Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 336 The Interrogation

Sylvia’s POV: novelbin

Rufus and I were directly taken to the hall, where King Ethan sat on the throne with a solemn expression. Queen Laura was also here this time, which rarely happened. Sitting next to the king, she still looked noble and elegant, but her eyes lost their usual calmness. Her eyes had been fixed on me since I came in with Rufus.

Title of the document

On the sidelines were the elders and Alphas from various packs. There was pin-drop silence in the magnificent hall as no one dared to speak. Everyone had a solemn face, and the atmosphere was depressing and heavy.

Richard’s neck and arms were wrapped in gauze. He seemed to be in bad condition. He was tire first to make a sound. He glanced at me and quickly looked away with a trace of fear in his eyes. “Father, I think Sylvia should be handcuffed. She is a very dangerous she-wolf.”

Ethan had an unreadable expression on his face. He didn’t respond to Richard’s words. After a while, he asked,

“Can you two tell me what happened in the forbidden forest? Where did the explosion come from?” Rufus stepped forward to answer, but Richard interrupted him.

“Father, I can tell you.” He shoved Rufus away with his shoulder and walked straight to Ethan.

“Since Rufus dared to escape from prison, it means that he doesn’t take you seriously. And his lover, Sylvia, tried to K*ll me in the forbidden forest. She ordered the wild wolves and crows to attack the people I brought to rescue. These injuries on my b*ody were caused by those wild wolves. Sylvia is a monster. She and Rufus are the jinx in our pack.”

I was confused. What crows was Richard talking about? I couldn’t understand. I looked at Rufus subconsciously. He smiled reassuringly at me and said in a low voice, “He’s talking nonsense. Just ignore him.”

Rufus was right. Richard was always talking nonsense. He must be exaggerating to frame me.

At this time, Ethan looked at Rufus seriously. “Is it true, Rufus?”

Rufus was very calm. He raised his eyes and sneered, “Father, if we really want to K*ll Richard, do you think he still has the chance to stand here and distort the truth?”

His words pissed Richard off at once. “And what are you trying to say?”

“Quiet!” Ethan yelled at Richard reproachfully.

Richard shut his mouth sulkily and clenched his fists, looking very unwilling. “Rufus, you must give me a reasonable explanation.”

Ethan stood up from his seat and slowly walked down. “Whether it’s true or not, I have my own judgments. You just need to tell me exactly what happened in the forbidden forest.”

“The explosion was arranged by Richard. Then he brought some people to the forbidden forest, pretending to rescue the victims. But the truth was, their purpose was to K*ll Sylvia and me. We fought back to protect ourselves. That was how the conflict started,” Rufus said coldly.

“That’s nonsense!” Richard jumped to his feet and pointed at Rufus’ face. “It’s you who stopped the rescue team from saving people. It’s so ridiculous that you’re now trying to get away with it and framing me again.”

“It’s not a false accusation. No one is framing you up.” I couldn’t stand Richard’s hypocrisy anymore, so I blurted out everything I knew. “Peter works for Prince Richard. He and his men buried a lot of bombs in the forbidden forest to blow up all the sold*iers there just because they are loyal to Prince Rufus.” My words caused an uproar in the crowd. Even Ethan was shocked.

“Another nonsense! Keep making up stories to frame me. Just make sure that you have enough evidence. Otherwise, it’s slander. You know that, right, Sylvia?”

Richard was still trying to defend himself. At this moment, there was a commotion at the door. Then Blair came in with his men carrying a bloody werewolf in a stretcher. It was Peter. The lower part of his b*ody had been mutilated beyond recognition.

“My King, we’ve caught Peter in the forbidden forest. I think we can get the truth from him,” Blair said and bowed to Ethan respectfully.

“Come, bring him here,” Ethan ordered at once.


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