Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 381 An Unfaithful Lover novelbin

Flora’s POV:

When we were done cleaning up our room, Sylvia retreated to the bathroom to take a shower.

With Sylvia gone, I felt lonely and sad. I thought about what she said just now about how Warren really loved me. I sneered and clenched my fists angrily, inadvertently squishing the orange in my hand. Regret? Never.

I clenched my fists so hard that orange juice spurted everywhere, staining even the uniform I was planning to wear tomorrow.

I hurried to clean it up but felt even angrier with Warren. When Warren was in a coma, his life was in fatal danger. I was so anxious that I didn’t even dare to close my eyes or take a break for fear that Warren would suddenly stop breathing.

Later, when his condition had finally stabilized, I staggered out of his ward to finally have a meal.

When I came back, a nurse told me that Warren had woken up already. I was so happy that all my fatigue disappeared in an instant. I rushed to his ward happily, wondering how Warren would react when he saw me.

But as soon as I arrived, Alina stopped me from entering. She was guarding the door with four muscly b*odyguards, as though she was declaring her sovereignty.

Alina quickly recognized me as Sylvia’s roommate and asked me about my relationship with Warren.

I didn’t know what to say. After all, Warren and I were just pretending to be a couple, so I couldn’t tell her I was his girlfriend. When she saw that I was at a loss for words, Alina sneered and accused me of being a lowly, gold-digging b*tch.

Her loud voice attracted the attention of whoever was in the area.

I didn’t expect a noble lady like Alina would act so nastily. My face turned red from the humiliation. For the first time in my life, I was called a tramp. I wanted to defend myself, but everyone around us sided with Alina.

After that, Alina asked her b*odyguards to throw me out of the hospital.

I fought them back as hard as I could and wanted to leave on my own accord, but I was no match for them. They threw me out of the hospital as though I was garbage, even spitting on me before leaving.

The whole time, the door to Warren’s ward was open. I’m sure we had caused a noisy commotion, yet he didn’t come to my defense and just let Alina drive me away.

Thinking about how alone and helpless I felt at the time, disappointment and rage surged in my heart again. Maybe Warren thought that I had crossed the line with him, so he used Alina to show me how he truly felt about me.

As these thoughts circled around my mind, I couldn’t help but sneer. Looking down at my orange juice- stained hands, hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

I had heard that Alina was the one who took care of Warren these days. He must’ve been very happy.

Back when we were still in our pack, I heard that Warren was very fond of Alina. In fact, he had come to the imperial capital city for that she-wolf. Now that he finally won her heart, congratulations were in order.

I quickly wiped my tears and cursed under my breath.

Damn it! There were plenty of fish in the sea. I refused to cry over one man!

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I should have broken up with him sooner. That way, I wouldn’t have had to endure such humiliation. I felt like a joke.

I kicked the edge of the bunk hard, but hurt myself in the process. I winced in pain.

Damn it, Warren! This was all his fault! Now, luck wasn’t on my side. Harry would’ve made a better fake boyfriend than him.

Gritting my teeth, I angrily took out my phone and unblocked Warren’s number. After hastily sending him a break-up text, I quickly blocked his number again.

After that, I felt a wave of relief wash over me.


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