Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 249 Dungeon Boss

Chapter 249 Dungeon Boss

"Anyway, we’re planning to meet up outside of the game the day after tomorrow. Are you interested in coming? You can even bring your "girlfriend" with you if you want"


Michael just laughed dryly at what she said at the end of her words.

"Sure thing, it’s not a problem for me"

"Great, we’ll be seeing each other then!"

"Haha, yeah"

Miya laughed joyfully while Michael just gave a dry laugh.

The two didn’t talk anymore, Miya just watched Michael do his own thing with bright eyes, while Michael just ignored her and focused on cooking their meal.

Half an hour later.

"Ready?" Michael turned towards Miya as he rested his war hammer over his shoulder.

"I’m always ready" Miya nodded as she chanted something, giving the two of them a spell buff that lasts for three hours, which raises their damage towards Black magic users by ten percent.

Michael held his war hammer with both hands, and then a thin sheet of mana like blue energy suddenly appeared and covered the whole head of the war hammer.

"What’s that?" Miya asked while looking curiously at the energy that’s covering the head of the war hammer as she had never seen a skill like that before.

"It’s called Mana Imbuing, a skill that one of the village hunters from Snow Village taught me" Michael replied.

The one who taught him the skill was that hunter called Carter, who was really cautious of him the first time, but quickly loosened up to Michael after seeing how good he was treating his fellow villagers, and in the end, even taught him the Mana Imbuing after giving Michael a simple quest.

Mana Imbuing, is a superbly rare skill, especially for Hunters. It’s a skill that temporarily raises both magic and weapon damage, and superbly effective in dealing with monsters made up of elements, like for example, an undead monster.

"Let’s go!" Michael said with a shout as he slowly pushed open the door towards the Boss room.

"Uhmm!" Miya nodded in excitement and quickly followed Michael inside.


"Humans! You have come!"

"Of course we did, you skeleton bastard!"

Michael laughed, and even Miya is also smiling brightly from ear to ear! Mostly because of the thing they feared the most didn’t happen!

It was because the monster before them is only Level 43, two levels lower from what Michael had expected, but it didn’t make him look down on it. After all, the monster before them is still a Dungeon Boss, so there must be a reason why it’s level is even lower, considering the difficulty of the dungeon up until now.

And the one before them is a skeleton with a robe that looks like it once belonged to a wizard draped over its body, and its pair of eye sockets glowed with a red hue while holding a staff made of bones with a red orb fixed on its obviously upper end.

[Level 43] Lesser Lich

"Hahaha! You sure are a funny little pest, and I had always hated the living! Now, die humans!"

"Summon Undead!"

The lesser lich raised his staff into the air and a sudden burst of dark light spread throughout the Boss’ room.

"Aww, shit!"

Michael cursed when he saw five Skeleton Soldiers and one Dullahan raising from the ground, and he quickly summoned his pet rabbit, Aran, as it appeared beside his feet.

"Get ready!" Michael said as he tightly gripped his war hammer.

"Okay!" Miya quickly answered, and her face also turned serious.

"Let’s burst through the Dullahan, and kill it first. Don’t hold back" Michael said in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Sure, I’ll use Ray of Judgement. Then we’ll have a three-second window to unleash all of our skills on the monster" Miya replied.

"Go! Kill the humans for me my babies!" the Lesser Lich laughed as he pointed towards the direction of Michael and Miya with its staff.

"Do it in my signal!"

After saying those words, Michael rushed towards the Dullahan and used his Shadow Blur to bypass the five Skeleton Soldiers trying to block his way.


Miya quickly put her hands into a prayer and started chanting her holy spell.

"Receive thy judgment! Ray of Judgement!"


"Raging Hammer!"

[Raging Hammer]

- Rush forward and jumps towards the targeted location and slams your hammer down, damaging and stunning foes for three seconds within a radius of ten meters.

Michael leaped towards the Dullahan at the same time that the Ray of Judgement fell down on the monster, and Michael suddenly started spinning his war hammer in his hand like a whirlwind before he gripped its handle tightly and smashed the hammer down towards the ground before the Dullahan!


A shockwave spread as the earth shook within the surrounding ten meters, and the undead monsters within the radius of the spell receive a little bit of damage, and all of them are stuck in their positions, stunned.


A black ball of lightning slowly conjured between the horns of the jade rabbit, while Miya quickly chanted another spell.


"Even in darkness, the light is always with us, Holy Light!"

The jade rabbit screeched, and the ball of lightning between its horns turned into a flash of black lightning and rushed forward, and flashed past Michael and struck the Lesser Lich just a few meters behind the Dullahan.

Followed after it was a huge golden magic circle appearing above all of them, and it burst into a flash of light like the flash of a camera.


"Damn heretic! Kill her first!"

The Lesser Lich, including the other undead creatures, all howled in pain, but when the eyes of the Lesser Lich finally spotted the small rabbit standing beside the Miya.

"The offspring of an Empyrean!" josei

Michael and Miya were surprised when they heard the Lesser Lich’s voice that was tinged with fear and horror. Michael truly wondered for the first time of who the heck is the rabbit’s parents, while Miya looked at the rabbit beside her with eyes tinged with a mixture of surprise and amazement.

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