and skills’

\"Let’s go!\"

Michael pumped himself up before slowly making his way towards the dimly lit tunnel that leads to an unknown place, with the jade rabbit following behind him.


\"Haa~ Haa~ Haa~\"


Michael was breathing raggedly while leaning on the cave wall, and in front of him is a ground littered with bones and broken weapons.

\"These monsters...are so damn strong!\"

\"I’m already stuck in this dungeon for three days! Just where the heck is the end of this place?\"

All of Michael’s current pieces of equipment are already all-in low durability and another bout with another group of monsters and they are...gone. So he hurriedly took them out and started repairing them with his Blacksmithing Skill while wearing only his underpants.

\"Good thing I learned a couple of important Production Skills or else I would be having a hard time being a solo player\"

Michael took a rest after partially repairing his equipment, raising their durabilities by half from near depletion.

\"Gulp!\" Michael gulped down a health and mana potion simultaneously, and this time, he is all alone as Aran was already sent back after its health points ran out.

Michael’s eyes suddenly became sharp when he heard the whistling of something flying towards him, and he swiftly tilted his head to the left as an arrow flew past his face, barely wounding his cheek.


The arrow struck and bounced off from the cave wall and fell on the ground. josei

\"Here we go again\"

Michael sighed as he slowly stood up when he spotted a Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Soldier appearing from another tunnel passageway.

Michael picked up his sword and bent his body forward like a bow.


Michael took off like an arrow riding the wind as he rushed towards the approaching Skeleton Soldier while dodging an arrow that was flying towards his head, and moments later, he came before the Skeleton Soldier as a flashed of cold light appeared in his eyes and a powerful force gathered around his sword as he ruthlessly smashed the sword in his hand on top the Skeleton Soldier’s head.



A crack appeared on the skull of the Skeleton Soldier and Michael quickly pulled away from the monster when he noticed that it was about to retaliate against him.


Micheal quickly leaned his head back as the sword of Skeleton Soldier barely scratched his neck, producing a small damage number above Michael’s head.


Even when Michael managed to barely dodge the Skeleton Soldier’s attack, an arrow suddenly struck him on his left shoulder a second later. Michael grimaced as he quickly back away and hid behind a huge rock and quickly drank a health potion.


Michael gave a satisfied sighed and leaned on the rock with his back.

He closed his eyes and carefully listened to the approaching footsteps of the Skeleton Soldier.





Michael abruptly opened his eyes and quickly dashed to the right just as the Skeleton Soldier appeared on the left side of his hiding spot, and this time, his target is the Skeleton Archer who has been sniping at him!

He quickly used his [Shadow Blur] and left behind the now confused Skeleton Soldier who didn’t see his prey, and Michael, on the other hand, rushed forward like a cheetah.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Every step he took created the sound of someone stepping on broken glass.

Michael sidesteps to the left then forwards to the right then left again as he dodged three arrows that simultaneously flew towards him.

But then Michael suddenly stopped midway, and because of it, his feet slid forward due to the force but his body was leaning backward with his arm holding his sword outstretch behind him.

\"You are already dead, so stay dead!\"


Michael yelled in anger and threw his weapon forward like it was a spear.

And because the Skeleton Archer wasn’t expecting Michael to suddenly do that, it wasn’t able to dodge the sword that was thrown on it as the sword stuck the Skeleton Archer on its \"chest\" and flew backward due to the force behind the throw and impaled itself on the cave wall behind it.


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