Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 297 Meanwhile

Chapter 297 Meanwhile

Chapter 297 Meanwhile



A man sitting at one side of a round table angrily slammed his fist on the table while cursing.

"That bitch and those two bastards are always hindering our plans! We could’ve captured Morgash this time if it wasn’t for them! Our plans were thoroughly made, we even attacked a few towns and cities so that we can cover our goal, but...but that bitch!" josei

Orkhon started pulling his hair in frustration and anger, while the two people with him, a man and a woman just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, letting the former vent his anger.

A minute later.

"Are you done?"

Asked the woman with a revealing outfit that shows off her snowy bosom and a sexy cleavage. A slit that went all the way up to her thigh revealed her round and sexy long legs.

Orkhon looked at the seductive looking woman and said, "Brooke, that player called Azure Flower, I heard that you’re still looking for a way for her to join you. If we can get her to our side, then we’ll have another trump card against the six guilds, we just need someone to polish her commanding skills and she’ll be a force to be reckoned with"

The seductive looking woman called Brooke laughed, "Did you know what I found out about that girl?"

Orkhon and the other man with a lecherous look on his face looked at her, waiting for what she’s about to say.

"She’s still a high school student," Brooke said with a sigh.

"So? I like a woman who’s younger than me" the man aside from Orkhon said with a lecherous smile.

"Code, you really are a f*cking pervert" Brooke snorted.

"I admit that I’m a pervert, but at least I don’t force myself onto a woman" Code gave a rebuttal with a proud look on his face.

Orkhon looked at the two and frowned while massaging his temples, "That’s not the point here you two. I want to know what’s the problem with her being a high school student? Wouldn’t someone her age join us? After all, kids their age would certainly try to prove their worth by being successful, especially when one of the most successful companies in the country is offering an olive branch to her"

Brooke looked at him and leaned back on her chair and said, "Of course that wouldn’t have been the problem, but the problem is that she’s that freaking tyrant’s daughter!"

"But didn’t he already retired and passed the leader position to that barbaric Strom?" Code said with a shocked look on his face.

Brooke rolled her eyes, "Stupid, that’s not the point. The point is that someone as skilled as her is that old man’s daughter! Do you know the repercussions of that to us? It means War Temple would have another key player in their guild and it would spell trouble for us!"

"Why don’t I go and seduce her then? If I can make her fall for me, then we can have an internal strife inside War Temple!" Code said excitedly when he thought of his brilliant plan.

Brooke and Orkhon at Code and thought to themselves.

’If we didn’t know how capable this guy is in the game, then we would really wonder how the heck is he even a Guild Leader of Illusionaire Guild’

"That’s impossible, my sources had told me that she has hidden bodyguards watching over her, and!" Brooke raised one of her fingers and yelled towards Code when she noticed that he was about to say something again.

"And they’re not just ordinary guards, they are people from The Continental"

Hearing what she said, Orkhon’s frown deepened.

"All our plans are not going well since Tiera started interfering with our plans"

"Well, at least we could play the game for a straight twenty hours now, huh?" Code looked at the two with a huge smile on his face.

"That’s already old news, and you keep repeating it over and over again" Brooke shook her head as she also turned silent and started thinking about something.

"Just saying, Orkhon always acts cold and overbearing in front of his subordinates, and you...you’re still a bitch, nothing really changed. But can’t you two at least be happy for once, it’s rare for us to gather here together since we took over our positions two years ago" Code mumbled in a low voice.

As mentioned before, there was an incident that shook the world two years ago about the death of an up and coming gaming expert who was recently recruited by War Angel and died under the hands of the people from Illusionaire Guild when they failed to get him into their fold.

Because of that, the Illusionaire Guild brunt the wrath of the public from all over the world when they learned about the shocking event, which almost cost the downfall of the guild, and not only that, their allies, Black Skull and Kunlun Guild was also implicated because of the incident.

After all, killing someone inside and outside the game due to grudges you have with each other is different, as players would certainly fear for their lives if they offended someone powerful inside the game.

That’s why even though there are rivalries and grudges inside the game, the players always make sure their problems stay there and don’t bring it into the real world as it would certainly cause chaos!

Even an elephant or lion would die if millions upon millions of ants attacks it!

Due to this and evidence that was collected, the guild leader of Illusionaire of that time was arrested and imprisoned, while the leaders of Kunlun and Black Skull retired from their positions as the new bloods took over their position.

Orkhon became the Guild Leader of Kunlun Guild after the former guild leader was imprisoned, while Brooke became the Guild Leader of Black Skull Guild, and lastly, Cody or also known as Code became the Guild Leader of Illusionaire Guild.

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