Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 Silver Bullet

Rufus’ POV:

“That’s Rin! Why is she back?” I Sylvia exclaimed in surprise. Rin rushed over with a large pack of wild wolves, directly catching Richard’s men off guard. Thanks to these wild wolves, the pressure on Sylvia and me lessened, and we quickly gained the upper hand.

Title of the document

Richard, who stood outside the encirclement, roared furiously, “Damn! These stupid wolves again! All of you, go K*ll them! Show no mercy!”

Rin howled angrily and rushed towards Richard. Richard trembled with fear and immediately hid behind the guards.

“Beat the grey one! It is the leader of these wild wolves. As long as it d*ies, the wild wolves won’t have any commands to follow,” Richard said viciously.

When Sylvia heard this, she immediately rushed over to Rin.

However, Rin was stronger than we had imagined. And its size was inherently its advantage. It knocked out two guards with its huge front paw. Many guards also turned into wolves and began to bite the wild wolves, making the scene blood*ier. “Where are our other men? Call all the guards outside! They must all d*ie today!” Richard shouted at his subordinates again.

“Yes, Prince Richard!”

The wild wolves attacked ferociously, but they were outnumbered. As things stood, the chance that the dispute would be settled was slim. I was afraid there was another deadlock, and we might not be able

to escape by that time. So the best thing to do was catch Richard first.

I teamed up with Sylvia and slowly approached Richard. But Richard reacted quickly. As soon as he saw me approaching, he immediately shouted at his men to surround and protect him. The constant stream of guards made it impossible for me to get close to Richard quickly, so I had no choice but to deal with them first.

Rin was a good comrade-in-arms. Thanks to it protecting Sylvia, I could fight without any scruples. But Richard still had so many people. I guessed he had dispatched everyone he could mobilize here. novelbin

He really went through so many troubles just to K*ll me. Wasn’t it so ridiculous?

My eyes turned bloodshot and cruel. My clothes were soaked in sweat, and the smell of blood that permeated the air made me feel disgusted. And the sight of Richard made me feel sick.

Suddenly, the rain started falling again, adding poignancy to the endless fight. I glanced at Sylvia. After ensuring that she was safe, I started fighting again. I quickly got rid of the people surrounding Richard. But when I was about to approach him, he took out a black pistol from his pocket.

He gave me a wicked grin, pointed his gun at Sylvia, and mouthed at me, “Three. Two. One.”

Sylvia was fighting with an enemy, so she was not aware of the situation. My mind went blank in an instant.

Then without a second thought, I turned into a wolf and ran towards Sylvia. There was a loud bang. The gun was fired. I felt like the whole world quieted down. All I could see in my mind was Sylvia’s face.


Sylvia’s voice rang out in my ears. She looked at my wounded shoulder in disbelief with tears streaming down her face. I reached out and wiped away her tears and gave her a reassuring smile to comfort her. “Don’t be afraid.”

Sylvia covered the hole in my shoulder with her trembling hand. “What… What should I do?”

I wanted to reassure her that I was okay to calm her down. But I found that I was in so much pain that I couldn’t speak. The bullet pierced through my shoulder. Although it deviated from my heart, I still felt the strong burning sensation throughout my heart and the wound.

It was worse than I thought. I realized that I was hit by a silver bullet, a deadly weapon against werewolves.


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